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Questions tagged [rest]

Representational state transfer, or REST, is an architectural style for networking software to transfer information through the web.

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Using both websocket and REST for the application requiring two-way communication

I am currently implementing front-end part of the collaborative application requiring two-way live communication between server and the web app. Cloud service responsible for the data exchange will be ...
helloFromTheOtherSide's user avatar
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How to model api error type with errorCode and parameters

I work on a spring kotlin backend which has an angular and a mobile frontend. We are currently working on error handling and we decided that the backend should return an error code, a general message (...
Christian's user avatar
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3 answers

Encapsulating a central soap service in a microservice?

I am currently developing an application (rest-backend and SPA) that requires information from people (personal data, department, superior... ). Our company has a central directory for this purpose. ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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Multi-tenant (realm based) REST Web API authentication

We're building a multi-tenant setup with a C# Web API and KeyCloak for auth and APISIX as application gateway. APISIX handles the authentication and passes an X-Access-Token to our API when ...
RobIII's user avatar
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How to model two bounded contexts with tight coupling between them

Context Hello, at my company we have been working with DDD for some time now. We have a monolith and some services. The bounded contexts in the monolith use HTTP calls to communicate between them or ...
Antonio Gamiz Delgado's user avatar
-1 votes
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Idempotency for a financial transaction API

Say you have a REST API endpoint like POST /move-money which transfers money from your main account to a savings pot. There are three path parameters accountId for the user's account potId for the ...
MZokov's user avatar
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HATEOAS API - best practice to create multiple entities in one request

I have a HATEOAS API (in ASP.NET) with an endpoint: POST /api/messages - to create a new message and it returns the location of a new message Now I have a requirement that in some cases based on ...
MarisKs's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Why split up data retrieved from a database into multiple endpoints, if we need ALL the data anyway?

I have a "Games" API which retrieves video game data from a large database. The /games endpoint returns some very basic information about the game, such as the title, description, etc. More ...
Yeager's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I avoid duplicate annotations when validating both Entity and DTOs?

I am using the Spring Boot framework to create a RESTFUL API and I need a way to avoid the duplication of validation rules when using multiple DTOs as request/response objects for my endpoints. Using ...
Marco Pierre White's user avatar
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How to handle different json response for the same api rest endpoint and different http status

I have an endpoint similar to GET ../produtcs/123 where 123 stands for an ID. The REST service response with either status 200 and a json object A {"deliveryData": {"status": 200, ...
surfmuggle's user avatar
-1 votes
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Efficient access control list for collections of objects returned by REST api

We have a REST api endpoints that return collections of objects where users could perform different types of actions on those objects. We need it to turn on/off different UI options based on that ...
tlzg's user avatar
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POST and PATCH for a nested resource in REST API

One post can have many comments. How can I design REST API urls for HTTP POST and HTTP PATCH for comments. My idea is to have the following endpoints: HTTP GET: /posts/{postId}/comments HTTP GET (all ...
Aleksander Chelpski's user avatar
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Alternative ways to transfer records from one environment to another

I'm working on an application which has a feature of syncing records between two environments. For example, a record A is created in environment A. After a user verifies it, the user can use the sync ...
Lucifer Darknight's user avatar
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Request validation on API proxy

I am creating an API proxy that acts as a bridge between our frontend application and an AWS opensearch server. This proxy has additional features such as retries and timeouts. One of the features I'm ...
lightning_missile's user avatar
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Creating associated resources before creating the main one in a REST setting

I'm not sure how common of a scenario this is, but what are some approaches to creating associated entities before you have the actual main entity they're supposed to be linked to? (basically having ...
string_loginUsername's user avatar
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5 answers

DTO vs POJO (Entity) on POST request

If I have for example a User POJO like the following @AllArgsConstructor public class User { @Id private final String id; private String username; private String password; private Date createdDate;...
iqueqiorio's user avatar
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3 answers

Should this request return a status of 404 or a different status

We have an API that allows clients to POST some request which takes some time to complete, so the API simply places it on a message queue and returns a 202 (Accepted) and a new GUID in the body. The ...
JoelFan's user avatar
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Many to many REST design for users and teams

I am designing REST API for users and teams of users. One user can belong to multiple teams . One of the requirements is to be able to sort the users belonging to team in alphabetical order. Teams can ...
Marcin Majewski's user avatar
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Endpoint design for single and bulk requests

I'm working on a project in Python and want to get it hosted for others to use, the internal recommendation has been to host it on AzureML (it is a non-machine learning model, but follows the same ...
evaless's user avatar
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When to use PUT vs POST while calling APIs?

GIST: PUT is idempotent PUT is used for updating/creating a resource. POST isn't idempotent. POST is used for creating a resource. So, I'm wondering what should I use in this case and why? I want to ...
tuck_y's user avatar
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Which is better API design for POST endpoints?

I want to create an endpoint for posting different types of commands. I have the option to have one route /commands which can be used for every command type or one route for each command i.e. /...
Christian's user avatar
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What are the benefits of HATEOAS in programs without user interaction?

Let's assume I have a batch job that needs to print orders. It will do so by getting orders from the order service and send them to the print service. It uses HATEOAS to discover the link from the ...
wertzui's user avatar
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Is it okay to combine bff and rest api?

I'm building an application related to donation on streams. And I have such models as "alert" and "alert-template". "alert" is a set of different parameters to understand ...
eugenedrvnk's user avatar
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Strategies for Adapting SQL-Based Data Retrieval to a Newly Introduced REST API in a Short Timeline

I'm in a pickle following a recent executive decision by our parent company. They have elected to abstract away our SQL data warehouse, transitioning to a REST API for data retrieval. The purported ...
javery's user avatar
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I do not like RESTful APIs anymore and dont understand why nobody agrees with me [closed]

Some years ago, every API I developed was a REST API and I did everything to follow the best practices to make them "RESTful". But after some time, I have my doubts if RESTful APIs that ...
David Mason's user avatar
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Do we need APIs to just access databases?

At work, we have a Web application, which makes queries to databases, and I’m asked to determine if using Web APIs could be an added value. Personally, I’m not convinced it is. I know Web APIs are ...
Pine Code's user avatar
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REST - Adding a new field

I have an object with fields like ID, CODE, NAME, etc., and it has its own database table with each field. And I am working on implementing the REST API for this object. I want to expose all these ...
Arpit Jain's user avatar
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Client-Server Coupling in gRPC vs REST

Quoting this article - The Other key differences: gRPC vs. REST section (client server coupling): Client-server coupling REST is loosely coupled, which means the client and the server do not need to ...
Veverke's user avatar
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4 answers

How to build REST uri that fetches children by parent ID

I am building 2 REST microservices: ParentService and ChildService. I need to build endpoint to fetch all Child resources related to specific Parent, so I have these URI's as options: GET /parent/{...
milosdju's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

API design. Make multiple PUT request or one single PUT request for updating multiple fields of the same database

I have three seperate fields and all three are unrelated to each other but part of the same collection (Tables for SQL folks). Now, what I'm getting stuck at is, should I allow end-users to make one ...
CrumpledMemories's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to Implement Spring Boot Endpoint for Confluent Cloud-Like Batch Payloads?

I'm currently working on a Spring Boot application where I need to create an endpoint similar to the one mentioned in the Confluent Cloud documentation (link). The cURL example provided in the ...
Manupriya Logus's user avatar
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REST Api filtering, sorting and order

I've seen in several REST API guidelines recommendations to use filtering in form of, e.g.: /products?filter=name eq 'Milk' or price lt 2.55 (example from:'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do RESTful endpoints elminate the need to SQL triggers?

Do RESTful endpoints eliminate the need to SQL triggers? Triggers are supposed to execute after a certain event. Would moving to RESTful api endpoints conceptually eliminate the need for SQL triggers? ...
henhen's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to use PUT for resources when the id is deterministically derived from immutable properties?

I'm working with a RESTful API where a POST operation is used to create a user. A required field, which could be an email or a unique user nickname, is unique across the system. The response to this ...
Sergey Kolesnik's user avatar
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Is it bad practice to create a resource in a GET request when the resource will be created later automatically?

At the moment I design a RESTful API for a resource that is normally created by a cron job from existing data. Since the cron job runs only every 10 minutes it is possible that GET: /user/{id}/...
Timo's user avatar
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Should I use a REST API in addition to websockets?

I am writing a web application for a simple, multiplayer dice game so the traffic from the client to the server is going to be pretty light and latency tolerant. The client will need real-time updates ...
StaticMethod's user avatar
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Handling simultaneous duplicate expensive read-only HTTP requests

(updated) We have a read-only REST endpoint that performs a somewhat “expensive“ but transient request. Without client needing to poll, we need a mechanism for the server to avoid unnecessary ...
eliangius's user avatar
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sync over async in K8S

We build up a microservice architecture which is called from above by a REACT SPA. All is deployed in the AWS Cloud, that is to say in an AWS EKS (K8S). We have at most 600 users in parallel. Do you ...
kladderradatsch's user avatar
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Is this service considered "an API"? Could it benefit from being Restful?

I'm confused about the meaning of API, specially in the context of REST. I'm thinking of one example. My company creates an application that runs on a server (the "backend"). (JavaScript in ...
Juan Perez's user avatar
-1 votes
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HTTP REST API: Is it wrong to put search parameters in a custom header?

The contents of search string are typically sent as part of the URI query: Those same contents can be sent as the value of a custom ...
SunSparc's user avatar
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REST API: Include graphical resource representation URL: multiple formats problem

Many resources in the REST API I'm designing have a graphical representation. My fist idea was to include the image URL into the resources: Resource1: type: object properties: image: ...
Maxim Zabolotskikh's user avatar
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How do I avoid reading from S3 every time the user updates a filter on the webpage?

I am building a web application where a user logs in, and uploads a CSV file with employee data to S3. This is an example of the format of the file. id name country age 3243 John Doe USA 48 Using ...
the_muffin_man's user avatar
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Correct way to return JSON schemas in a REST API

in our company we have some APIs that return some JSON data. Before sending, for instance, data to the backend using PUT, PATCH, or POST, we need to do some kind of validation in the different clients ...
Antonio Gamiz Delgado's user avatar
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4 answers

What's the convention to name a REST endpoint that returns a boolean?

I have an endpoint that returns whether a resource is valid or not (true or false): GET resource/{id}/valid Where the returned value is not a field of the resource and is dynamic, it does not depend ...
Marco Lackovic's user avatar
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How can I implement a lazy-loading cache for REST objects with custom role-based access?

I'm thinking through adding a lazy-loading cache to my API. Currently, REST objects are filtered out (scoped) based on the user's role, and additional constraints in the system. Users of the same role ...
Brady Dean's user avatar
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Multithreaded processing of single REST requests

Background: We're providing an API that provides information about all users within a given group. Our API is a high level facade over another low-level REST API. To gather those information we first ...
das Keks's user avatar
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Should a REST endpoint return always the same JSON fields?

For example, let's say that I have an endpoint to get a list of buildings, that can be either apartment or house. The client can filter by apartment or house. Apartment has a property floor that house ...
Henrique Andrade's user avatar
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Filter using routes in REST API

I am working on making changes to an existing Web API that exposes information about orders for specific customers. As a developer, I am used to seeing "more or less" RESTful APIs, and I ...
bakided698's user avatar
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Exchanging data between two Microservices

I am facing this problem and would like to review my approach to it here. A Client sends an HTTP request to Service A and is expecting an answer. Service A is connected to DB A. When it receives a ...
Solidak's user avatar
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When does a REST API stops being one in terms of state management?

As far as I understand, there is no certain boundaries for the RESTness of an API. However, I would like your help to understand how large and long (in terms of running time) a caching or state ...
yokus's user avatar
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