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How can I, as a GM, make players with different playstyles be more moderate?

I'm a GM for this group of players playing Pathfinder 2e, and we're playing an adventure where they are supposed to be city guards. Now, one of the players is taking it to an extreme level of ...
Snakehelm's user avatar
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5 answers

What to do as a DM if my players are in constant disagreement with each other?

I've facing an interesting issue as a DM and don't know what can I do from my position to solve the problem. My players always argue with each other and are always disappointed by the other side, up ...
Denis's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

To what extent is the DM responsible for resolving interpersonal conflict? [closed]

Interpersonal conflict can arise between any people. If a player has an issue with another player within a gaming group for a game that has a DM/GM/Keeper, what responsibility does a DM have to help ...
StuperUser's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Our game master loves running for a large group; we get much more enjoyment from a small group

A fellow player of two years has started to run a game for us. He's the best game master I've ever had the privilege of playing for, and we love our game. However our DM's ambition to run a large ...
Andrew Harvey's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make the GMs job easier? [closed]

As a player how can I make things easier for the GM? I ask because I've never actually played before. e.g. How much research should I do on the specific game we'll be playing, is there a point where ...
SolidusVerum's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

What etiquette should a new player observe at the gaming table?

I have never played an RPG and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do anything special or not when playing. This post tells me what I should bring but what on earth do I do when I get there? I'm that ...
SolidusVerum's user avatar
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54 votes
6 answers

How can I check whether an extremely adult/mature plot idea would be accepted by players without revealing any details of the idea itself?

I am running a post-apocalyptic zombie game with a dark and mature story, exploring a number of adult themes. I have complete buy-in from the players; some of them have stated it is their favourite ...
Wibbs's user avatar
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111 votes
12 answers

Is there a limit to Rule 0?

Rule Zero: All other rules can be changed by the GM. I appreciate that there is a massive amount of work that goes into being a GM and the last thing that any GM wants or deserves is to have his ...
ElenionAncalima's user avatar
37 votes
4 answers

What policies should be made at the start of a campaign, to define the desired game experience and avoid bad feelings later?

My group and I work on the assumption that a game system's default assumptions are its manifesto, and that by choosing a system we are choosing to let its assumptions stand except where we institute ...
BESW's user avatar
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17 votes
9 answers

How do I handle a player who plays his character far differently than the character was originally presented?

I'm not asking how to make every character be played as I would play them. I'm asking how to handle a situation in which the character that the player presents to me as a GM (with complete back-story, ...
Zach's user avatar
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42 votes
14 answers

When and how should I get the players to cut back on their out of character chatter?

I like that my players have all become such good friends. But they're all louder than me. We end up just chatting and hanging out more than gaming because I can't get them to stop having out of ...
valadil's user avatar
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31 votes
8 answers

How can I encourage a style of play where enhancing others' fun is the most important goal?

Let's assume that we can break play styles into two categories: "selfish play," where you want to have fun, and "less-selfish play," where you want to have fun but you want everyone else at the table ...
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16 votes
8 answers

Can rules changes fix interpersonal problems at the table?

Can rules tweaks help deal with some of the common interpersonal problems at the gaming table? For example: Someone is not really interested in the game, and reads and ignores play until they ...
Ry St's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Specific items in a group social contract?

Some gaming groups actually do a formal social contract, wherein they explicitly set some of the expectations and rules for the gaming group. What items should a group considering doing a social ...
zacharythefirst's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Player Agenda - how to keep people happy at the table

There have been many attempts to classify player types and what they seek to get from play sessions - for instance, this WotC marketing survey and this article on the RPGNET wiki on Creative Agenda. ...