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Questions tagged [telepathy]

For questions related to mental communication between parties, as well as the examination of another party's thoughts.

3 votes
1 answer

What is a "general emotion" for Empathic Link?

As a Wizard, I have a Familiar: Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see ...
order's user avatar
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Does Telepathy (Language) work both ways?

I finally switched my familiar for a Faerie Dragon and I'm wondering whether his Telepathy feature does what I think it does. First, the rules quote: Telepathy (Su) The creature can mentally ...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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Detecting Telepathy through Detect Magic [duplicate]

Situation looks like that: My character casts Detect Magic, at the same time other creature uses his ability (this is not a spell) and comunicate with others through Telepathy. In that case, should my ...
NiTjSefni's user avatar
16 votes
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Does the Feat "Telepathic" allow my druid to communicate with the party and other beasts through telepathy without limitations of the beast form?

I am new to the D&D system and want to create a druid character for D&D 5e. At level 4, I am allowed to choose either an ability enhancement or a feat. The feat "Telepathic" has the ...
Alex2006's user avatar
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2 answers

If you're Githzerai or have the Telepathy feat, are spell components required for the spell-slot-powered castings?

The typical concept of innate telepathy is that you just have to "think at something" in a certain way and it happens. You're not casting a spell and using magic, so you don't expect the ...
gto's user avatar
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Can the SoulKnife Ability "Psychic Whispers" Use Other Senses to Communicate?

Well, at my table, one of my players asked me if the Psychic Whispers ability can be used to share images, smells or sounds telepathically, not only words, since other creatures with telepathic ...
Arthur Gabry's user avatar
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How does the Firbolg’s Speech of Beast and Leaf trait interact with the Telepathic feat?

The Telepathic feat (TCoE, p. 81) gives you the ability to: [...] speak telepathically to any creature you can see within 60 feet of you. Your telepathic utterances are in a language you know, and ...
Cellheim's user avatar
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Ring of Mind Shielding and telepathic communication with the new wearer

Alice dies wearing a Ring of Mind Shielding and their soul enters the ring. Bob finds the ring and puts it on, but does not attune to the ring. Can Alice communicate with Bob? From the description of ...
Mech's user avatar
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How does the target of Telepathy become aware that it has been cast so they can decide if they are a "willing creature"?

Without warning, a wizard casts telepathy targeting a friend who is on a different continent. You create a telepathic link between yourself and a willing creature with which you are familiar. How is ...
M. Vienneau's user avatar
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Does a Great Old One Warlock have two-way telepathic communication with its thrall?

The warlock's Awakened Mind telepathy was recently changed from "You can communicate telepathically with..." to "You can speak telepathically to..." with the intent of clarifying ...
order's user avatar
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Does the Mind Blank spell block the Psionic Mind feature of Gem Dragonborn?

The spell mind blank says: one willing creature you touch is immune to psychic damage, any effect that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, divination spells, and the charmed condition. The ...
Jack's user avatar
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5 votes
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How does telepathy with mute creatures work

Suppose player "Apple" has telepathy, and tries to communicate with creature "Bagel," whose stat block explicitly says "understands Common but can't speak." Bagel can't ...
JamesB's user avatar
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Can a petrified wizard communicate telepathically with their familiar?

The wizard in my campaign has just been petrified after his first encounter with a cockatrice. He had his familiar 'out' at the time of his petrification. I'm sure that the intent of the rules is that ...
Lovell's user avatar
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Does a severely reduced intelligence ability score impair your ability to communicate?

When under the effects of the Polymorph spell: The target's game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and ...
gto's user avatar
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Does a Ring of Mind Shielding affect the dream spell? [duplicate]

The party warlock recently acquired a ring of mind shielding in Tales from the Yawning Portal The party patron is a spellcaster who is in a city distant from them. She is about to contact them via ...
Kirt's user avatar
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