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54 votes

Is counterspelling a warlock different?

The warlock 'upcasts' naturally Warlocks don't have the options to choose what level of spell slot they use to cast a spell, as other casters do. Their Pact Magic feature assigns a single spell level ...
NotArch's user avatar
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47 votes

If a spell cast from a Spell Scroll is Counterspelled, is the scroll consumed?

Counterspell causes a spell to fail and a scroll to be consumed Counterspell works differently than just stopping a spell casting or scroll reading. “Fails and is wasted” Jeremy Crawford recently ...
Tim Grant's user avatar
  • 26k
47 votes

Can I deny a counterspell by readying my spell behind full cover?

Yes, readying a spell behind full cover would prevent counterspell Counterspell depends on sight and a clear path to the target Counterspell has a casting time of: 1 reaction, which you take when you ...
Rubiksmoose's user avatar
  • 95.1k
47 votes

Should the DM describe NPC spellcasting so that players can use Counterspell?

The DM should convey "the naga is casting a spell" Counterspell has a casting time of 1 Reaction... which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell ...
Red Orca's user avatar
  • 19.1k
46 votes

What happens if you cast Counterspell on a creature that is not casting a spell?

Xanathar's Guide to Everything (p. 86) addresses this issue in the section "Invalid Spell Targets": If you cast a spell on someone or something that can’t be affected by the spell, nothing ...
Icyfire's user avatar
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43 votes

Can I counterspell a Subtle spell without material components?

No, you can't counterspell spells with no components Subtle spell is meant to protect against counterspelling. See this unofficial ruling from Jeremy Crawford: Subtle Spell is meant to protect a ...
Greenstone Walker's user avatar
41 votes

How can one spellcaster avoid complete lockdown via Counterspell against multiple other casters?

Don't be seen, don't be close. Be Ready. Unseen Counterspell requires which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell If they can't see you, they can't counterspell you. ...
NotArch's user avatar
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40 votes

If a spell cast from a Spell Scroll is Counterspelled, is the scroll consumed?

Tl;dr: If you're casting a spell from a scroll and get Counterspelled, the scroll is not consumed. There is no authoritative definition of what it means for a spell to fail. However, in the specific ...
Miniman's user avatar
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38 votes

Can you counterspell Greater Teleport with the Teleport spell?

No, you cannot. The rules are quite clear about this. Allow me to quote from the rules for counterspells found on page 170 of the player's handbook: As a general rule, a spell can only counter itself....
GMJoe's user avatar
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36 votes

If your bonus-action spell is counterspelled, are you still restricted to casting a cantrip that turn?

RAW is unclear Based on the language use of interrupt and spell fails and has no effect, there can easily be confusion in interpreting the final effect of a cast or uncast spell. This question covers ...
NotArch's user avatar
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34 votes

Counterspelling a counterspell

Yes, you can counterspell a counterspell cast against you. Wizards of the Coast has actually addressed this exact issue in their "Sage Advice Compendium". Page 12, right column, here is the ...
Rowdy's user avatar
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32 votes

If an Eldritch Knight's cantrip is counterspelled, can they still make a bonus-action weapon attack from the War Magic feature?

Since you used the action, you still make the attack The ability specifically says that when you use your action to cast the spell, you get to use the BA attack. Counter spell is cast in reaction to ...
Smart_TJ's user avatar
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32 votes

Can you Counterspell a magic item?

If you're casting a spell, you're casting a spell The "cast a spell" action isn't the only way to cast a spell. There are a number of other ways to cast a spell. Some spells can be cast as a ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
31 votes

Does casting Counterspell on one's own turn contradict the '1-non-cantrip-spell per turn' rule?

You may counterspell on your turn, as long as you have not already cast another spell with a casting time of 1 Bonus Action. The rule you quote that you say is a contradiction is the "Bonus ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
29 votes

Can I cast reaction spells like Shield or Counterspell when I'm in the middle of casting a spell with a long casting time and don't stop casting it?

Casting a Reaction spell does not interrupt a spell with a long cast time, regardless of spell components. (As long as it isn't a Concentration Spell) The rules for spells with a long casting time are....
guildsbounty's user avatar
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29 votes

If the verbal component of a spell isn't visible, can it be Counterspelled?

Yes, it can be counterspelled 1 reaction, which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell You are still a creature casting a spell, you can still be seen, and the spell ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
28 votes

Does a countered spell expend its material components?

Yes It seems in line with the idea that a failed spell still consumes a spell slot. So far as I can tell, as per p. 203 of the PHB, If a spell states that a material component is consumed by the ...
UrhoKarila's user avatar
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28 votes

Does a counterspelled spell still trigger the Mage Slayer feat's reaction attack?

Yes. The important part is in the description for counterspell: You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, ...
TheVagrantDog's user avatar
28 votes

Is it possible to counterspell the revised Artificer?

Yes, artificers can be counterspelled Although the "flavoring" is different, artificers' spells have the same kinds of components that other spellcasters do. In essence, rather than drawing ...
V2Blast's user avatar
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27 votes

Does a countered spell cost a spell slot?

Depends if the countered spell required a slot to cast No, if the spell did not take a slot to cast Some classes, such as Warlocks and Monks, can attempt to cast spells without using spell slots. ...
Lumenbeing's user avatar
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27 votes

Is Innate Spellcasting counterspellable?

Innate spells only ignore the components that are explicitly listed Innate spells follow the normal rules for spell components unless otherwise noted An innate spell can have special rules or ...
Rubiksmoose's user avatar
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27 votes

How can this statue on Level 23 of the "Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage" adventure be destroyed?

Cast the spell outside the room For example, Mordenkainen's Sword and Spiritual Weapon both can be moved and have a duration of one minute. You can cast them outside the room, move them in, and ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
27 votes

Does a Counterspelled spell break Sanctuary?

Your Sanctuary spell ended just as you started casting Hold Person. The enemy did not have to make the Wisdom saving throw, because Hold Person is a spell that affects an enemy and then one of the ...
Eddymage's user avatar
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26 votes

Is there a way to counterspell a level 20 druid?

Level 20 druids cannot be counterspelled1 As you point out, the spell counterspell specifies that it can only be cast when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell. And since a spell ...
NathanS's user avatar
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25 votes

Can a readied spell be Counterspelled after it is cast, but before the trigger occurs?

No Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell With a Ready action, the creature casts a spell on its turn and holds it until the ...
Dale M's user avatar
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25 votes

Can a Spell cast with Subtle Spell and an Arcane Focus be Counterspelled?

If you follow Xanathar's Optional rules, Yes, the spell could still be countered. From XGtE, p. 85, "Perceiving a Caster at Work": To be perceptible, the casting of a spell must involve a ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
24 votes

If somebody Counterspells a Counterspell, is the original spell cast successfully?

Yes, the original spell will take effect Counterspell has no restrictions on what spell it can counter (beyond the possible ability check for higher level spells). It states that the... spell ...
PJRZ's user avatar
  • 28.5k
23 votes

Can you decide to counterspell after another counterspell has failed?

Maybe - it's basically up to DM fiat You've hit upon a genuinely contentious question. Let's work this one through... Why you shouldn't allow a second counterspell Counterspell uses a reaction, and a ...
Tiggerous's user avatar
  • 25.1k
23 votes

Innate spellcasting x / day: is it x attempts or x successful casts?

The monster can initiate X castings per day The Monster Manual gives the following explanation for this notation, in the "Limited Usage" section (p. 11): X/Day. The notation “X/Day” means a ...
Matthieu's user avatar
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22 votes

What do I know, when deciding whether to cast Counterspell?

It's mostly up to the DM, but Xanathar's Guide to Everything has some optional rules In Xanathar's, Chapter 2 has a Spellcasting section that begins with: This section expands on the spellcasting ...
NotArch's user avatar
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