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Questions tagged [port]

Port is a generic term that can refer to port number (software related term), and computer hardware port. Here, questions referencing this tag refer to port numbers.

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2 answers

Why does port 8443 work, and port 4223 doesn't?

I implemented a https server and a wss server using NetCoreServer in DotNet8.0 When i run the server(s) in a local virtualbox, and access it by its extern ip, everything works fine. I now uploaded the ...
Dryzler's user avatar
-1 votes
0 answers

Docker compose - expose port on one of networks attached

I tried to set up dockerized OpenVPN server. I want it to be a gateway to internal service. I set two networks and exposed VPN port on one of them. This is my compose.yaml: services: vpn: image: ...
Smok's user avatar
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Glue DNS records not reflecting new address

On Ubuntu 24 using bind9 to config my DNS entries. I got my domain from GoDaddy and I updated my nameserver to reflect the new server address the old IP if ...
Derek Hill's user avatar
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1 answer

linux + how to close connection that are not in used

from netstat -anp | grep :8088 | grep EST we can see the following connection ( is example from our hadoop server ) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED ...
King David's user avatar
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Accessing Azure File Share when port 445 is blocked, while maintaining access to on prem DNS for name resolution

Currently port 445 is blocked for endpoints attempting to access a file share in Azure. I have two options, use Azure File Sync, or use a VPN / ExpressRoute. By using a VPN, will I have the same issue ...
Jordan Algar's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

TCP source port sharing

My understanding of TCP connection is that a source PORT remains exclusive to one connection, no matter the destination is, so the number of connections from local port 12345 for example can never ...
doc_id's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to change the SSH server port on Ubuntu?

I have changed the SSH server config file /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Port 2222 Then I restarted the SSH server service: systemctl restart ssh.service. However, the SSH server is still running on port 22, ...
phanaz's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx assets not found node js express static rendering

I'm having a similar issue as here, I have a node js express server rendering a build react app ( CRA ) in a folder /public/build. However while using nginx as a reverse proxy, assets get status 404 ...
Sophie's user avatar
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Windows Server's local TCP port range is silently blocked by something

I am dealing with a Windows Server 2022 Standard device (Build 20348) that displays very strange behaviour related to local TCP ports. There is a range of ports inside the usual dynamic range (the ...
Andreas Anoneas's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Microsoft DNS listening on a high-numbered TCP port

In addition to port 53, the Microsoft DNS service also listens on a single high TCP port. This port changes every time the service starts (since it is a high port). What is this port used for? Note: ...
chris's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

NGINX Proxying Port

i use nginx as reverse proxy and proxying some of our webservers, application systems etc. Now i have a application, that is accessable via https on port 2222. So i created a redirect as i did for ...
Sebi's user avatar
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0 answers

Error while deploying a cluster on openstack

Error waiting for instance (f6572108-772b-4680-861a-ef3534968616) to become ready: unexpected state 'ERROR', wanted target 'ACTIVE'. last error: %!s()
Prince Pranav's user avatar
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YARN resource manager "HTTP request sent, awaiting response..."

we have Hadoop cluster with active/stand by resource manager services the active resource manager is on master1 machine and the stand by resource manager is on master2 machine in our cluster YARN ...
King David's user avatar
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kvm forward port from Host to guest VM bridge mode

I have a server Ubuntu 22.04 on cloud (VPS) with one external IP (public) address (, and the internal IP (private) address ( On that server I use libvirt (Virtual Machine ...
Mohammed haddadi's user avatar
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1 answer

How to save custom rule in ufw? Ubuntu 23.10

I am using ufw and I would like to add a custom rule iptables -I INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT But even following iptable-save Upon reboot, the rule is gone. I also ...
brad's user avatar
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