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Questions tagged [cloud]

This tag is for systems development life cycle questions involving cloud software: this is software that runs on a remote system where the people managing the software do not manage its hardware resources. This often involves on-demand resourcing where the environment in which the software lives may be turned on, off, or dynamically acquire or release hardware resources such as processors or storage.

0 votes
1 answer

Using both websocket and REST for the application requiring two-way communication

I am currently implementing front-end part of the collaborative application requiring two-way live communication between server and the web app. Cloud service responsible for the data exchange will be ...
helloFromTheOtherSide's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

In cloud (say AWS), what is the difference b/w golden image and hardened image of OS?

I have tried to search a lot but all I get is their definitions which more or less sound similar. I would like to know if they are same? If not, what are specific differences?
Nikhil Vartak's user avatar
1 vote
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Cons of sending content-available=true and content-priority=high in BULK FCM messages?

While sending FCMs, I've noticed these two headers are important(message won't go without these headers), but what could be the cons of sending both of these headers as it is? I tried to read about ...
tuck_y's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

What exactly do these cloud architecture terms mean? [closed]

What exactly does Hosted-Application, Cloud-Enabled, Cloud-Native and Cloud-Agnostic mean? Pros, Cons, and when to use? Unable to find a similar question on Stack Exchange.
Gokul Nath KP's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Best way to handle versioning between a desktop product and a cloud product when one depends on the other

Let's say that there are two products, product A and product B. Product A is a desktop product that customers download and install locally on their machine. This product follows a typical versioning ...
ChapterSevenSeeds's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

At which points in the process/stack is Cloud data not encrypted - Cloud Security

Assume an application developed in a PaaS public cloud environment. The application stores and processes some kind of sensitive data. Encryption-at-rest seems clearly described already, and the option ...
MrSpence's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Best Practices to Deploy Docker on DigitalOcean using Terraform [closed]

I'm wondering if there are some best practices to deploy Docker images to Digital Ocean using Terraform. Because I don't expect much load and don't need failover features etc. I'm not aiming to deploy ...
Sebastian Sommerfeld's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Architecture for SaaS that can run in my company's cloud or in clients' networks [closed]

I am working on a portable SaaS web application that has these requirements: The application can run as a cloud service hosted by my organization. Clients can run the application in their own on-...
emull8r's user avatar
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1 answer

Data Class: spread boilerplate for each different database over multiple class copies, or add complexity to original class?

I'm creating a prototype mobile app that will store data locally in an sqLite database and also on the cloud (CloudKit for now). The cloud storage uses a certain way of storing the data, and sqlite ...
Adam B's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

An effective database migration pattern for many instances of the same app over a long period of time

How do you handle migrations to your database after a long period of time? I'm using fluent migrator, and after some months or years, the number of migrations could be (and has been in previous ...
thinkOfaNumber's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Exposing redis to external clients

We are building a system that runs on our cloud and that needs information from our clients network that must not be exposed openly. We have concluded that the only way this could work, is if our ...
T.S.'s user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Can companies use already-purchased on-prem tooling in the cloud if they want to move to the cloud? [closed]

Companies spend a lot of money on tooling for on-prem. But then they often want to move to the cloud for its obvious benefits, but feel limited in their ability to do so since they already invested so ...
Cybernetic's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Serving content to authenticated users

I'm wanting to store lots of data in cloud storage - like S3. I want some data to only be accessed by authorised users, one way I could do this is to authenticate the user on my service, download the ...
Tobi Akinyemi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is consistent hashing required for sharding?

I am reading about scaling of database and came to know about sharding technique. But I also read about consistent hashing technique. So how practically sharding is implemented? Do we arrange nodes in ...
rahul sharma's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How to design a program that would definitely use microservices in production, but which I want to demo on a virtual machine for my portfolio?

So I am an independent software developer and I'm building up my portfolio in the hopes of helping with job applications. I have a broad design for a web based "app" (not really like a phone ...
Ellie Lockhart's user avatar

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