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Questions tagged [wild-shape]

For questions about Wild Shape, the ability of D&D and Pathfinder Druids to turn themselves into a variety of animals. It is a shapeshifting effect that allows Druids to become more in tune with nature, allowing them to do things they normally could not or to become more fearsome in battle.

1 vote
0 answers

Druid Wild Shape + Increased Ability Score from Feats [duplicate]

If a Feat grants an ability score increase as part of its benefits, does that ability score increase get applied to the new ability scores when a druid wild shapes? Wild shape says: Your game ...
Dfvx990mq321pl's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Locate Object used on a Wildshaped Druid

If the spell "Locate Object" is used on an distinctive item of clothing a druid is wearing, but the druid is currently wildshaped, what is the effect of the spell? Relevant quotes for ...
KingOfMarmalade's user avatar
9 votes
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In Adventurers League, can a druid in Wild Shape wear an Armorer artificer's Arcane Armor?

In D&D 5e Adventurers League play, can a druid in Wild Shape wear an Artificer armorer's Arcane Armor? The relevant part of the druid's Wild Shape feature description says: Worn equipment ...
Mizukage Drac's user avatar
10 votes
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As a Moon druid, does the Primal Strike feature make my attacks while in Elemental Wild Shape count as magical?

My Circle of the Moon druid reached Level 10. If I use Elemental Wild Shape to transform into an elemental, do my attacks count as magical? Rules as written, it seems like the answer is No, as "...
Aldinjo's user avatar
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6 votes
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Do the "set ability score to 19" magic items function while using Wild Shape?

If you, a druid who is attuned to an Amulet of Health, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, or Headband of Intellect, uses Wild Shape, choosing to wear the piece of equipment, do you gain the benefit of the ...
User 23415's user avatar
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Is there a Pathfinder first edition Druid archetype that enhances Wild shape generically?

I would like to know about wild shape in Pathfinder first edition. The Shifter class in that system seems restrictive and not nearly as flexible at run-time as Dungeons & Dragons third edition's ...
Matthew Cenance's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Would a druid Wild Shaped into a horse be competitive in a horse race?

If a low level druid used wild shape to turn into a horse, does it make sense for that character to be able to compete against race horses in a race? As a DM how would you rule that? Personally, I ...
Jex's user avatar
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8 votes
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What happens when a level 14 bard uses Nimbus of Pathos on a wild shape Druid currently in wild shape?

Nimbus of Pathos states: When this effect ends, the creature immediately drops to 0 hit points and is dying. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. By ...
Gwyn justice's user avatar
8 votes
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If I'm Wild Shaped or Polymorphed and reduced to 0 hit points, can I use Strength Before Death as a reaction to take an extra turn?

The ability comes from the Fighter Samurai subclass. Strength Before Death Starting at 18th level, your fighting spirit can delay the grasp of death. If you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit ...
Esdras not a mimic Cardona's user avatar
7 votes
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Would raging break the concentration of a Wild Shaped Druid?

If you had a Druid/Barbarian multiclass would you be able to cast a spell such as Call Lightning that requires concentration, Wild Shape, and then rage without breaking concentration on the spell? ...
XenLight's user avatar
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Is there a lower limit to tiny? [duplicate]

From what I've read there is no lower limit to tiny in 5e. My real question is if a druid has precast alter self then wild shapes into a tiny creature can they make themselves effectively infinitely ...
Nick's user avatar
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How do I calculate my Maneuver save DC if I use a Battle Master Maneuver while in Wild Shape?

If I have a suitable Battle Master Maneuver (from three levels of Fighter, or through Superior Technique fighting style from one level of Fighter or the Fighting Initiate feat) and I use it when I ...
yeastgoblin's user avatar
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If you cast a spell with Still and Silent metamagic, can you do so while wildshaped without natural spell?

Reading through natural spell it says "You can complete the verbal and somatic components of spells while in a wild shape." which seems to imply that the only reason you can't cast spells ...
Mr Tumnus's user avatar
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16 votes
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Do you still need to perceive a hidden transformed creature before Truesight shows the creature for what it really is?

If a druid wildshapes he magically changes his physical appearance. Let's say he turns into a spider. If he uses "pass without a trace" he gets flat +10 stealth. If he then proceeds to cling ...
Starzi's user avatar
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-7 votes
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Can a druid PARTIALLY shapeshift?

We know druid can Starting at 2nd level, they can use their action to magically assume the shape of a beast that they have seen before. they can use this feature twice. They regain expended uses when ...
TieflingDragon84's user avatar
4 votes
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Stacking Shapechange and Wild Shape: what happens when reduced to 0 hp?

Let's say a Druid casts Shapechange and then Wild Shapes (or vice versa), which seems stackable since they are not the same named game effect. Both abilities say almost the same thing regarding what ...
Dfvx990mq321pl's user avatar
8 votes
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Best base class for a homebrew subclass inspired by Doric from the movie?

A lot of D&D fans have noted that, unlike how Doric’s Wild Shape is presented in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, D&D druids have almost never had the ability to transform into ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Can you eat a druid? [duplicate]

First context: In my recent game our party was travelling through some barren wasteland and we were short on food, fortunately we have druid in a party so we think of using wildshape ability to create ...
Maxxer's user avatar
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Chimeric Animals from Icewind Dale

I've recently discovered the Chimeric Animals from Icewind Dale on DNDBeyond. I'm really curious about what they are, what the lore is behind them, etc. I've looked on the Forgotten Realms wiki, and I ...
blizzardontheavenue's user avatar
16 votes
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Does the Feat "Telepathic" allow my druid to communicate with the party and other beasts through telepathy without limitations of the beast form?

I am new to the D&D system and want to create a druid character for D&D 5e. At level 4, I am allowed to choose either an ability enhancement or a feat. The feat "Telepathic" has the ...
Alex2006's user avatar
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Does a druid in wild shape still benefit from the speed increase of the Mobile feat?

Since in wild shape "You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so" and the Mobile feat ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Druid wildshape and skills/perception [duplicate]

The explanation of druid wildshape shows that the druid while wildshaped retains its intelligence wisdom and charisma modifier. And gains additional abilities given by the animal. Now keeping the ...
paul23's user avatar
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What happens when a PC being infested with Rot Grubs chooses to Wild Shape into a beast?

Some context: We're running the Dragon Heist campaign and had an initially boring "sewers crawl" encounter that I've decided to "spice up" by dropping a bunch of Rot Grubs on ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Can Level 6 Circle of the Moon Druids wild shape into a flying beast?

From reading the rules, it appears that level 6 Circle of the Moon druids should be able to wild shape into a flying beast. Many sites on the internet suggest that they cannot. https://www.dndbeyond....
abaines's user avatar
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14 votes
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Paladin fighting style blind fighting and druid ability wild shape working together?

You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so. However, you can't use any of your special senses, ...
Exa's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can a wildshaped Druid proxy a touch spell through its familiar?

A Druid in wild shape ... can’t cast spells ... But, Find Familiar allows ... your familiar [to] deliver [a touch spell] as if it had cast the spell. Does specific beat general here, and allow a ...
nonymous's user avatar
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Can a druid use Wild Companion and Wild Shape simultaneously?

The context for this is that a PC druid that is not yet level 8, wants to achieve flight by using the Wild Companion feature from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything to summon a familiar with a fly speed ...
Tyscribz's user avatar
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5 votes
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Shifters and druids, how do they interact?

If a Longtooth shifter changed into a werewolf and then wild shaped into a bear, would it become a werebear or do I need to do it the other way around?
Tyler Albert's user avatar
7 votes
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Do items like Headband of Intellect or Gauntlets of Ogre Strength work with Wildshape?

Can a druid be using them while wild-shaped if they had them before they wild-shaped? I'm not sure exactly what the ruling is and I'm being asked by my players.
Morthanal's user avatar
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Wild Shape vs. Blackrazor

Wild Shape specifies that: You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die. and When you transform, you assume the beast’s hit points and Hit Dice. When you revert to ...
Gilalar's user avatar
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Vorpal Sword vs. Wildshape

Wild Shape specifies that: You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die. and When you transform, you assume the beast’s hit points and Hit Dice. When you revert to ...
Gilalar's user avatar
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Is there any situation in which a druid can cast spells using a beast's Innate Spellcasting trait?

In Volo's Guide to Monsters, we find the Deep Rothé (CR of 1/4), a beast that has the Innate Spellcasting trait, which reads: The deep rothé's spellcasting ability is Charisma. It can innately cast ...
Sten's user avatar
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10 votes
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How could you balance a Druid transforming into an owlbear and other monstrosities?

The buzz around the new trailer for the Dungeons & Dragons movie includes much discussion of a scene in which the druid character transforms into an owlbear. As far as I know there’s no RAW way ...
Guybrush McKenzie's user avatar
29 votes
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In which editions of D&D have druids been able to Wild Shape into owlbears?

In the trailer for the movie Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, we see a druid character use the Wild Shape ability to turn into an owlbear (timestamped link to trailer). Notably, this ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
6 votes
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What would happen to a package that a druid is holding when they Wild Shape?

In a recent game that I was DMing, the players were tasked with sneaking a parcel of poisonous ingredients to a chef contact they had, in order to poison some high value targets at a banquet. One of ...
Pelly's user avatar
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What happens when you have resistance and Wild Shape into a beast with vulnerability? [duplicate]

So a lot of stuff is written about Wild Shape in the rules and here on this page. One question I have not found asked and especially not found answered yet is: What happens when I have resistance to ...
At Least Vision's user avatar
2 votes
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In which editions is it possible for D&D druids to shapeshift/wild shape and breed in their animal forms?

I was talking to some gaming friends during today's happy hour, and this came up. Druids can shape-shift into animals. They can remain in their animal forms for a rather long period of time. Can they ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
3 votes
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Does the Poisoner feat interact with Druid's Wildshape?

Specifically, I'm looking for an answer to the first effect of the Poisoner feat: "When you make a damage roll that deals poison damage, it ignores resistance to poison damage." Tasha's ...
Kakuna Rattata's user avatar
6 votes
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Are there any beasts eligible for the druid's Wild Shape feature that have Legendary or Lair Actions?

The Druid's Wild Shape class feature states, in part: [...] If the creature has any legendary or lair actions, you can’t use them. I do not recall ever seeing any creatures with Legendary or Lair ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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Would a druid's magic armor (+1, or the like) be able to be converted to barding during wild shape? [duplicate]

A previous discussion from about 7 years ago covered essentially the same topic, but I want to see if any new info has come to light or if opinions have changed since then Does magic armor resize with ...
robbie crockett's user avatar
2 votes
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If I'm using the Form of the Exotic Dragon III spell, do I get the Crush special attack?

I have a quick question for a Pathfinder 1e campaign. If I'm using Form of the Exotic Dragon III, do I get the Crush special attack? There's nothing stating I do in the spell, per se, but Wild Shape ...
Mynock1108's user avatar
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Can an attacker with Greater Grapple or Rapid Grapple make a full attack action?

This is specifically for Pathfinder 1e. So, I haven't been able to find the exact answer I'm looking for. I'm a Druid with two ranks in Brawler (technically, it's a home brew Brawler called Beastial ...
Mynock1108's user avatar
7 votes
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Can a Wild Order druid dismiss Wild Shape?

A Wild Order druid uses the Wild Shape spell to transform into animal form. Can he dismiss it at will? Or does he stay in animal form 'til the duration of spell is over? I'm a little confused about it ...
Sarge's user avatar
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How many hit points can a druid generate per day from Aid with Wild Shape?

Alice is a 2nd level druid with 10 hit points. She receives the benefit of an Aid spell, bumping her to 15 max and current hit points. She then has a run-in with a couple of goblins, who hurt her for ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
14 votes
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What happens when the Aid spell ends on a creature while its hit point maximum has been changed to another value?

A number of effects in D&D 5e can change a creature's hit point maximum. Some issues in the specifics of how some features are written can arise when these effects coexist or otherwise interact. ...
Fie's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does the Heart of the Metal spell work on natural attacks?

I have a wildshape focused level 12 druid who's main wildshape form is a huge giant octopus, which gets lots of attacks with reach. The main issue I am finding is things with DR. I do have planar ...
Andrew A DeMarco's user avatar
9 votes
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Can my wild-shaped druid talk to plants?

A druid casts speak with plants, and then wild-shapes into a panther, or whatever. Can they speak with plants while wild-shaped? Wild Shape says: You retain the benefit of any features from your ...
Jack's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How is Wild Companion worth it? [closed]

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything contains an optional class feature for druids, "Wild Companion": You gain the ability to summon a spirit that assumes an animal form: as an action, you can ...
Jack's user avatar
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If you're a Moon druid with a level of exhaustion, and then Wild Shape into an elemental, do you regain this exhaustion when you revert?

Say you're a Circle of the Moon druid, and you have at least 1 level of exhaustion. You then use Wild Shape to transform into an elemental. Since elementals are immune to exhaustion, you would ...
Thomas Jerz's user avatar
8 votes
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Can a druid in animal form use Handle Animal?

My new 1st level druid likes to use the spell "Aspect of the Wolf" for combat. Now the question arose whether he can use Handle Animal in wolf form to use the Attack trick on his riding dog ...
Giorin's user avatar
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