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25 votes
3 answers

Has the Federation ever kicked a planet or civilization out of the Federation?

I've seen several episodes where planets have petitioned the Federation for membership, and still others where the Federation is watching a planet's development in anticipation for future membership; ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Any EU Mention of the content of the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets?

Are there further mentions of this Constitution in the books, perhaps with other Guarantees? In canon, the 7th Guarantee is mentioned in ST:TNG S04E21 that I am rewatching now, paraphrased in Memory ...
Solemnity's user avatar
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The Founders, The 'Ancient Humanoids', the Preservers - are they linked? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Did The Founders evolve from the race that seeded the Alpha Quadrant? The Star Trek canon had several references to 'ancient' originating or protective species. Among them: ...
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10 votes
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Was there any mention in Star Trek canon or non-canon novels of any encounter between the Borg and Klingons or Romulans?

As far as I remember, when Borg cubes attack the alpha quadrant, they always engage the Federation and Earth is their primary target. Have there been any mention of any encounter between the Borg and ...
The Byzantine's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Are remnants of the Husnock civilization ever found?

Kevin Uxbridge admitted to killing all the Husnock in the third season TNG episode "The Survivors." The Husnock were never seen or heard of again in the TV series. However, there are many Star Trek ...
Kyle Jones's user avatar
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9 votes
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Star Trek TOS-TNG crossover novel

I have been searching for the title of a TOS-TNG crossover novel for some time. I believe it was published in the early 1990s, as I do not remember Voyager or DS9 being on TV. It was also before ST:...
matt's user avatar
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Have the Douwd made any other appearances in Star Trek canon other than "The Survivors"?

The Douwd made their one and only Star Trek TNG appearance in episode 3x03: "The Survivors". They were a species of extraordinary powers, but with a pacifistic nature. As Captain Picard once said ...
James Tomasino's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Star Trek: TNG novels that continue episodes? [closed]

In the original series episode, "All Our Yesterdays", Spock goes back in time 4000 years into a particular planet's history. Two sequels to this episode were written as novels. "Yesterday's Son" and "...
Sam's user avatar
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127 votes
8 answers

What was the origin of Star Trek's Borg?

Was there any explanation of the origin of the Borg from Star Trek? I've seen most of the TV shows but not read any books - is it explained there?
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