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Questions tagged [cron]

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Architectural decision regarding at-most-once semantics cron jobs in distributed systems

please note that while I refer to a specific web application framework in the following, the problem also arises with most other web application frameworks I know so please don't be afraid to reply ...
dfsg76's user avatar
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AWS and cron job: improve logging, monitoring and concurrence

In my company, we use a separate cron server to run mission-critical background jobs that run on a single ec2 instance: the whole platform is then vulnerable to anything going wrong on this instance. ...
friday-json's user avatar
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Is a message queue the right pattern to use for intra-module communication in a .net core application

Background Information We have a .Net core application that uses Hangfire (pretty version of cron) jobs to batch process different types of data. As a bogus example, we have one job that will run ...
dot's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Organize and maintain a lot of cron jobs

I am working on a fairly large project written in PHP (Yii2) in which we are increasingly using cron for background tasks, such as generating caches, reports, etc. We have started to move the hourly ...
MKMarek's user avatar
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Cron job to read multiple "entities" from the database

I have one microservice (in GO) that needs to read a whole table every hour, filter out some data and send it to another application. So as an example, imagine I have the following model: type User ...
Manuelarte's user avatar
1 vote
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Designing a scheduled based system using Node.js

Just for the example: I have a system which needs to fetch social media timeline on a specific time interval based on user preferences. Let's say we have user A, B, C, and so on. Let's say again we ...
kusiaga's user avatar
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Automatically scheduling CRON jobs via API

So, I'm working on a specific solution that requires the creation of jobs that should run at a specific time, and complete a certain action. We've built a GUI where the client inputs params required ...
Stefan's user avatar
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2 answers

Scheduled Task in webservice

The requirement is to trigger certain tasks (API calls) periodically for each user. But the frequency (time between triggers) is not fixed, the user can change it. In my existing solution I maintain a ...
shoaib30's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Should a process be responsible for scheduling itself?

I need to create a very small service which will programmatically make a database insertion once a day. As our stack primarily uses Node.js, we’re going to write a JS script responsible just for ...
user3781737's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Kubernetes cronjobs - triggering one after another completes - best practice?

I have a micro-service based system running in kubernetes bare-metal. The key aspects are: download data from a datasource nightly and add to a database get any new data from the database, run a ML ...
wokiwiv's user avatar
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Improve performance of single tenants on shared server

I'm trying to improve the performance of our server. We have 1 server with around 25 tenants, each tenant has it's own application instance and database. There are no performance issues, until, each ...
RiesvGeffen's user avatar
-2 votes
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What is the proper way to define a generic cron-job

Am going to handle a CRON job module which will be a generic module, on the job execution time shall I push the events to a queue so let the respective module will pick and do the respective operation....
ankithvicky's user avatar
1 vote
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Business Logic on UI vs Cron/Background Job

In our application some business logic execute when customer do an action on UI and some business logic execute on a cron jobs. I have read some where that we should only keep minimal business logic ...
Imran Qadir Baksh - Baloch's user avatar
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Relational or non-relational database for storing and querying log data?

I'm planning to extend an application with logging of user events. (Client application via REST-API to Symfony). What is the preferred type of databases? Currently the log data is stored in a ...
yellowduck's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to implement time triggered batch processing in a K8s/Java Spring Boot environment?

Environment: Kubernetes Cluster with Spring Boot microservices. One microservice contains a database with a date in one column of a read-only table. Problem/Requirement: When the date is reached, an ...
Datz's user avatar
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