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85 votes

How to prevent a single-element caster from being useless against immune foes, as a DM?

You don't If you don't use immune foes when you were planning on doing so then you are invalidating this players choice, and taking away the agency they showed during character creation. You will ...
SeriousBri's user avatar
79 votes

Is there an easy way to validate a high-level Sorcerer's spell list?

Yes, there is a table. This is the rule causing all the headache: Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the sorcerer spells you know and replace it with another ...
Axoren's user avatar
  • 11.5k
74 votes

What happens if a sorcerer can't ever cast wish again?

Yeah, you would end up with a spell you can't cast. Fortunately, at level 17, you are not stuck with it forever, because: Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 81.6k
68 votes

How to prevent a single-element caster from being useless against immune foes, as a DM?

Multiple Roles You indicated that the player has an interest in picking utility spells when a suitable lightning based spell is not available. I recommend steering the players towards spells whose ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
54 votes

How do I calculate my AC for a Tortle Draconic Bloodline sorcerer with a shield?

You must use one formula for calculating your AC If your character happens to have multiple given formulas for calculating their armour class, due to their combination of racial traits, class ...
Carcer's user avatar
  • 66.3k
49 votes

Spellcasting for sorcerer

Sorcerers don't prepare spells The premise of the question isn't correct. A Sorcerer does not prepare spells after a long rest. Starting from the 1st level, a Sorcerer knows two spells. You choose ...
enkryptor's user avatar
  • 70.3k
48 votes

Does Phoenix Spark overcome Disintegrate?

It comes down to DM ruling Even the designers leave the timing of reactions up to the DM (Sage Advice). So that leaves both events as instantaneous. (Reactions are said to be that on PHB 170, for ...
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
46 votes

Can a Sorcerer use the Silence spell and the Subtle Spell Metamagic to silently cast the Knock spell?

You might not even need Subtle Metamagic The Knock spell states that: [...] When you cast the spell, a loud knock, audible from as far away as 300 feet, emanates from the target object [...] As ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 81.6k
43 votes

Overpowered pyromancer (Kaladesh) nuking the battlefield for the lulz: fixing our Icewind Dale campaign

Note that the Pyromancer ignores his own resistance. If a Pyromancer Sorceror hits himself with his own spells, he'll deal the full damage to himself. Spells they cast ignore all fire resistance, ...
nick012000's user avatar
  • 14.1k
42 votes

If a target affected by the Slow spell uses the Metamagic option Quickened Spell when casting a spell, does that spell take effect on the same turn?

RAW, yes, it does take effect that turn. The spell's casting time becomes 1 bonus action so it is not affected by the Slow spell.
Patricus's user avatar
  • 469
40 votes

Am I allowed to know spells I can't cast yet?

No, you can only learn spells of a level that you have spell slots for. From the Sorcerer's Spells Known feature: The Spells Known column of the Sorcerer table shows when you ...
Miniman's user avatar
  • 145k
40 votes

Do you waste sorcery points if you try to apply metamagic to a spell from a scroll but fail to cast it?

No, metamagic only takes effect when you cast the spell All the sorcerer's metamagic abilities have wording like: When you cast a spell that... If you failed to cast the spell, you don't get to ...
Carcer's user avatar
  • 66.3k
38 votes

Does this character concept involving never taking a long rest and converting spell slots to sorcery points (aka coffeelock) violate RAW?

This no longer works under RAW, due to wording changes in later printings. Once your elf uses the Trance feature for four hours, they satisfy the conditions for a long rest, and thus take a long rest. ...
illustro's user avatar
  • 28.4k
38 votes

What's behind the widespread negative response to Wild Sorcerers, and how can I ensure they're fun at my table?

Wild Magic, as written, increases DM overhead I've played a few sessions where a player was playing a wild magic sorcerer. After reminding the DM about the wild magic ability, the DM said that he was ...
Icyfire's user avatar
  • 63.7k
37 votes

Spellcasting for sorcerer

Knowing, Preparing, and Casting are not the same thing... While the spell slots progression is same1 for each type of Spellcaster2 (full, half, third), what spells they know and prepare vary by class. ...
T.J.L.'s user avatar
  • 48.8k
37 votes

Can a Sorcerer-3/Warlock-2 cast a subtle healing word and a quickened eldritch blast in the same turn?

It'll work, just not the way you described. Why your plan won't work In your plan, you are trying to cast two bonus action spells. One is a standard cast of a Bonus Action (Healing Word) and the other ...
NotArch's user avatar
  • 126k
36 votes

Can a Ring of Spell Storing make it possible to apply multiple Metamagic options to one spell?

The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. This says nothing about metamagic,...
Johnathan Gross's user avatar
36 votes

Can I cast a levelled spell (Cure Wounds) as an action, then use Quickened Spell to cast a cantrip (Eldritch Blast) as a bonus action?

The DM is right: You can't cast a leveled spell as an action if you cast any spell as a bonus action The sorcerer's Quickened Spell Metamagic option allows you to cast an action spell as a bonus ...
J. A. Streich's user avatar
35 votes

Is it possible to "charge up" a sorcerer/warlock by taking multiple short rests?

You cannot keep them as sorcery points, because: You can never have more sorcery points than shown on the table for your level. (PHB 101) But you can make spell slots out of them, as The ...
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
35 votes

Can a sorcerer convert spells inside his Ring of spell storing into sorcery points?

No Converting a Spell Slot to Sorcery Points. As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can expend one spell slot and gain a number of sorcery points equal to the slot's level. Casting the spell from the ...
HellSaint's user avatar
  • 37.1k
35 votes

If a Barbarian/Sorcerer multiclass casts False Life on himself, then rages, will the spell's effect remain active?

Yes, because False Life does not require concentration. The false life spell has a duration of 1 hour, and doesn't require concentration. Because it requires no concentration, if you cast it before ...
Valley Lad's user avatar
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34 votes

How does multi-classing Sorcerer/Bard total spell slots work at lv 20/20?

You're on homebrew territory Multiclassing a character to maximum level in multiple classes is not possible under the base rules. The maximum character level is 20, so the total levels you have in ...
kviiri's user avatar
  • 54.1k
34 votes

Should this homebrew "Artillery Spell" advanced metamagic option be reworded or clarified?

Scrap It Completely This ability is ridiculously complex - it involves four die rolls of five dice, multiplication, and division... and all of this before the DM even rolls any saving throws. This is ...
T.J.L.'s user avatar
  • 48.8k
34 votes

Overpowered pyromancer (Kaladesh) nuking the battlefield for the lulz: fixing our Icewind Dale campaign

Talk with your DM. I don't know how much of this you've already tried, given that you specifically note that "changing their rulings" is outside the scope of the question, but open ...
Stop Being Evil's user avatar
33 votes

If a Wild Magic Sorcerer reverts to a young teen age as a result of a Wild Magic Surge, does it affect their ability scores?

No, it does not affect ability scores - 5e removed the influence of a characters age to their ability points There are no rules for adjusting ability scores based on the age of the adventurer. Your ...
Secespitus's user avatar
  • 7,075
33 votes

What spell slot count formula can I use to base my homebrew mechanic on?

You should read the section Variant: Spell Points, starting on page 288 of the DMG. The easiest would be to just use the variant, as the half of all spell points is well defined. As the character is ...
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
33 votes

Does quickening a spell change the kind of action it grants?

Quickened Spell only affects the initial casting of the spell; it has no effect on actions granted by the spell The Quickened Spell Metamagic, as you quoted, does exactly what it says: it changes the ...
Xirema's user avatar
  • 52.8k
32 votes

Does Elemental Affinity let you add your Charisma modifier to the damage of cantrips?

Yes it does, because cantrips are spells Specifically, cantrips are 0th level spells. From the PHB: Every spell has a level from 0 to 9. A spell's level is a general indicator of how powerful it is, ...
GreySage's user avatar
  • 21.7k
32 votes

How would one go about creating a sorcerer that uses a sword in D&D 5e?

Step 1: make a sorceror. Okay, now you've got a sorceror. One-half of the build is complete. Step 2: use a sword. Anyone can use any weapon. Sorcerors aren't proficient with swords, but that just ...
nitsua60's user avatar
  • 102k
32 votes

Dispel Magic VS a spell which has been Twinned Spell

Dispel magic ends the effect on only one target 1. This is a confusing area. RAW would appear to suggest that dispel magic should end the effect on both targets: The rules for twinned spells state: ...
Tiggerous's user avatar
  • 25.1k

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