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Questions tagged [epic-tier]

For questions dealing with characters at the very highest levels of power possible in their system.

5 votes
2 answers

Should Artifacts be improved if Epic Level Handbook is introduced to the campaign?

As a recent research, I found that it seems artifacts were designed in the pre-epic era, so their CLs are 20th at most and (if it is a weapon or an armour) can have at most +5 enhancement bonus, which ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Epic weapons that cannot bypass DR x/Epic?

I see in Epic Level Handbook there're some preset specific epic weapons that do not have +6 or more enhancement bonus. Like the following one: Finaldeath This +5 undead dread ghost touch morningstar ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Does an Epic character in 3.5 get new spells if they pick up a new base class?

In 3.5, the epic rules rules state that no new spell slots are obtained after level 20. But if a 20th level wizard, say, picks up a level of cleric to get to level 21 (20 Wiz 1 Clr) does that ...
Paleobiology 's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does an epic spell with the Ward seed disappear if the target moves?

(...) A ward against magic creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere (with radius 10 feet) that surrounds the caster and excludes all spell effects of up to 1st level. Alternatively, the ...
Attonwizard's user avatar
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Does two-weapon rend [general] stack with two-weapon rend [epic]?

I see there're two versions of two-weapon rend that coexists in DND 3R: Two-Weapon Rend [General] You wield two weapons with an artisan’s precision. Each strike builds on the next, allowing you to ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Does Hordemaster epic destiny perk trigger once per ally or once overall?

I want to understand exactly how Dark Sun's "Hordemaster" Level 30 feature works (Dark Sun Campaign Setting, page 100). Horde Attack (30th level): Once per encounter, when you or an ally ...
ichthyophile's user avatar
3 votes
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Improved Metamagic feat (epic) clarification

I wonder if I am interpreting this feat wrongly or not. Reading the epic feat "Improved Metamagic" it seems to me that, if taken multiple times it considerably outshines the other epic feats ...
Digius's user avatar
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Can an epic knight/death delver use Nine Lives after Loyal Beyond Death?

What if my character is a level 20 Knight (PHII) and it got the Loyal Beyond Death (Ex) class feature and also has the Nine Lives (Ex) because it is a level 10 Death Delver (HoH) as well and his HP ...
Onymos Ceutho's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What happens when a character with the Immanence Destiny takes Dual-Type damage?

A character with the Immanence Epic Destiny has the following ability: Immanence Variable Resistance (21st level): After the first time you take damage of a particular type during an encounter, you ...
Richard Winters's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Which Epic Spells don't follow the Epic Spell rules?

As has recently been pointed out, the pre-statted Epic Spell Superb Dispelling has a limitation that the Dispel Seed ought not to grant. Ignoring the DM's ability to approve anything, what other pre-...
J. Mini's user avatar
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If a character with 4 main-hand attacks and the Perfect Multiweapon Fighting epic feat, does using the Haste spell grant them a 5th offhand attack?

A character, without using haste, has 4 attacks on main hand, and the epic feat Perfect Multiweapon Fighting: You can make as many attacks with each extra weapon as with your primary weapon, using ...
Digius's user avatar
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3 votes
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Base attack bonus of a character who acquires outsider levels

I'm attempting to represent a character who is a 12th level Wizard / 4th level fighter who then acquires 15 HD of outsider levels. Which base attack bonus is correct? 12th level Wizard / 4th level ...
MichaelDorf's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Shortcuts for GMs preparing a boss sheet

Due to time constraints, I simply do not have the time any more to read through the list of all the feats, all possible enchantments, and all the prestige classes, to then build a boss. What are the ...
Digius's user avatar
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4 votes
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How does the Perfect Wight prestige class's Improved Legerdemain feature work?

The Perfect Wight prestige class from the Epic Level Handbook (page 34) gains the Improved Legerdemain feature at 2nd level. Could the perfect wight use this to touch a device that is inside a force ...
Digius's user avatar
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4 votes
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Epic feat: self concealment cumulate with other "miss chance" abilities or spells?

One of my players uses in combat the spell displacement (PH 223) allowing the 50% miss chance of attacks. He also has the epic feat "self concealment" (10%). This feat is on the -epic level ...
Digius's user avatar
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