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Questions tagged [nanotechnology]

For questions about "nanotechnology", the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. A common trope in science fiction works set in the future.

6 votes
0 answers

Book series about a guy who is saved from an assassin by a crew, taken to their lair and taught magic, before being sent back in time

Looking for a series of books featuring sci-fi, time-travel and magic that I read around 10 years ago. Plot points I remember: Book opens up with the MC having a family and living in a well-guarded ...
5 votes
0 answers

Sci-fi book (all-knowing cow, almost grey goo beginning, different universe/dimension)

Someone created self-replicating nanobots that replicated enough only to replace every other few nano particles. The consequence is that privacy is impossible as every nanobot has a camera and you can ...
32 votes
1 answer

Man invents immortality, loses wife, spends life of the universe looking for her

I read a short story online several years ago (between 2008 and 2016) that dealt with the discovery of nanotech based immortality and a man's search for his wife through the life of the universe. The ...
17 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi short story about a teacher who was being studied to learn how to get robots to replace teachers in classrooms

Looking to identify a sci-fi short story I read in high school. The story was about a teacher, the last in the country (I think), who was being studied by an AI/government group to learn how to get ...
11 votes
1 answer

Story about a man bringing nanomachines from the future to save his lover [duplicate]

Many years ago I read a short (?) sci-fi story that I've since lost track of. Here's what I remember: A man came from the future, met a girl, fell in love, told her he was from the future and (not ...
10 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi novel about search for immortality using nanobots while also causing a pandemic

I read this novel about 15-20 years ago, most probably somewhere online (though can't remember where). It was fairly new at the time (not older than 5-10 years). So I guess mid-90s to early 00s. It ...
7 votes
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Nanotech arms-race short story - nanodevice kills people who have read Drexler

I think I read this short story online (and I think it was quite short) around 2000. The main character has a friend who is enthusiastic about nanotechnology and has a copy of Drexler's Engines of ...
3 votes
1 answer

First appearance of nano-tech on screen

Nanotechnology as per Wikipedia is the use of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale for industrial purposes. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology referred to the ...
8 votes
1 answer

Trying to find a story about a woman and her story with nanotechnology

The plot is centered on a woman. She had a husband who was a scientist. He always told her stories about the future and their technology. She doesn't care much about it. I don't remember why but the ...
10 votes
1 answer

Book involving Alien Invasion, enslavement of human race

I know the details of the book well enough, but I can't remember the title or series title for the life of me. It is recent (Post 2008 or so). YA sci-fi. Set in the UK at modern times. Book one, kid ...
12 votes
0 answers

Novel where single-atom blades bounce off from each other

A long while ago (5-10 years) I read a science fiction novel in which characters dueled with nanotechnology blades that are Sharpened to a Single Atom. One aspect I found interesting was that the ...
4 votes
0 answers

Alien Nanotech Builds Space Travel Portal

There was a series of books that I read part of back in the 1980s in trade paperback form published in the US. It was newly published then I think. It featured an alien race that had perfected ...
12 votes
2 answers

What's the first appearance of monomolecular wire or nanofilament (extremely thin, superstrong, hence cuts almost anything)?

There's a pivotal scene in Larry Niven's short story, "The Borderland of Sol" in which Beowulf Shaeffer uses a length of Sinclair monofilament -- a monomolecular wire as strong as molecular ...
11 votes
1 answer

Short story about aliens who want to trade items for information, stories, jokes etc

So the aliens sent down pods, maybe they were phones, requesting info and would give you things in return. I remember a guy asked for a device that could make anything you want using nanotechnology. ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Are there signs that the Matrix holds any technological resemblance to out-of-universe computers?

I've read on several occasions here a tendency to assume that the Matrix as a technology is operated much like out-of-universe (i.e. "our world") computers: Assuming the Matrix runs in a ...

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