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Questions tagged [google]

Google is an American multinational corporation which provides Internet-related products and services, including internet search, cloud computing, software and advertising technologies.

0 votes
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Best design pattern for integrating Google OAuth with existing JWT token-based authentication system

We currently have a backend authentication mechanism in place that utilizes JWT tokens. Users sign in or sign up using email and password, and upon successful authentication, the backend issues JWT ...
Samiksha Garg's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Defining SLI / SLO for ETL and Reporting Application

All, We're just started on SRE journey and trying to define SLI / SLO for our application. It is an ETL application where 1. feeds (e.g. start of day, end of day data feeds) comes from various ...
Ravi Parekh's user avatar
1 vote
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With cookie regulations (GDPR) in Europe and Google's phase out of 3rd party cookies, do analysis tools like Mixpanel etc. still work?

With the cookie regulations (GDPR) in Europe and Google's phase out of 3rd party cookies, do analysis tools like Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Heap etc. still work properly and continue to provide ...
Horst Walter's user avatar
-4 votes
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Release App to Apple and Google Stores - Demo account, only company users and User Generated Content scope

I develop for a company an Ionic cross-platform mobile app that will be published on Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store. I read Apple's Review Guidelines and Google's Developer Program Policy ...
Jo_ch's user avatar
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Best way to integrate google signin in existing user registration system with PHP/MYSQL [Logic]

I want to integrate google signin, in our existing user registration system. But not sure which approach will be good in terms of data security + user experience (UX) + speed. Even if its a good idea ...
mimi's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Thoughts of Google Cloud App Engine Reliability

I have been developing an app that will require a cron task every minute. We are handling our cron tasks with Spring Boot Scheduling. Although, I am a little worried about the following question: ...
Juan's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

read text file with extended ascii from Google Cloud Storage (Java)

We have a text file with extended ascii (words like 'Systèmes' and 'Café'). It is in Google Cloud Storage. Its Content-Type is text/csv. If I download it via the browser UI (
Scott Sancetta's user avatar
-2 votes
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Multi-tenant SaaS using GCP as back-end data store and compute engine [closed]

I am developing a SaaS product for multiple tenants. Each will be able to upload their data to BigQuery via Google Cloud Storage. However, for the users it would only be an "Upload" button on a front ...
TeeJ's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to get email from Gmail to a PHP app

I'm building a PHP app which should somehow receive emails that are to be imported into user records. None of the solutions I've come up with will work (listed and explained below). I'm hoping ...
Quasipickle's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there any advantages of Cloud SQL Proxy over a DBaaS?

I'm currently migrating an app from Heroku to Google Cloud Platform (GKE and Cloud SQL). With Heroku, I've become used to the incredibly simple practice of defining a DATABASE_URL and letting their ...
Michael Hays's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a requirement for an Android App that uses Firebase Google Analytics to provide the user with an opportunity to opt out?

Google describes the rules for Firebase as: You are required to notify your App Users by disclosing the following information: The Google Analytics for Firebase features you have ...
Christian's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Clean Architecture : Google/Facebook Login and data layer

I'm trying to find a way around the integration of Google and Facebook login for an Android application using the Clean Architecture. My application has 3 Android Studio modules : presentation : ...
Rafi Panoyan's user avatar
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How (should I) to look for email uniquess in a registration system vs mail providers policies?

I'm implementing a registration system where I would care of having a clean DB with only unique email addresses. uniquenes could be simply obtained by comparing email addresses strings. But ...
koalaok's user avatar
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How to handle Google Maps locations storage and fetching

I'm developing a google maps application with 50 locations/markers and expecting it to reach about 1000 in a month, each location has a separate database record with properties: Name, Description, ...
Sam's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Access Management of End User Data - End User Permission Tickets

I have been familiarizing myself with Googles Security Design Whitepaper. As far as I can understand, and with respect to a Micro-services architecture, from the Access Management of End User Data ...
Jamie's user avatar
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Database structure for combaning local login with social login

I'm implementing a platform where users can create an account with my system and use it to login. Also I allow them to add any external login (social login) such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and so on....
Artur Kedzior's user avatar
1 vote
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Can one use the Google Maps API to nest polygons and navigate by them?

Google Maps API lets one use polygons to create shapes on a map. What I wish to do is nest these polygons, and use them to describe data which can then be used for navigation. Let's say that the ...
Brian C's user avatar
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Why is there such a fight for companies to produce new languages + frameworks

There's currently a huge growth in larger companies offering new languages and / or frameworks for us to use to create websites, apps or software and I'm interested to know for what reason do people ...
stibos's user avatar
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Mapping Lat & Long for daily history overview on Google Maps

So i have the following data for over a month ( an app that registers all i do) Lat Long On ( DateTime ) Now i am interested in creating a history on plotting the points on Google Maps, similar to ...
NicoJuicy's user avatar
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2 votes
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google maps API key for clients

Google API key is now required for new websites even for a single map embed. How are you going to handle this? I guess the correct way should be to ask a client to create his google API key and send ...
al404IT's user avatar
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12 votes
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What does Google mean here when they say "don't copy and paste this code"?

Here is an excerpt from code from Google's recaptcha API ( /* PLEASE DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THIS CODE. */ (function() { if (!window['___grecaptcha_cfg']) { ...
CastenettoA's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How hidden classes allows faster access to properties in google's V8?

As Lars Bak and Jay Conrod described in several videos and papers, the main idea of hidden classes in V8 is to store concrete offset or transition to another hidden class which probably contains this ...
plomovtsev's user avatar
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How does Google manage their Google Images SSL certificate?

When an SSL certificate is installed on a website, but the page also calls content from another website without an SSL certificate, the SSL certificate icon will turn grey instead of green: instead ...
William's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why doesn't Google use Courgette for Android updates?

Google has an advanced diff tool specifically designed for compiled binaries called Courgette. Is there any reason why they wouldn't use this in Android and the Google Play Store to download updates? ...
you786's user avatar
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Should we still care about _escaped_fragment_ and alternate HTML generation for Single Page Applications?

A few months ago I started a project, which will have two parts – business client overview panel (AngularJS SPA) and public front-end (dynamic HTML with progressive enchancements via XHR). I'd really ...
Kristaps Karlsons's user avatar
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Android proprietary app including Apache-2.0 licensed code from Google

My Android app contains some Apache-2.0 licensed code from Google (in-app billing example) and links to library in the form of a InAppBillingFile.aidl file (same license?). ...
P5music's user avatar
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Search results that display in the form of "1 - 20 of about 65" - why the "about"?

I've noticed that Google and large search engines do not display "proper" paging, but display an approximation. For example, I tried to give a specific search on Google to return few results, as per ...
Karl Cassar's user avatar
2 votes
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What are security advantages of Google Caja over using the web worker API? [closed]

I am currently looking into Google Caja to run user-supplied JS code in the browser and in Node. So far, I understand, that, in a browser context, "cajoled code" disallows reading and messing with ...
Domi's user avatar
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How does Google store its PageRank matrix?

I'm curious to know how Google stores the matrix that's used in the PageRank algorithm; and am looking for a data-structure for storing a very-large (not fitting in memory of any one computer) sparse ...
Yuriy Nemtsov's user avatar
1 vote
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How to integrate google search results in a spring mvc app

Here's what am trying to do (and searching for similar hasn't shown any results anywhere): On my website - provide an input box which will search google for results. I want to display those results ...
happybuddha's user avatar

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