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Questions tagged [stacking]

For questions about whether multiple effects stack on the same target.

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does an insignia of claws stack with wraps of unarmed prowess? [duplicate]

Insignia of Claws: While wearing the insignia you gain a +1 bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls you make with unarmed strikes and natural weapons. Such attacks are considered to be magical. ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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How does magic armor stack?

If I have Body Armor +2, Shield +2, Bracers +2, Helmet +2, and a Ring of Protection +3, do all the magical bonuses get cancelled except for one of them, or can some kinds of items stack those bonuses?
vol.2's user avatar
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Do different effects of the same spell stack? [duplicate]

Some spells, such as hallow and enhance ability, have different effects that you can only choose one of per casting. For example, hallow says: [...] Second, you can bind an extra effect to the area. ...
User 23415's user avatar
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Is it unbalancing to let off-guard stack?

In my current game, I'm playing a Scoundrel Rogue which gives me a lot of opportunities to leave opponents off-guard via successful feints. In addition, we have a couple of other melee-oriented ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
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Does the Sorcerer Draconic Resilience stack with Barbarian Unarmored Defense? [duplicate]

If you have a dexterity of 30 and a wisdom or constitution of 30, with Unarmored Defense for Barbarian your AC while not wearing armor would be 10+your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier ...
HTTYDTHW's user avatar
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Aid spell cast multiple times [duplicate]

When you cast an Aid spell for a second time on the same character, do they gain the healing benefits (since you can heal people multiple times)? I saw this post: Can casting the Aid spell stack on ...
Jabbamonkey's user avatar
-6 votes
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Is this interpretation of "stacking" temp HP RAW?

Assume you cast False Life at 1st-level, gaining 5 THP, we'll call this one False Life A. You then cast False Life at 1st-level again, gaining 8 THP, we'll call this one False Life B. Bolstering ...
AnotherAnonymous's user avatar
10 votes
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Can "Improved Knockdown" trigger "The Harder They Fall"?

The level 10 Fighter talent "Improved Knockdown" says "you automatically apply the critical success effect of a Trip", and the level 4 Rogue talent "The Harder They Fall" ...
edgardcunha's user avatar
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How do the speed reductions from Spirit Guardians and Ray of Frost interact? [duplicate]

The Spirit Guardians spell changes a creature's speed while they're in the area: An affected creature's speed is halved in the area The Ray of Frost spell temporarily changes a creature's speed on a ...
Kerrick's user avatar
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Which is More Positively Effective, Math-Wise: Modifier Bonuses, or Expertise?

After my previous question about my character, I went off the deep end to find what role is needed in my party, exactly. Long-story short, we need a high DEX skill monkey. I'll have trouble with the ...
J Thompson's user avatar
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Does Glue Seal stack with Web?

The rules text for both spells is fairly identical: Glue Seal: Anyone in the area when the spell is cast must attempt a Reflex save. Those who fail become entangled, but can break free by succeeding ...
order's user avatar
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Can I stack Super-Strength?

I know M&M 2e is out of print, but it's the game I collected and I recently opened some books up to make some new characters for a game. Can I stack Super-Strength? My example is as follows: I ...
Cuneiformist's user avatar
2 votes
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Is a class level that grants progression in all the features of an aligned class, a class level that itself grants those features?

The title is honestly succinct enough, so here it is again: Is a class level that grants progression in all the features of an aligned class, a class level that itself grants those features? This is ...
Stackstuck's user avatar
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Pathfinder Chronicler and All These Bardic Performance-Alike Archetypes and Prestige Classes: How do they stack, in practice?

So. Pathfinder Chronicler is basically "meant" to stack with your bard level for the purpose of determining your bardic performance rounds per day. The relevant rules text of Pathfinder ...
Stackstuck's user avatar
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11 votes
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Enlarge + Enlarge = Huge? (two different sources)

Long story short, one of my players has a bodice that allows her to increase her size (as per the Enlarge/Reduce person, but only the enlarge part of the spell). Another character asked if he could ...
Clownshoes's user avatar
5 votes
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How do multiple Star Spawn Hulk interact with zone psychic damage?

The Star Spawn Hulk has the following feature : Psychic Mirror. If the hulk takes psychic damage, each creature within 10 feet of the hulk takes that damage instead; the hulk takes none of the damage....
Matthieu's user avatar
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How do half movement and flat movement penalties interact?

If a target was exhausted (with 2 levels or more) and their speed halved and then was subjected to an effect which reduces speed by a flat amount like minus 10 ft from Ray of Frost, what would be the ...
Kakuna Rattata's user avatar
7 votes
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Can the Infiltrator model's benefit of the Armorer Artificer's 15th-level Perfected Armor feature be stacked?

The description of the Infiltrator model's benefit for the Armorer artificer's Perfected Armor feature says (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, p. 17): Infiltrator. Any creature that takes lightning ...
Kakuna Rattata's user avatar
6 votes
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Do multiple "Give you more on recall knowledge checks" feats stack?

I've seen at least 2 feats with different names that have the exact same effect, although one has more fluff (that you can easily get on the same character, as one is a dedication and the other is a ...
Alan's user avatar
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Do Consumptive Field and Greater Consumptive Field stack?

Let's say a wizard has caster level 12. If the Wizard casts both Consumptive Field and Greater Consumptive Field on himself, is his caster level 18 or 24?
alexstrasa82's user avatar
5 votes
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Do initiative bonuses stack?

I am asking this specifically with regard to the bonus from Gift of Alacrity (if two different characters knew the spell and cast it on the same person), but if there is a general rule on stacking ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Does Paladin Fighting Style: Defense count as a separately named feature from Fighter: Fighting Style Defense for stacking?

Fighter class feature says You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later ...
TheFallen0ne's user avatar
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Does two-weapon rend [general] stack with two-weapon rend [epic]?

I see there're two versions of two-weapon rend that coexists in DND 3R: Two-Weapon Rend [General] You wield two weapons with an artisan’s precision. Each strike builds on the next, allowing you to ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
9 votes
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What kind of bonuses add up?

I'm trying to plan my character ahead of time. I've read that some bonuses add up and some do not (so you chose the highest). I'm not clear on what it depends on. Is it origin (racial/class/feat/power ...
Bear's user avatar
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Do Symbiotic Entity + Hand of Harm stack damage?

I am working on a multiclass starting with a few levels of way of mercy monk dipping into circle of spores druid to get that kind of cycle of life and death flair. Before I commit I wanted to make ...
Kevin O'Reilly's user avatar
3 votes
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Can you stack Eldritch Knight's War Magic ability with Bladesinger's Extra Attack? [duplicate]

Let's say I am playing a 13th level character, 6 levels Bladesinger Wizard, 7 levels Eldritch Knight Fighter. I would have access to these abilities in question: War Magic: Beginning at 7th level, ...
Josbar0150's user avatar
11 votes
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Does the speed bonus from the monk feature Unarmored Movement stack with the bonus from the barbarian feature Fast Movement?

At level 5, barbarians get a bonus of +10 feet to their speed while not wearing heavy armor from Fast Movement. At level 2 and increasing as they level, monks get a bonus to their speed when not ...
Rated N's user avatar
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Can one skill check benefit from multiple synergies?

The descriptions for some skills list multiple conditions leading to a +2 synergy bonus, whereas other skills list multiple synergy bonuses, each with their own conditions. For example, the ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Can the Silvery Barbs spell be cast on a target more than once as a reaction to the same roll?

Can the silvery barbs spell spell be cast on a target more than once as a reaction to the same roll? For example, say you have two wizards fighting one creature. The enemy passes a saving throw ...
Morthanal's user avatar
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Can you use Plant Growths Enrichment effect multiple times?

Plant Growth has this effect as an option: Enrichment: This effect targets plants within a range of a half-mile, raising their potential productivity over the course of the next year to one-third ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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Allowing Magic Arrow and Bow to stack?

Is there any downside to allowing the Magic Arrows bonus to stack with a Magic Bow bonus, other than it is not rules-as-written?
Bucket's user avatar
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If a bard has two instruments can they cast regularly still?

If a bard, say has War Caster, and has two magical instruments, like say the Rhythm Maker's Drum, and a Reveler's Concertina, can they cast spells that have somatic parts? I had a player ask, and ...
Morthanal's user avatar
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How do Armors and Shields with special abilities with no bonus stack?

I am not sure how some of the magic special abilities of armors and shields work. Is an element resistance on an armor or a shield (e.g. acid /10) a bonus or is it not considered a bonus? (there is a ...
Digius's user avatar
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How do a dragon's Frightful Presence and Becoming More Fearful interact?

Scenario A dragon attacks, which activates its frightful presence. Everyone in the party has at least 5 HD, but fewer HD than the dragon. At least one party member is affected, and they are shaken. ...
InterstellarProbe's user avatar
9 votes
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How do on-hit pushback effects interact with multiattacks?

Do "on-hit" effects which allow you to push a creature backwards get decided immediately when you roll the hit? Or after all attack rolls are made for multiattacks? If you have to decide ...
jotheman07 's user avatar
2 votes
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Do untyped penalties from the same source stack?

The Mesmerizing Tattoo for example applies penalties to an opponent when specific conditions are met, like using Hypnotic Stare on them or targeting (only) them with an Enchantment spell. I know there ...
Yeran's user avatar
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Does one good STR saving throw free the monster from being restrained both by Entangle and Ensnaring strike?

Say a party of a Druid, Wizard and a Ranger REALLY doesn't want the creature to move during combat. The Wizard casts Maximilian Earthen Grasp The Druid casts Entangle The Ranger casts Ensnaring Strike ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Can I use Tool Expertise and Fire Rune both at the same time? [duplicate]

Tool Expertise At 6th level, your proficiency bonus is now doubled for any ability check you make that uses your proficiency with a tool. (Artificer) Fire Rune This rune's magic channels the ...
Orwell's user avatar
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Do bonuses to AC stack?

The Warforged get +1 to AC from their Integrated Protection feature. The forge domain cleric can use the feature Blessing of the Forge to enchant their armor for another +1 to AC. The Soul of the ...
Yuval Amir's user avatar
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Can you stack passive wisdom boosts?

I am currently putting together a dhampir blood hunter character and I noticed something interesting, which I would like to verify the RAW about: The Order of the Lycan, Heightened Senses is described ...
Victor B's user avatar
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How do temporary HP stack in D&D 3.5 under the rules as written?

Just what the title says: how do temporary HP stack in D&D 3.5 under the rules as written? I have a way that I run the game, which has worked for me just fine. Based on some other answers here, I ...
fectin's user avatar
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If multiple sources halve damage, do they stack?

Playing Dungeons & Dragons 5E and a situation came up tonight where a barbarian in rage (the barbarian takes half damage from bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing weapons) also rolled a successful ...
xXxVanityAffair's user avatar
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Would the Insignia of Claws interact with the Fighting Style: Unarmed Fighting turning magical the bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled by you?

The description of the Fighting Style: Unarmed Fighting states, in part (TCE, p. 42; emphasis mine): At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled ...
Kallenz's user avatar
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What happens if you use the Optional Class Feature 'Wild Companion' when you already have a Familiar already summoned from the spell?

I am mainly asking for the purpose of answering Is it possible to have two familiars?, noting that effects from the 'same' spell don't overlap. The Wild Companion ability reads as: You gain the ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
6 votes
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Can a paladin stack Divine Smite, Thunderous Smite, and Wrathful Smite?

Is it possible to cast wrathful smite then on the next turn use Divine Smite and thunderous smite stacking with the effects of wrathful smite on the first attack? If not, can I instead cast wrathful ...
Barkue's user avatar
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If I cast the Bestow Curse spell on myself, choosing the fourth curse, and then cast Life Transference, will I heal one creature for an extra 1d8?

The fourth option of the Bestow Curse spell (PHB, p. 218; emphasis mine) states: [...] While the target is cursed, your attacks and spells deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target. The Life ...
Kallenz's user avatar
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Do special abilities and wonderous items with similar effects cumulate?

Our monk's build contains various abilities and items that, in part, give him the same bonus, I am not sure if all of them would accumulate or not. Item: Monk's Belt (DMG 248) This simple rope belt, ...
Digius's user avatar
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If a character wears a magic item created with a particular spell, then cast the same spell, does the character gain both effects?

This is a general question on whether the effects from a spell stack with the effects of a wondrous item that was created with that same spell, in case the item's effect is different from the spell ...
Digius's user avatar
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Can you apply more than one Sword of Wounding wound per round?

The description for Sword of Wounding states the following: Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using this magic weapon, you can wound the target. At the start of each of the ...
Andrendire's user avatar
8 votes
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What happens with multiple attacks with the same name?

To clarify, I am trying to understand the interaction that occurs in D&D 5e between features that all grant a similar attack. For example, if I took a Path of the Beast Barbarian that was a ...
Nick Campbell's user avatar

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