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5 votes
3 answers

Is Bajor's post-occupation economy money-based?

Other than a single reference to money in DS9: "Necessary Evil" (which could well be edited away without hurting any story arc), I don't remember the Bajoran economy being portrayed as being based on ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How do Starfleet personnel get credits or Latinum? [duplicate]

Quark's bar takes payment in Latinum; and perhaps, as discussed in this question - in Federation "credits" (backed by something - not clear what). Now, in another discussion e.g. in this answer, the ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Would Gringotts convert Wizard money to Muggle money?

The books make it clear that they offer the reverse service (see the following question: What Do the Gringotts Goblins Do With Muggle Money?). According to the canonical answer to that question, Q: ...
wyvern's user avatar
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12 votes
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Is there any canon indication that Galleons and Sickles are actually made of pure Gold and Silver?

A large number of questions and discussions on Wizarding economy seem to take it for granted that Galleons and Sickles are made of pure Gold and Silver respectively, but is there actually any ...
Shisa's user avatar
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Are the wizard coins in the Harry Potter books international?

The Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts are described as the currency of wizards. I don't remember seeing anything about any other currency used by wizards. Is there such currency? Are Galleons, Sickles, and ...
vsz's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the reason for such a strange exchange rate in the wizard currency in Harry Potter?

There are 17 Sickles in a Galleon, and 29 Knuts in a Sickle. This seems very impractical, as both numbers are primes. It might be an out-of-universe parody of how old muggle money was divided before ...
vsz's user avatar
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Plutonium in currency?

Trying to think of where I read this - there was a society that put actual plutonium in the coinage, as a means to encourage people not to be too greedy; if one hoarded too many coins, they'd go ...
JustJeff's user avatar
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130 votes
14 answers

Why and how did the Star Trek Universe evolve to a cashless/commerce-less society?

I've always wondered this ... I recall fleeting references to the lack of a money system in TNG (something about abandoning the quest for material wealth), but was it ever explained why and how and ...
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