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Questions tagged [economics]

A social science that looks at the distribution of wealth in a society and assumes that changes in supply and demand of a scarce resource may be reasonably predicted.

12 votes
4 answers

How Important is Money in the Wizarding World?

With all the other economic questions being asked about the wizarding world that Harry Potter lives in, it's gotten me to wonder about this. While Harry is wealthy, and the Weasleys are apparently ...
Tango's user avatar
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3 answers

Does Gringott's Wizarding Bank pay interest on deposits?

Jack B Nimble answered something (to What exactly do the Malfoys do for a living? ) which seems to be in need of confirmation from the canon. Much like the British Royalty the Malfoys have "old ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Was there a concept of investing in Harry Potter's wizarding world?

I just saw DampeS8N's comment to this question: What exactly do the Malfoys do for a living? Lots of investing in businesses and basically living off the interest it generates. Is there any ...
YHZ's user avatar
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How to reconcile the cashless human/Federation society with human traders and merchants

From a variety of sources, including this great question, we know that the Federation (or at least the humans) don't use money. This raises the problem that humans frequently visit worlds where there ...
erdiede's user avatar
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Where does time come from in the movie "In Time"?

In Time shows a world where time is currency. The film explains that on a person's 25th birthday, their clock "starts ticking", with one year on it. From that point forward, they can buy and sell ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Why and how did the Star Trek Universe evolve to a cashless/commerce-less society?

I've always wondered this ... I recall fleeting references to the lack of a money system in TNG (something about abandoning the quest for material wealth), but was it ever explained why and how and ...
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