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Questions tagged [google]

Google is an American multinational corporation which provides Internet-related products and services, including internet search, cloud computing, software and advertising technologies.

13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
0 answers

Database structure for combaning local login with social login

I'm implementing a platform where users can create an account with my system and use it to login. Also I allow them to add any external login (social login) such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and so on....
Artur Kedzior's user avatar
3 votes
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Google Maps - Geofence a route

I'm looking at implementing a PHP based application, where by you have a certain route for example London to Edinburgh. Along this route, I want to calculate say a 10mi Radius or Polygon around the ...
christian.thomas's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Are there any advantages of Cloud SQL Proxy over a DBaaS?

I'm currently migrating an app from Heroku to Google Cloud Platform (GKE and Cloud SQL). With Heroku, I've become used to the incredibly simple practice of defining a DATABASE_URL and letting their ...
Michael Hays's user avatar
2 votes
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Should we still care about _escaped_fragment_ and alternate HTML generation for Single Page Applications?

A few months ago I started a project, which will have two parts – business client overview panel (AngularJS SPA) and public front-end (dynamic HTML with progressive enchancements via XHR). I'd really ...
Kristaps Karlsons's user avatar
1 vote
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With cookie regulations (GDPR) in Europe and Google's phase out of 3rd party cookies, do analysis tools like Mixpanel etc. still work?

With the cookie regulations (GDPR) in Europe and Google's phase out of 3rd party cookies, do analysis tools like Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Heap etc. still work properly and continue to provide ...
Horst Walter's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Best way to integrate google signin in existing user registration system with PHP/MYSQL [Logic]

I want to integrate google signin, in our existing user registration system. But not sure which approach will be good in terms of data security + user experience (UX) + speed. Even if its a good idea ...
mimi's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Search results that display in the form of "1 - 20 of about 65" - why the "about"?

I've noticed that Google and large search engines do not display "proper" paging, but display an approximation. For example, I tried to give a specific search on Google to return few results, as per ...
Karl Cassar's user avatar
1 vote
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How to integrate google search results in a spring mvc app

Here's what am trying to do (and searching for similar hasn't shown any results anywhere): On my website - provide an input box which will search google for results. I want to display those results ...
happybuddha's user avatar
0 votes
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Best design pattern for integrating Google OAuth with existing JWT token-based authentication system

We currently have a backend authentication mechanism in place that utilizes JWT tokens. Users sign in or sign up using email and password, and upon successful authentication, the backend issues JWT ...
Samiksha Garg's user avatar
0 votes
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How (should I) to look for email uniquess in a registration system vs mail providers policies?

I'm implementing a registration system where I would care of having a clean DB with only unique email addresses. uniquenes could be simply obtained by comparing email addresses strings. But ...
koalaok's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Access Management of End User Data - End User Permission Tickets

I have been familiarizing myself with Googles Security Design Whitepaper. As far as I can understand, and with respect to a Micro-services architecture, from the Access Management of End User Data ...
Jamie's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

read text file with extended ascii from Google Cloud Storage (Java)

We have a text file with extended ascii (words like 'Systèmes' and 'Café'). It is in Google Cloud Storage. Its Content-Type is text/csv. If I download it via the browser UI (
Scott Sancetta's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Release App to Apple and Google Stores - Demo account, only company users and User Generated Content scope

I develop for a company an Ionic cross-platform mobile app that will be published on Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store. I read Apple's Review Guidelines and Google's Developer Program Policy ...
Jo_ch's user avatar
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