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133 votes

Did COVID-19 take the lives of 3,100 Americans in a single day, making it the third deadliest day in American history?

The numbers on the chart seem to be close for the most part, although there are other events that match the criteria of this image that should be included. We are going to assume, for the sake of ...
DenisS's user avatar
  • 22.4k
130 votes

Did toddlers with guns claim more American lives than terrorism in 2015?

It depends on your definition of terrorism and your interpretation of the quote: is it about American lives anywhere in the world, or about death in America including non-Americans. For the purpose of ...
tim's user avatar
  • 52k
130 votes

Is the infant mortality rate among African-American babies in Youngstown, Ohio greater than that of babies in Iran?

Highly likely. The infant mortality rate in Iran is 13 (per 1000 births); the infant mortality rate for African Americans in Ohio (but not specialized to Youngstown) is 15.6. There may be difference ...
Andrew Lazarus's user avatar
123 votes

Was an elderly woman forcibly euthanized in the Netherlands?

A physician in the Netherlands was recently reprimanded by an "Inspectorate" for the "Disciplinary Offices for Healthcare" (Tuchtcolleges voor de gezondheidszorg) over this case. ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
  • 144k
95 votes

Are cadavers normally embalmed with "butt plugs" before burial?

Yes, that device is used for that purpose, but the claim is somewhat misleading, including about its frequency of use. The device is called an "A/V Closure". A/V stands for Anus/Vagina. Here ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
  • 144k
94 votes

Are female surgeons less likely to kill you?

The statement appears to accurately mirror the research paper. To me it looks about as well done as such a study could be done with the data available. Though beware of popsci news articles which ...
Murphy's user avatar
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88 votes

As of August 2020, was the weekly mortality rate in the US the lowest in a decade and the second lowest in the 21st century so far?

It appears that the study by Colleen Huber, NMD, a Naturopathic Medical Doctor, cited in the OP is incomplete, and was subsequently withdrawn on 13 August, 2020. The NYT article, 13 August 2020, ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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79 votes

Was an elderly woman forcibly euthanized in the Netherlands?

Oddthinking's answer is quite complete, but it does not quite address the allegation by the Daily Wire that She was given coffee with a sedative in it, but she refused to drink it — and then ...
Elise van Looij's user avatar
73 votes

Do about 100 Germans die every year due to risky masturbation?

Even though the article was published by Bild (which is a strong indicator that you have to check the sources yourself) and has no verifiable source, it sounds correct. In 2009, Sandra Kuhn wrote a ...
FooTheBar's user avatar
  • 1,961
62 votes

Are there more boys born in the US?

This happens everywhere, not only in the USA, though the degree of disparity varies from country to country. Gender Ratio - Our World in Data provides a lot of information on this topic. The two most ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
55 votes

Is austerity in the UK responsible for "120,000" extra deaths?

That new report (Effects of health and social care spending constraints on mortality in England: a time trend analysis) is absolutely in line of prior research. The mortality rises across the board ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
  • 44.1k
53 votes

As of August 2020, was the weekly mortality rate in the US the lowest in a decade and the second lowest in the 21st century so far?

No. Sanity check: The CDC has provisional weekly death data for 2019 and 2020 available here: The average number ...
andars's user avatar
  • 611
44 votes

Was an elderly woman forcibly euthanized in the Netherlands?

Something that isn't discussed in both answers here is that in her demented state, she did express herself. From the decision, point 2.13, most recent 3 quotes, translated: Dutch: “2 april 2016 (…...
Erik A's user avatar
  • 557
42 votes

Has there been a 1101% increase in excess deaths among children aged 0-14 across Europe in 2022?

"Caveat percentor" You can DL the dataset from EuroMOMO and do the simple arithmetic yourself. (Sorry no direct link to the dataset seems possible; they use some AJAX or stuff like that.) It'...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
42 votes

Do sandcastles kill more people than sharks?

Partial Answer: It's likely very close Wikipedia provides a list of fatal shark attacks in the US (reproduced below), but there is no such publicly available list for sand collapses so it's hard to ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 32k
41 votes

Does mortality fall when doctors go on strike?

If you are sick, keep the doctors away? (Variously attributed to Democritus and Leonardo da Vinci, no reliable source found) Doctors' strikes and mortality: a review (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.09....
LangLаngС's user avatar
  • 44.1k
38 votes

Are white and non-white police officers equally likely to kill black suspects?

TL;DR - we don't know if the study is corroborated. I will continue to look into this topic to edit and improve the answer. It may be too early to conclude if the results of the 2018 paper are ...
Barry Harrison's user avatar
37 votes

Are deaths of patients with, but not because of, COVID-19 recorded as COVID-19 deaths in the USA?

The larger context of Birx's quote is:: There are other countries that if you had a preexisting condition and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem ...
tim's user avatar
  • 52k
35 votes

Was 2016 the Deadliest year for the LGBTQ community?

The data this claim seems to be based on is severely limited. I applaud their efforts to bring attention to this issue, but they do not appear to be using scientific counting methods, and their data ...
BobTheAverage's user avatar
32 votes

Was 2016 the Deadliest year for the LGBTQ community?

In addition to BobTheAverage's asnwer, the claim has other notable problems (hat/tip to commenters on the question for some of them): The claim tries to imply (not just the image, but HRC'...
user5341's user avatar
  • 31.3k
31 votes

Do about 100 Germans die every year due to risky masturbation?

tl;dr Possibly. We cannot be sure. There are no official statistics about that. The origin of this claim is German tabloid Bild: 80 bis 100 Tote jährlich durch Selbstbefriedigung 80 bis 100 ...
LangLаngС's user avatar
  • 44.1k
28 votes

Has there been a 1101% increase in excess deaths among children aged 0-14 across Europe in 2022?

These are the graphs for mortality from EuroMOMO which are the source for the claim as far as I can determine: There is also this article fact checking the claims of the blogger: Viral claims are ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
  • 43.7k
27 votes

Do rats swim 240 times longer after being saved from drowning?

TRUE (kinda, it's complicated) EDIT: To address Jack Aidley's comment: The physiological measurements mentioned in the paper, which indicates that some rats will die before they even enter the water, ...
nathansit's user avatar
  • 395
25 votes

Did Sweden experience lower all-cause mortality during the pandemic?

Sweden was not particularly good or bad on covid compared to Scandinavian peers, but it did better than some major developed countries If we compare the cumulative covid death toll from trustworthy ...
matt_black's user avatar
  • 56.2k
24 votes

Is Ruth Bader Ginsburg alive as of February 2019?

In this article by the well-respected Associated Press, we read of a concert that Justice Ginsburg attended Monday night (Feb 4, 2019), her first public appearance since surgery in New York on ...
elliot svensson's user avatar
24 votes

Is Covid-19 the biggest ever killer of Americans (mutatis mutandis)?

No, but it's close, ranking between #4 and #6 depending on how you count. As of August 20, 2020, the US death toll from COVID-19 is roughly 175,000 (source: the New York Times, the CDC, and ...
Mark's user avatar
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23 votes

Is Covid-19 the biggest ever killer of Americans (mutatis mutandis)?

According to the CDC The 1918 flu pandemic virus kills an estimated 195,000 Americans during October alone. According to the data collected by Johns Hopkins, Covid-19 has killed 173,626 people in ...
TimRias's user avatar
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22 votes

Did more than 300 polling workers die as a result of their work during the spring 2019 Indonesian election?

This is actually a matter of statistics. Counting the ballots in the election has required more than 7 million poll workers spread across 810,000 poll stations in a very wide variety of regions -- for ...
Avery's user avatar
  • 46.4k
22 votes

Have about 170 million people been killed in the name of Allah?

The number cited is 270 million I found the relevant passage in book you cited, which reads: "“We will be studying the deaths of 270 million Kafirs over 1400 years in jihad. That’s 60 million ...
Avery's user avatar
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21 votes

Did a hypothermic, clinically dead boy revive in response to prayer defying "every expert, every case history, and every scientific prediction"?

A quick Google search found a list of similar cases: Tipton, M. J., & Golden, F. S. C. (2011). A proposed decision-making guide for the search, rescue and resuscitation of submersion (head under) ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
  • 16.6k

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