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Questions tagged [natural-weapon]

For questions about natural weapons. A natural weapon generally refers to any natural innate appendage or orifice that can be used to attack with. Creatures with natural weapons do not require a weapon to attack with in the traditional sense.

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Unarmed strike as secondary attack?

Natural weapons are weapons that are physically a part of a creature. A creature making a melee attack with a natural weapon is considered armed and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Likewise, ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
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Do the claw weapons of Girallon's Blessing count as natural weapons?

Inspired by this question: Do the claw weapons created by Girallon's Blessing (Spell Compendium, p. 106) count as natural weapons? Are these claw weapons eligible to benefit from, say, a +1 Necklace ...
NFeutz's user avatar
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3 answers

Does a druid in Wild Shape who's attuned to a Sword of Vengeance have disadvantage on claw and bite attacks?

If you're attuned to a Sword of Vengeance, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with other weapons. Does that include the natural weapons of a druid in Wild Shape?
Niall Forman's user avatar
2 votes
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Shifters: which natural weapon is the primary one?

Building a shifter character. Razorclaw, so they start with two claw attacks, both primary. Later, they take levels in Weretouched Master (wolverine) and get a bite attack as well. Is the bite also a ...
Elliot's user avatar
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Are there any balance problems or unintended consequences of allowing a PC to use natural weapons for two-weapon fighting?

I’ll preface this by stating that I do realise that by RAW natural weapons are not compatible with two-weapon fighting. However, would it significantly unbalance things or break anything to allow it? ...
AnnaAG's user avatar
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How to calculate attack and damage modifiers for level 1 barbarian with bite attack and great axe?

I'm making a level 1 Half-Orc Unchained Barbarian, with an 18 STR and power attack. I took the tusked racial trait, giving him a 1d4 bite attack to go along with a 1d12 great axe. How would I ...
FrancisJohn's user avatar
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What kind of attack is a Tailblade?

Slightly related: Do you cause Sneak Attack damage on all Natural Attacks?, which assumes it as a secondary natural attack; explaining why would be off-topic for that question, but it's basically what ...
Gloweye's user avatar
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Can a character make an unarmed strike and a claw attack with the same limb during a single turn?

If a Thri-Kreen takes Multi-Weapon Fighting they are allowed to make up to three additional attacks as part of their full-attack action due to having three "off" hands in addition to their one "main" ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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How to get uncommon natural weapons?

I'm interested in ways how to get more natural attacks on a player character. Not interested in Claws and Bite since those are common and relatively easy to acquire. Wings are also relatively easy ...
enumag's user avatar
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How does natural attacks interact with double slice and other dual weapon fighting feats?

I want to make a character that has multiple natural attacks (jaw, claws and tail). I want to use them in a way that seems good for me. I looked at the dual weapon warrior archetype, and it felt like ...
Rorp's user avatar
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Is there any way to increase the damage die on my Hagbound Witch's claw attacks?

The hagbound witch gains a d4 claw attack at level 1 but they never get stronger. I was wondering if there are any feats to help improve this. Or maybe give additional effects to claw attacks in ...
Underfedroach's user avatar
5 votes
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Does the Heart of the Metal spell work on natural attacks?

I have a wildshape focused level 12 druid who's main wildshape form is a huge giant octopus, which gets lots of attacks with reach. The main issue I am finding is things with DR. I do have planar ...
Andrew A DeMarco's user avatar
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Can a monk with claws use claw attacks as secondary weapons via Feral Combat Training to get four attacks at level three? [duplicate]

I'm making a catfolk unchained monk, and I just realized, RaW, that I might have four attacks at level 3. Similar questions have been asked and answered before, but most answers seem to be referencing ...
user2570303's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

How to enchant my Dhampir's face

I'm thinking of playing a Dhampir player character (details in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft). I want to build around the Vampiric Bite feature, listed below: Vampiric Bite Your fanged bite is a ...
Zweiclops1206's user avatar
8 votes
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In what way does two weapon fighting reduce the penalty of natural attacks? States the following (emphasis mine): You can make attacks with natural weapons in combination with attacks made with a melee ...
Max Hay's user avatar
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