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Questions tagged [angular]

It's a open-source (web) application platform intended for front-ends and is based on TypeScript programming language.

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Slow communication between FE-BE

I have an application with the following architecture: frontend (Angular) that runs on my PC locally with http server and backend (.NET Core) on a remote machine on which the database also runs. My PC ...
Andrea Palermo's user avatar
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How to configure .htaccess for use with Angular

Angular provides a standard .htaccess to be used in Angular applications. RewriteEngine On # If an existing asset or directory is requested go to it as it is RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} ...
Tom's user avatar
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Getting nginx to pass all routes to Angular index.html

I have an Angular app hosted on nginx that talks to a back-end API. The back-end is working, the app is working when I go to but if I go to it doesn't get ...
glenatron's user avatar
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Openshift nginx proxy_pass not redirecting from current host to another

This is my DockerFile FROM USER root RUN mkdir /.ionicsecurity && \ chmod 775 /.ionicsecurity && \ ...
Pat's user avatar
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Browser displays black "xxx took too long to respond" for 3 seconds then displays the expected page

There are two apps A and B. A is used to authenticate users and passes a token to B, B adds a cookie. Something strange happens whenever the cookie expires or after a long period of time or hard ...
Ross Bush's user avatar
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Config nginx proxy for tomcat app on Ubuntu [duplicate]

I have that config for nginx: server { listen 80; server_name myDomain; access_log /var/log/nginx/tomcat-access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/tomcat-error.log; underscores_in_headers on; if ($...
Olexie Polishchyk's user avatar
-1 votes
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nginx: [emerg] "worker_processes" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:1 in angular 15?

Iam facing with this error, nginx: [emerg] "worker_processes" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:1 Docker File: FROM AS ...
Kapil Soni's user avatar
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Deploying Typescript + Angular app to Azure App Service via Azure Devops pipeline (ng modue not found)

Got this typescript + angular app that works great locally. Trying to set up a deployment pipeline on Azure Devops that builds and releases to App Service (linux nodejs webapp). The plumbing works, ...
soundcake's user avatar
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Web application not responding on IIS 10 after OS Upgrade

I upgraded to Windows 2022 and IIS 10 from Windows 2016 and IIS 8. But after the upgrade my 2 sites are badly affected. In the evening, when the traffic on the server increases, it goes into non-...
Anees's user avatar
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Configure Nginx to serve Wordpress site and Angular app with same domain

I'm newbie with Nginx and server configurations. I'm trying to deploy a Wordpress web and Angular 2 webapp (each project in a different folder/path) using the same domain and configured by Nginx. For ...
Rubén's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy do not load JS and CSS from other server

I have two version of a WebApp, running on two different servers (prod and dev). Prod version is available on, and dev version on However, when I set the proxy to load dev ...
Guix's user avatar
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Why can't I reach ng by the interface IP address?

I'm trying to use VirtualBox to set up an Ubuntu Linux VM to emulate the server I'm developing for. The server has three network interfaces. On the server, there is a web page hosted by ng and an ...
Chris Nelson's user avatar
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Lightsail amazon - Can't reach port

I have an angular app on a Lightsail server. It seems to run correctly See here I created the rule in the network tab on the 4200 port See here But I cannot reach it from the outside ... See here Can ...
Mourad B's user avatar
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Npm install and ng build takes 35-40min

I have environment: Jenkins Docker proxmox with vm and lxc container angular 9 project Problem is with my Dockerfile building, it takes around 35-40min. My dockerfile FROM node:12.6-stretch ARG ...
PawelC's user avatar
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How to create auto redirect to 301 https + proxy_pass in NGINX for one location /

This is my nginx config: server { listen 80; server_name; server_tokens off; location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ { root /var/www/certbot; } location / { proxy_pass ...
Aliaksandr Vysotskiy's user avatar

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