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5 votes
3 answers

Is Bajor's post-occupation economy money-based?

Other than a single reference to money in DS9: "Necessary Evil" (which could well be edited away without hurting any story arc), I don't remember the Bajoran economy being portrayed as being based on ...
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How do Starfleet personnel get credits or Latinum? [duplicate]

Quark's bar takes payment in Latinum; and perhaps, as discussed in this question - in Federation "credits" (backed by something - not clear what). Now, in another discussion e.g. in this answer, the ...
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Why do the Ferengi still use latinum as currency?

In DS9 (and to a much lesser extent, TNG), the financial acumen of the Ferengi is repeatedly emphasized. Yet they always seem to cart around physical latinum (usually in gold-pressed form in-universe ...
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52 votes
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How to reconcile the cashless human/Federation society with human traders and merchants

From a variety of sources, including this great question, we know that the Federation (or at least the humans) don't use money. This raises the problem that humans frequently visit worlds where there ...
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