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Questions tagged [social]

For questions about the real-life social aspects of role-playing games.

25 votes
2 answers

Is there an age requirement to play in Adventurers League?

The people in my local D&D Adventurers League are all grown men who say I am too young to join, even though I am 13. Is that true? Is there a minimum age to play in AL games?
Trevor Fait's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How much XP should you award if the encounter was not solved via battle? [duplicate]

I have created an encounter with monsters, with their relevant CR and XP. Normally, when the party kills everyone, they are rewarded the XP. If the party chooses to, and succeeds in, resolving the ...
Theo Scholiadis's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

I'm worried the players at my group don't like me. What do I do? [closed]

Note: This is about a social dynamic, and is loosely related to gameplay. If you want to answer the question, keep this in mind. Or maybe it is gameplay; it could have something to do with how I'm ...
Throwawayjusthrowawaynow's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I revitalise a group after someone leaves in a loud way?

I went through some of the Tomb of Annihilation module a few months ago. Due to someone throwing a tantrum (certain things he was saying was true in certain ways, but the way he said it was terrible), ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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55 votes
6 answers

How do I deal with being envious of my own players?

I am the problem GM in question. I haven't played for a long time. My last two attempts at it were with GMs that represented "no" rather than "yes, but" approach. Often railroaded to the point of ...
Mołot's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Our game master loves running for a large group; we get much more enjoyment from a small group

A fellow player of two years has started to run a game for us. He's the best game master I've ever had the privilege of playing for, and we love our game. However our DM's ambition to run a large ...
Andrew Harvey's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

How can I get my players to come to the game session after agreeing to a date?

I have been playing D&D-5e for a while with my friends and a lot of times, when they say they are completely sure they can come to a meet, they end up not coming. I would at least like to get them ...
Argo's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Is having explosions as a go-to solution considered bad table manners?

I am working on a Starfinder character who specializes in explosions, whose go-to solution is applying explosives to a problem till it ceases to be a problem. I am afraid I will be perceived as ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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61 votes
6 answers

How can I tell if I am a problem player?

Suppose I suspect that I might be considered a "problem player" but I am not sure. I play using techniques, decisions, or moves that, while not blatantly inappropriate, are atypical or time-consuming, ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can I tell someone a character is taken? [closed]

I’m really bad at turning people down. In a role play I’m hosting, someone asked to be a character that’s already taken. How do I nicely let them know the character is taken?
kara.beth's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I make my players settle their differences in-character?

I am currently running a game of Dungeon World as a first-time GM. In my party of 5 players, there is a barbarian who always rushes in to fight head-on, and also behaves very aggressively towards ...
Ahorn's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

As a DM, is it improper of me to flirt with one of my players "off the clock"?

(I'm not sure if this belongs here or in interpersonal.SE; I decided to post here because I hope that others may have first- or second-hand experience.) The premise is simple: in my weekly 5e ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is FATE an appropriate choice for someone anxious about in-person Roleplay? [closed]

I've been considering getting into tabletop for a long time now. Years ago, when I was reading D&D's 3.5 PHB, an older friend advised me that such a system would interfere with the narrative ...
AnxiousFiend's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Should the DM be playing a PC in any way? [closed]

So, let me give you the situation here. I have a DM that is a close friend of mine. A group of about six people (Including him and I) will be starting a campaign in the next few days. We have a group ...
Broderick Smith's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to handle irresolvable player character motives?

Background Up until recently, I ran a 5E game for five players: a sorcerer, two wizards, and two warlocks (all level 3 humans). All five are familiar with 5E. This is my first attempt at running an ...
Viishnahn's user avatar
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