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Questions tagged [preguntas]

Para preguntas sobre las palabras interrogativas como "qué", "dónde", etc. y sobre cómo formar las preguntas. // For questions about interrogatives such as "qué", "dónde", etc., and how questions are formed.

0 votes
2 answers

Do you put an accent on qué if it is being used as what but in a sentence and not a question?

So, I know most question words in Spanish have an accent in their question forms and then drop it when in a sentence to respond, for example: ¿Sabes dónde está la biblioteca? Sí, yo sé donde la ...
Spanish Student Here's user avatar
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Es correcto preguntar "donde es"?

Recentemente, he escuchado hablantes nativos de español usando ser en situaciones donde yo usaría estar. La primera vez - un amigo Dominicano y yo estabamos planeando juntarnos en un concierto. Le ...
Vera's user avatar
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1 answer

Subject pronoun in a question?

I was reading this article about subject pronouns on FluentU. It stated: When asking questions, put the personal pronoun after the verb. For example: ¿Trabajas tú en la biblioteca? (Do you work in the ...
securityauditor's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

"¿A qué fecha estamos hoy?" – is my Spanish learning app using real Spanish phrases?

I'm using an app called LingoDeer to learn Spanish. It teaches the following sentence: "¿A qué fecha estamos hoy?". A native speaker at work claims that this sentence sounds very artificial ...
Ynv's user avatar
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"Do you have a dog or a cat?"

In English, it is common to see some variation of the following two sentences: Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party? Are you friend or foe? Because these are common ...
capet's user avatar
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"Why do you think they did that?"

Consider this English sentence: Why do you think they did that? I think this can easily be interpreted in two ways: a) You think they did that. Why do you think that? (example answer: "I think ...
capet's user avatar
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How would I answer these two questions? (relative pronouns and adverbs)

How would I answer these two questions? has this example sentence: Fue en ese momento en el que me enteré del atentado terrorista. It has this English translation: It was at that ...
capet's user avatar
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¿Es correcto escribir "quiero saber si sí se realizó"?

El primer si lo escribo sin tilde considerando que es una condicional, el segundo con tilde porque se trata de una afirmación. También me pregunto si es necesario el uso de alguna coma u otro signo de ...
Boris's user avatar
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¿Cómo enumerar distintas preguntas?

Tengo una duda respecto a la enumeración de distintas preguntas. Considerando la siguiente oración... En nuestra página web oficial encontrarás la respuesta a preguntas como: ¿dónde nos encontramos?, ...
Tupi's user avatar
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Convirtiendo oraciones afirmativas en preguntas

¿Es gramaticalmente correcto formar una pregunta en español con tan sólo cambiar la entonación y agregar signos de interrogación? Por ejemplo: "La mujer alta es de un pueblo del norte." ¿La mujer ...
Vero's user avatar
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¿Suena raro preguntar "¿me das tu teléfono?" en Hispanoamérica?

Ayer asistí a un cumpleaños de un niño de padres venezolanos. En un momento dado oí a alguien preguntar a un miembro de la familia si le daba su teléfono, y este respondió "mejor te doy mi número, ¿no?...
Charlie's user avatar
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Placement of personal pronouns in questions

There are several sentences below: ¿Qué opinas tú? ¿Dónde vives tú? ¿Cuándo vas tú? ¿Cuál quieres tú? ¿Quién piensas tú que es el culpable? ¿Cómo estudias tú? ¿Cuánto ganas tú? Questions: ...
Alex's user avatar
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When I ask a question with “quién” and don’t know how many people will be the answer, should I use the plural or singular form? [duplicate]

In English, we only have two words equivalent to quién and its forms—who and whom. Who is used like quién and quiénes, while whom is used like quien and quienes. Because there isn’t a distinction ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
9 votes
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If someone asks a question using “quién”, how can one shortly respond?

In English, if someone asks, for example Who is here? one can respond with an object pronoun, like “me”, “her”, “us”, etc. In Spanish, if someone asks ¿Quién está aquí? One can say “Yo estoy ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a subject vs. object distinction like who/whom?

In English “who” is used as a subject: Who is eating? “Whom” is used as an object: The person whom I saw. In Spanish is there any sort of a distinction like this, or is “quien” both for ...
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