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Questions tagged [social]

For questions about the real-life social aspects of role-playing games.

16 votes
4 answers

How do I get players to invest in their character concept and stop making new PCs?

I have been playing in a specific group for some time now. I now am in a position where I am going to be the GM once more. However I have a recurring problem with the players continuously switching ...
26 votes
10 answers

How do I encourage a GM to use the rules as written?

Related to this question, there are some game masters who either don't know the rules or ignore them properly. They come into conflict with rules lawyers, players who know the rules well and expect ...
19 votes
6 answers

How to help a player create a character with more long term motivations?

I am currently DMing a campaign for a player that I will call Will and 2 others. To start off, Will is not really a problem player despite this question being tagged as such. He is engaged in the game,...
24 votes
7 answers

What do I do if my players are acting in a way that is meta-gaming and are refusing to accept my decision?

The Situation I have a party of 5 players all sleeping in a barn on an abandoned farm at night. This is near the beginning of the campaign and each player likes having little secrets about each other....
1 vote
3 answers

Trolls crashing an online-game

The open-for-all on-line play-by-post RPG runs well for about two years. Then, out of nowhere, an army of trolls (the internet version, not the fantasy one) appears (examples defamiliarized): one ...
191 votes
10 answers

How does a player correct a GM mistake without being a rules lawyer or pushover?

You are playing in a game. The GM says that you need to roll a given roll. The rules clearly state something different. I realize one solution is to go along to get along, then tell the GM after the ...
37 votes
11 answers

What are my options when other members of the party think my character is too powerful?

I've recently started playing DnD 5e with a group of friends, all of whom are very inexperienced - myself and the DM included. We all agreed at the start we were aiming for a very casual game ...
18 votes
6 answers

How to describe & roleplay past torture, prejudice and gender discrimination without upsetting fellow players too much?

In the next adventure I'm going to play a drow male, who was casually bullied, whipped etc. by females of the drow society. That's how that society works, after all. It's in the books. He now has a ...
25 votes
6 answers

How to deal with a quiet player?

I have an ongoing game of Mage: the Ascension. While everything is going quite OK and I am pretty happy about what is going on around the table, I noticed that one of my players is a bit quiet and ...
20 votes
9 answers

How to deal with an enthusiastic new player who's interrupting others? aka, How to gently teach "improv etiquette"?

(Preamble: I recognize "just talk to her" is the default right answer for questions like this, but since the transgression is really small and the player is really new, I'm specifically ...
149 votes
18 answers

How can I find other RPG players?

I'd really like to learn how to play pen-and-paper RPGs. I know that it takes a few players to actually sit down and play, but I'm not at all sure where to find more gamers. How do I find existing ...
42 votes
14 answers

When and how should I get the players to cut back on their out of character chatter?

I like that my players have all become such good friends. But they're all louder than me. We end up just chatting and hanging out more than gaming because I can't get them to stop having out of ...
27 votes
5 answers

Group social issues when roleplaying as a gender other than your own

Some time ago I was thinking of a character for a system (which I won't mention, to avoid any bias) who was of the opposite gender. I'm fairly convinced that it's because of the characters background, ...
57 votes
5 answers

How should I deal with a difficult group and a DM that doesn't help?

This will seem like a lot of irrelevant information but it will make sense. I'm relatively new to tabletop RPGs, but not RPGs in general. A little while ago, I became interested in playing with a ...
94 votes
17 answers

How should a GM deal with sexuality in an RPG?

I think it's a matter of fact that since the first moment a player realizes that he or she can interact with someone of the opposite sex romantically within the game, things get hairy. I had my fair ...

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