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Questions tagged [nanotechnology]

For questions about "nanotechnology", the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. A common trope in science fiction works set in the future.

60 votes
4 answers

Why was Darth Vader given a downgraded version of General Grievous's mechanics?

Darth Vader was given obsolete technology for his suit, as can be seen in this question. It seems odd that he wouldn't have been given similar technology. Why was this done?
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

Man invents immortality, loses wife, spends life of the universe looking for her

I read a short story online several years ago (between 2008 and 2016) that dealt with the discovery of nanotech based immortality and a man's search for his wife through the life of the universe. The ...
Xantec's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi short story about a teacher who was being studied to learn how to get robots to replace teachers in classrooms

Looking to identify a sci-fi short story I read in high school. The story was about a teacher, the last in the country (I think), who was being studied by an AI/government group to learn how to get ...
Sorel's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

What caused the Melding Plague in Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space universe?

I'm looking for information on the origins/causes of the Melding Plague. Is the specific cause in the books (and I just missed it) ? Is there any other information from Reynolds (interviews, short-...
Rusty's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

In Stargate: Atlantis episode Lifeline (S4E02), why doesn't the anti-replicator field affect Elizabeth Weir?

Her nanites ought to have been disabled by the field, why wasn't she affected? Is there an in-universe explanation that I missed?
Daniel Bingham's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

What is this book? Nanotechnology from the Moon destroying the world's technology

A friend of mine recently highly praised a Sci-Fi book he read, but could not recall the author/title since he read it a while back. He did provide many details but apparently not enough for my ...
user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What's the first appearance of monomolecular wire or nanofilament (extremely thin, superstrong, hence cuts almost anything)?

There's a pivotal scene in Larry Niven's short story, "The Borderland of Sol" in which Beowulf Shaeffer uses a length of Sinclair monofilament -- a monomolecular wire as strong as molecular ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi story about cubes/threads attracted to sentient beings that entangle/kill them

I read this science-fiction story probably about a decade ago. I vaguely remember the cover featuring a pink cube. Plot points: There's a sort of environmental threat of weird never-fully-...
Murphy's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

War with remotely piloted micro-machines

While waiting to get onto a computer booked at the local library about 2 years ago, I picked up a sci-fi novel whose name and author I cannot recall and began reading. Elements of the opening part of ...
Andrew Thompson's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Novel with nanotech, a utopia isolated from grey goo, and an AI in the protagonist's head

The only reason I even remembered the plot was due to the nanite use. I don't think the plot is very original and is similar to at least a dozen other books written in the last 10 years, but I figured ...
Kashim's user avatar
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12 votes
0 answers

Novel where single-atom blades bounce off from each other

A long while ago (5-10 years) I read a science fiction novel in which characters dueled with nanotechnology blades that are Sharpened to a Single Atom. One aspect I found interesting was that the ...
Adam Q's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Short story about aliens who want to trade items for information, stories, jokes etc

So the aliens sent down pods, maybe they were phones, requesting info and would give you things in return. I remember a guy asked for a device that could make anything you want using nanotechnology. ...
Welltempered1 's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Story about a man bringing nanomachines from the future to save his lover [duplicate]

Many years ago I read a short (?) sci-fi story that I've since lost track of. Here's what I remember: A man came from the future, met a girl, fell in love, told her he was from the future and (not ...
jpmnteiro's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Title of story about Nanobots causing a nuclear apocalypse

I read a short story that was part of a series within the last three years. I think it was published then. I remember really enjoying it and I wanted to read more but I can't remember the title of it ...
Jarred's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Story about glass particles with memory

I'm looking for a story I read about 40 years ago in which there is memory retaining glass... At first people place sheets of the glass in lovely places, so that it can be fitted into a window frame ...
Jannie's user avatar
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