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Questions tagged [slow-connection]

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Slow communication between FE-BE

I have an application with the following architecture: frontend (Angular) that runs on my PC locally with http server and backend (.NET Core) on a remote machine on which the database also runs. My PC ...
Andrea Palermo's user avatar
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Unreasonably slow SSH tunnel - but just in the opposite direction

While setting up rsync to a remote computer, I realized that syncing from my laptop the remote was fast, but the opposite was slow. After some debugging and iperf3, I figured that this only happens ...
doppioandante's user avatar
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Nginx as proxy and very slow client weird issue

We have web api with multiple endpoints behind nginx (1.18.0 on Ubuntu 20) proxy. Everything works fine but one scenario. When user whith our company's Android app tries to upload attchment using ...
Dadudki's user avatar
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Apache sometimes hangs while responding to requests

I have an Apache web server working in windows environment. It is working smoothly, but sometimes even when on low load, is fails to serve the said requests but quickly loads the page when user ...
12416_INDB's user avatar
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Slow SSH connection establishment with PuTTY but not with OpenSSH

I'm having an a slow connection establishement issue with PuTTY : > time.exe plink.exe -no-antispoof [email protected] exit ...
SebMa's user avatar
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Slow ssh connection establishement in the same LAN

Hi, connecting to some SSH Linux servers on the same LAN takes about 10 seconds : me@PC-A $ time ssh X.Y.Z.T : Warning: Permanently added 'X.Y.Z.T' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. real 0m10.168s ...
SebMa's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is ping time much higher using wifi than Ethernet connection?

I have struggled with API of recently. Because it is so slow and unstable when fetching data. I thought it was just the problem of this site. However, I found it is ...
user15964's user avatar
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Different traceroute response times for same path

When troubleshooting for slow Internet speed on one computer, I am having systematic slower response times between two computers when running tacert, for any domain.They are both connected to the same ...
alepage's user avatar
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kvm / proxmox 5 - virtio_net slow network 5Mbit, sometimes 900Mbit in opposite or both direction

Environment: several PROXMOX 5 (KVM) servers (kernel: 4.15.18-30-pve) VMs running Debian 9, 10 and 11 (vitrio /qemu-guest-agent current version of the respective Debian version) network cards ...
farax's user avatar
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TCP DUP ACK/Out-of-Order/Previous segment not captured/Retransmission flooded on wireshark logs

Due to slow network, I installed wireshark on the device(laptop) to find this This is a log of the device using internet(Downloading a file),as you can see at the right end of the screenshot, the ...
user253776's user avatar
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SQL Developer queries are very slow if I am not connected as sys

I want to run my PL/SQL Queries on SQL Developer and created a new user connection. But if I run: set serveroutput on size unlimited; begin dbms_output.put_line('Hello Oracle.'); end; / clear ...
AStudentwhoneedsHelp's user avatar
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Apache server slow responses on AWS instance (Linux 2)

I have deployed a LAMP web app into two separate AWS instances (labeled prod and test). Both are t2.micro, but prod is the older Linux image and test is the new Linux 2 image. Using the chrome browser ...
Mario's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Wireguard slow but only for windows upload

We have the problem that the connection from multiple client networks via Wireguard Tunnel to a Samba share on a server is slow, but weirdly it only affects Windows 10 and only uploads. A Linux Host ...
Melkor333's user avatar
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Suddenly milions of visitors to EC2 instance run wordpress multisite. Very slow, now what? [duplicate]

I think the title says it all... My dream has come true, now what? EC2 was something 2 cores maybe 4 gbs of ram... I use S3 bucket as the storage, compressed the images in Photoshop prior to the ...
AlanDontAsk's user avatar
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Is it possible to force Windows 10 to use higher TCP window scale?

I have two Windows 10 machines (bld 2004) I am trying to send data to between two sites. The sites average about 50ms RTT with no packet loss. I am having an issue where the max transfer rate I can ...
Ryan F's user avatar
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