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121 votes

Was a Canadian father jailed for referring to his trans son as his daughter?

Reliable information about this case is hard to find because there is a publication ban on the family identity and on discussion of the child's gender change. However here is a reliable report which I ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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94 votes

Is Alberta ending coronavirus restrictions because of failing to provide evidence of SARS-COV2 virus existence in court?

Short version: Mr. King is misrepresenting the words of a document he received in an ongoing court case against him. He misconstrues the document to mean there is no proof that the virus causing ...
JRE's user avatar
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72 votes

Do Danish and Canadian militaries exchange gifts on a disputed island?

Yes, yes, and maybe. The island in question is Hans Island and is disputed territory between Canada and Denmark due to some historical quirks, According to World Atlas, Hans Island is located in ...
rjzii's user avatar
  • 17k
69 votes

Will a proposed Canadian law allow minors to be euthanized without parental consent?

Currently Canada's euthanasia law does not permit the euthanasia of minors, with or without parental consent. With the passing of Bill C-7 (taking effect March 2023) the criteria have been expanded to ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
  • 57.7k
60 votes

Are there mass graves of indigenous children in Canada?

There are indeed unmarked graves at residential schools in Canada. Whether these include mass burials or not is currently under investigation. The New York Post is incorrect in claiming that "...
Avery's user avatar
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56 votes

Did the Ontario College of Psychologists demand that Jordan P Peterson attend 'communication retraining'?

Yes, they have required Jordan Peterson to attend training sessions. The College has required Jordan Peterson to complete a SCERP. In a decision released on November 22, 2022, the Inquiries, ...
Schwern's user avatar
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50 votes

Are there mass graves of indigenous children in Canada?

Although this is ongoing, the current state is easy to describe. There have been many investigations by indigenous groups on the sites of former Residential Schools using ground penetrating radar and ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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49 votes

Was there recent book burning in Canada?

Yes. There is an incidence where one school board decided this would be a great idea and proceeded to see this done within its jurisdiction in Ontario, Canada. Canadian news outlets reporting on the ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
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35 votes

Was a Canadian father jailed for referring to his trans son as his daughter?

Yes. Once you dig through the censorship issues and publication bans, the actual court order says this: It is declared under the Family Law Act that: (a) AB is exclusively entitled to consent to ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
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29 votes

Did Canada "mandate the content of voluntary speech"?

Yes (and no) Jordan Peterson's main premise is that he should not be forced to use pronouns he sees as ideological - see his interview on The Joe Rogan Experience. In this interview on LBC, he ...
Leon's user avatar
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29 votes

Does Iowa have more farmland suitable for growing corn and wheat than Canada?

The acreage of corn and wheat actually grown is always less than the suitable land acreage, because land has other use besides crops, because other crops are grown too, and because of crop rotation. ...
Weather Vane's user avatar
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26 votes

Are there mass graves of indigenous children in Canada?

There has been no evidence of mass graves at residential schools. What has been found is evidence of large numbers of unmarked graves at many former residential school sites. Many of these graves and ...
Stephen M. Webb's user avatar
21 votes

Would Egale's recommendations for law reform make anal sex legal at any age in Canada?

NO, Egale is not calling for such changes to the law. The LifeSiteNews article links to the Egale final report. After some discussion, the recommendations appear on page 43. TOWARD CONSENSUAL ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
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21 votes

Do 50% of Canadians live south of the 45°42′N latitude?

Close Enough The claim is from 2015. Canada in 2016 had a population of 35,151,728. Looking at the 2016 population for Census Metropolitan Areas in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia in that area with ...
Schwern's user avatar
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16 votes

Did Canada "mandate the content of voluntary speech"?

Yes. For the purpose of this claim, Peterson is right on "compelled speech". But also no, for the purpose of this claim, Peterson is not right for "new" or "first time". Note that the claim as ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
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15 votes

Did the Ontario College of Psychologists demand that Jordan P Peterson attend 'communication retraining'?

Assuming this is the same Jordan Peterson, his profile on the College of Psychologists of Ontario does confirm that he is being required to take a communications program. In a decision released on ...
DenisS's user avatar
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15 votes

Does Canadian law allow the government to take children away from parents that don't accept their gender identity?

The letter of the law is available online, e.g. here: An Act to enact the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, to amend and repeal the Child and Family Services Act and to make related ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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11 votes

Did over half of the women who had abortions in Canada do so because they were pressured to?

This is not specific to Canada, but according to Women Who Suffered Emotionally from Abortion: A Qualitative Synthesis of Their Experiences Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 22 Number ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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10 votes

Does Alberta law require homeschooling parents to not teach that homosexuality is a sin?

The claim on has quite a bit of hyperbole. The Province of Alberta's 2012 Education Act can be found here. The relevant portion (Section 16) states Diversity and respect 16 ...
DenisS's user avatar
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10 votes

Were the Dene people unaware they had mined ore for the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki until the 1990s?

The 1988 book The Social Dynamics of Peace and Conflict: Culture in International Security Georges Erasmus, former President of the Dene Nation, pointed out, "We're aware that the uranium for the ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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9 votes

Is Alberta ending coronavirus restrictions because of failing to provide evidence of SARS-COV2 virus existence in court?

They aren't at all connected. It helps to understand the legal terminology and process. @JRE's excellent answer is on the nail. Courts are extremely focused entities. If a point doesn't matter to a ...
Stilez's user avatar
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9 votes

Is there an increase in sales of child-size coffins?

I cannot find any data on the sales of coffins, but we can look at excess mortality by age group. We can decidedly see that there is no rising trend in the excess mortality in the age 0-14 group. In ...
TimRias's user avatar
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7 votes

Are there mass graves of indigenous children in Canada? This is, to my knowledge, the most recent summary of the status of the various ...
Ertai87's user avatar
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6 votes

If you have half of a Canadian $20 bill, is it worth $10?

Maybe they meant Quebec? According to a CBC article published in 2015: Residents in Quebec's Gaspé region are cutting Canadian bills in half to create a new local currency they call the "demi.&...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 32k
6 votes

Did over half of the women who had abortions in Canada do so because they were pressured to?

This article from 2005 quantifies several dozen reasons why women choose abortion. I selected the following, which seem to fit the claim: From Table 2. Percentage of women reporting that specified ...
elliot svensson's user avatar
5 votes

If you have half of a Canadian $20 bill, is it worth $10?

The Bank of Canada Contaminated and Mutilated Bank Notes webpage makes no specific mention of valuation based on degree of mutilation. Furthermore, there is a document titled Policy on the ...
Adam Lawrence's user avatar
3 votes

Were Canadian politicians targeted by an Indian intelligence covert influence operation?

This article is basically a description of the Canadian court document that it links to. I'm not sure there is any public information to go on aside from this document. It would seem that whatever ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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Do honeybees disrupt native pollinators in North America?

There is a recent review article covering this topic: Do managed bees have negative effects on wild bees?: A systematic review of the literature 8 December 2017, PLOSone: Fifty-three percent of ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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3 votes

Was the testing of Covid-19 vaccines "rushed" or "unprecedented"?

Disclaimer: I know nothing about Canada's approval process or what Canadian politicians said/promised was going to happen. As for the US, the question is alas ticky to answer or next to meaningless. ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar

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