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Questions tagged [return-type]

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1 answer

How to handle different json response for the same api rest endpoint and different http status

I have an endpoint similar to GET ../produtcs/123 where 123 stands for an ID. The REST service response with either status 200 and a json object A {"deliveryData": {"status": 200, ...
surfmuggle's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Should my methods return concrete classes or interfaces?

I'm building a ASP.NET Core Web API and the application consists of 3 main modules. Data module: Contains the entities and DbContext Web API: Contains the controllers Service module: Contains all the ...
Critical Failure- Core Dumped's user avatar
10 votes
8 answers

What is the purpose of enclosing all return values and arguments of a method in separate classes?

I've seen such a convention. Whenever a public method is declared, two classes are also defined that enclose its return value and parameters like this: public MethodNameReturnDTO MethodName(...
gaazkam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

"Returns true if changed" pattern [closed]

The Collection interface in Java has, among others, these methods: boolean add(E e) boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) boolean remove(Object o) boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) ...
holmis83's user avatar
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1 answer

REST - different response from same resource dependent on requester

Let's say I have a single resource of employee that belongs to user: { "id": 1, "name": "John Doe", "userId: 1 } When making a GET request to /employees/1, I'm ...
paddyfields's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Good OO design pattern for variant return type needs

I've got a validation function something like this (pseudo-code): public function validate(Thing thing) { if (thing.a != "a") { return false; // most of the time } if (...
CXJ's user avatar
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8 votes
9 answers

Returning true/nothing instead of true/false?

Is it OK to have a function that returns true/nothing instead of true/false? My examples use JavaScript, but I'm wondering about the general case, not attached to one specific language. The subjects ...
john c. j.'s user avatar
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1 answer

UML - Overload operations with different parameters and a different return type

I would like to know if it is allowed in the UML to specify a different return type for overloaded operations. This is possible for methods in Java: public class C { public int addOne(int a) { ...
xoric's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a pattern or best practice for returning dynamically typed data?

I have a method that returns the percentage change of a data in a certain period. After calling that method, i need to know if in the current period the data increased, decreased or is the same when ...
Rafael Dias's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Class that returns multiple unrelated values, are there better way to accomplish this?

I have a "tracker" class. This class tracks objects from a given input image. But in addition to this, there is another parameter that corresponds to a value used in generating the image. The ...
Krupip's user avatar
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1 answer

C# Unit Testing: Mock a Return Type

What is the best way to Mock a return type if we don't care about the actual state of the object. For example, I am Mocking a method whose return type is: IEnumerable<Document> Now, I can add ...
Shamim Hafiz - MSFT's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Callback pattern - return value confusion

I have a ConstraintsResolver class which resolves a queue of Constraints. This is done when a ConstraintsResolver object calls meetConstraint() on a Constraint one. Most of meetConstraint() ...
Themelis's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

In languages without exception-handling, should error codes be returned from the function or in function parameters?

I'm writing a CSV parsing library in C and am considering whether to express error codes as return values or as parameters passed by reference. For example, here are the signatures for the function ...
Govind Parmar's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What do you need Covariant Return Types for?

In this article, it is written that in C# 8.0 new feature of convariant return type will be included as the community asking for this feature for quite a long time. Can anybody explain why and when ...
Himanshu Mange's user avatar
60 votes
6 answers

Why do many functions that return structures in C, actually return pointers to structures?

What is the advantage of returning a pointer to a structure as opposed to returning the whole structure in the return statement of the function? I am talking about functions like fopen and other low ...
yoyo_fun's user avatar
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