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5 answers

DTO vs POJO (Entity) on POST request

If I have for example a User POJO like the following @AllArgsConstructor public class User { @Id private final String id; private String username; private String password; private Date createdDate;...
iqueqiorio's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it okay to combine bff and rest api?

I'm building an application related to donation on streams. And I have such models as "alert" and "alert-template". "alert" is a set of different parameters to understand ...
eugenedrvnk's user avatar
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Where should I create my aggregate root? in api or frontend?

I am writing a simple application to apply what I have learned so far in DDD. I have the following mysql tables in my api server Sales Column id pk, int title varchar description varchar Images ...
emhsmath's user avatar
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4 answers

Design REST Polymorphic API

I have a client/server application that exposes data and commands through REST APIs. This API exposes a GET /recipes/:id endpoint that instructs the client on how to show a recipe. A recipe can be ...
Carmine Ingaldi's user avatar
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1 answer

Asynchronous HTTP request pattern

Here is the pattern that I thought about for a resource accepting a single asynchronous HTTP request at a time (i.e. a request which has not yet been fulfilled when the response is sent): Create a ...
Géry Ogam's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Checking the user in almost all use cases

I have a web application that has Users that belong to Companies. A User can only belong to 1 Company at a time and they can manage their own company information. I'm using java spring and I'm ...
Jordi Pagès's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Design Pattern for accessing data over RestAPI calls

I am looking out for a general design strategy or pattern designing various components in my client application. Here are high level details: The data is accessed my making a RestAPI call. The data ...
theimpatientcoder's user avatar
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1 answer

Sending multiple calls from angular application

I am working in Angular project which is connected to REST API. Here we have an endpoint to create and update room types. POST endpoint for create and PUT endpoint for update exiting room types. Both ...
Nuwan's user avatar
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Should I use ROA or SOA for a distributed application and how could I implement REST If using ROA

For my final year project I'm looking to build a distributed version of a popular benchmarking client (this has already been done using various methods involving some form of existing frameworks), I ...
Grilla99's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

API Versioning when changing a single HTTP Method of an entity

When making a decision to version an API. If you are making a change to an entity but are only making changes to the one of the HTTP Methods. For example POST /api/v1/customers accepts a list of ...
Dot Batch's user avatar
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Rest API backend and React frontend is MVP?

I'm doing a website that has a React frontend that calls some RESTful API and I would like to know if this is an MVP pattern. I think that the React application implements the View and the Presenter, ...
Lorenzo Felletti's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to handle pagination in a stateless application having multiple components involved for the data?

This problem statement is around one UI component, 3 service components. The current design of the application is like: UI makes request to Service-A to get data Service-A first makes a call to ...
G.G.'s user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

How to design a REST API that can "prompt" the client about long-running operations?

Say you were to develop a REST API that provides access to a set of complex, long-running, operations. The typical paradigm for an API like this (as I understand it) usually involves (the client) ...
meci's user avatar
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REST API design: communicating order of inputs is important to the user (in POST request)

Let's say I have a REST endpoint where the order of inputs for a given field is important: POST Request: inputs: {'this_list_should_be_ordered' : [ 'reptiles'...
labheshr's user avatar
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DRY(Don't repeat yourself) Principle and BFFs (Backend-for-Frontend)

We are about to plan our server architecture and we want to use the BFF strategy with node.js servers to serve multiple front-end apps. However we also want to be able to scale easily (e.g. a new ...
telion's user avatar
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