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How does the Ferengi economy work? [duplicate]

In Star Trek - the Federation is a post-scarcity socialist (for want of a better world) utopia, that has abandonded the concept of money. This makes sense in light of the existence of replicators and ...
komodosp's user avatar
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How do ordinary citizens get around the Federation?

It's a common plot in Star Trek series for the Enterprise to be tasked with transporting various VIP's to destinations where they are needed urgently - an ambassador to a treaty ceremony, a doctor to ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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What is the use of a trade embargo in a society with replicators?

For new years eve, a few friends and I had some Romulan Ale and the scene with Worf mentioning that it should be illegal and Geordi replying that it is was quoted the whole evening. We started to ...
Shade's user avatar
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Is Bajor's post-occupation economy money-based?

Other than a single reference to money in DS9: "Necessary Evil" (which could well be edited away without hurting any story arc), I don't remember the Bajoran economy being portrayed as being based on ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How do Starfleet personnel get credits or Latinum? [duplicate]

Quark's bar takes payment in Latinum; and perhaps, as discussed in this question - in Federation "credits" (backed by something - not clear what). Now, in another discussion e.g. in this answer, the ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Why are there cargo ships in the Star Trek universe when they have replicators?

Why are there cargo ships in the Star Trek stories? With replicator technology and FTL communication, there is no need for cargo ships. You can just transmit the computer files on how to replicate ...
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Does the Federation have anything resembling intellectual property laws or agreements?

I know Star Trek is set in a post-scarcity economy based partly on replicator technology, which makes the expensive items of today (e.g., fashionable clothes, fast cars, beautiful furniture) ...
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How much of Earth's population is dedicated to working for, or at, Starfleet?

I'm sure Starfleet isn't Earth's only employer, but it has to be a major part of Earth's economic structure. Is there a canon estimate of just how much of Earth's population is dedicated to working ...
Major Stackings's user avatar
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Why do the Ferengi still use latinum as currency?

In DS9 (and to a much lesser extent, TNG), the financial acumen of the Ferengi is repeatedly emphasized. Yet they always seem to cart around physical latinum (usually in gold-pressed form in-universe ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How does one get a plot of land on Earth?

If you want something rare or precious (such as land for a farm) presumably you can apply for it in a lottery or to a commission intended to apportion such things equitably. (Source: an assertion in ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
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Is it possible to get any random big item replicated by request in UFP's Earth?

If you want something big, you queue up at an industrial replicator. (Source: an assertion in another SFF answer.) The implication is that if you want a large material good — yacht? starship? ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
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What is economics like for ordinary people in the Star Trek universe?

I realize that this is a very broad question, with the stories told in the Star Trek universe spanning hundreds of years. I sometimes hear of economists talking about a theoretical "Star Trek economy"...
Vivian River's user avatar
52 votes
12 answers

How to reconcile the cashless human/Federation society with human traders and merchants

From a variety of sources, including this great question, we know that the Federation (or at least the humans) don't use money. This raises the problem that humans frequently visit worlds where there ...
erdiede's user avatar
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Why and how did the Star Trek Universe evolve to a cashless/commerce-less society?

I've always wondered this ... I recall fleeting references to the lack of a money system in TNG (something about abandoning the quest for material wealth), but was it ever explained why and how and ...
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