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Questions tagged [ranger]

For questions about the ranger, a class or archetype appearing in a number of different RPGs that has both martial prowess and skills in the wilderness. Rangers may have an animal companion, depending on the game system.

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Is there a way to see through fog cloud [duplicate]

I'm trying to make a ranger Kenku who makes fog clouds in fights and then shoots them through the enemys throughout the fog but I don't know how I would go about seeing through the fog.
Trøll3r4u2nv's user avatar
6 votes
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Does Dragonskin Armor Affect Ranger's Dual Wield?

My Ranger is dual wielding. 2e rules say I forgo the dual wield penalty if I wear studded leather. Where does dragonskin fit into this?
vol.2's user avatar
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Is it possible to become 4x Proficient in a skill? [duplicate]

With the ranger’s Deft Explorer trait, you add your proficiency bonus twice in one of your stats that you already have in a stat. If I were to gain expertise in the stat first, and then gain that ...
Celeste's user avatar
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When would a +1 Moon Sickle be superior to the other (Dex-based) melee weapons available to a ranger?

Sickles are d4 weapons without the finesse property. Why would a ranger want to use a +1 sickle (that requires attunement) in melee instead of a shortsword? Note: Jack pointed out in a comment that ...
User 23415's user avatar
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Do rangers have any features that would encourage them to fight with Dexterity instead of Strength?

Does the ranger have any class features that would be less powerful if they used Strength (instead of Dexterity) as their primary offensive ability? Obviously, this hypothetical ranger would be bad at ...
User 23415's user avatar
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17 votes
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What can a ranger 1/paladin 1 do with their spell slots?

Paladins and rangers get their spellcasting at level 2, as they are half-casters. However, a ranger 1/paladin 1 would have the spell slots of a 1st-level full caster. Would this hypothetical character ...
User 23415's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can you make a spell attack with the Hunter's Giant Killer?

The full Hunter's Prey ability is written as such (Player's Handbook p.93, emphasis mine): Hunter’s Prey At 3rd level, you gain one of the following features of your choice. Colossus Slayer Your ...
Jon Aristotle's user avatar
5 votes
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Can you use Favored Foe multiple times on the same creature?

In D&D 5e (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything), if I hit a creature and use the Favored Foe feature to mark it and deal additional damage, would I be able to stop concentrating on the initial mark and ...
Hijack222's user avatar
2 votes
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Gloom Stalker Ranger's Stalker's Flurry and Rogue's Elusive

Rogue's Elusive states " No attack roll has advantage against you while you aren’t incapacitated." and Stalker's Flurry states "Once on each of your turns when you miss with a weapon ...
huginn's user avatar
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Can you add enlarge person to the ranger spell list without Sword of the Arcane Order?

I want to be casting enlarge person with my Ranger, but for a variety of reasons Sword of the Arcane Order is awkward (low-Int, feat slots, can't take it 'til level 6, etc.). Can it be done without ...
Elliot's user avatar
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Can unarmed strikes be used with Dread Ambusher?

I’m currently playing an unarmed monk. The build is to run as many attacks as I can without going too far into multi-classing fighter (I’ll go two levels in to pick up action surge). I’m considering ...
TangledInYarn's user avatar
13 votes
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Can a creature chose different targets for each attack on a turn using information about the outcome of previous attacks? [duplicate]

A 4th-level ranger with a light melee weapon each hand and the Two Weapon Fighting fighting style can make 2 attacks in a turn (1 with the Attack action for the first hand, 1 as a bonus action for the ...
alemayo's user avatar
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Optimal Magic Items for Ranged Combat?

I'm a 5e player with a good amount of experience. I am currently playing a revised ranger (and using the optional features from Tasha's because my DM lets me). What magic items/spells/feats could I ...
Playmaker's user avatar
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When a Beast Master Ranger is incapacitated, who controls the primal companion?

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything's Primal Companion description says: If you are incapacitated, the beast can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge. Since it's a magically summoned primal ...
Divine Right's user avatar
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Does the Animal Companion from the Beastmaster Ranger subclass get additional Hit Dice as the ranger gains levels?

We're using the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition players handbook only. The Ranger's Companion section (PHB p. 93) seems, for the most part, to be pretty clear. The part about hit points states: It's ...
Wollie's user avatar
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"Each of your turns" Gathered swarm clarification

I'm trying to figure out if I can do the reaction polearm master and use gathered swarm if I hit I'm just honestly confused by the "each of your turns" part of gathered swarm.
SuprLarry's user avatar
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How much total damage can a 3rd-level Ranger with 2 shortswords and the Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style deal in one round?

How much damage can a 3rd level Ranger with 2 short swords (with Two- Weapon Fighting fighting style) deal in total during a round? The Ranger rolls 2d20 and hits the enemy with both (with no bonus or ...
alemayo's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is the DC of the Swarmkeeper ranger's Gathered Swarm feature affected by a Moon Sickle?

In the Swarmkeeper ranger's 3rd-level feature Gathered Swarm, one of the possible effects after you hit a creature with an attack on your turn is: The attack’s target must succeed on a Strength ...
Pumpkinjo's user avatar
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Can a Gloom Stalker Ranger (potentially) make an attack roll five times in one turn via the Attack action?

As the DM, a player at my table is playing a Gloom Stalker Ranger, at level 11. This player was able to make an attack on their first turn of combat while utilising two-weapon fighting, per the PHB ...
Xenor's user avatar
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Gathered Swarm damage vs resistance and immunity

Assume we're a Swarmkeeper Ranger who's fighting a werewolf and attacking with a magical weapon. Does the swarm's damage affect the werewolf? More precisely, there are two questions: Is the swarm's ...
Pumpkinjo's user avatar
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Does a drakewardens companion keep attacking the same creature or must it be told to do so every round?

I have been reading Fizban's Treasury of Dragons and playing Drakewarden. I noticed the wording of the Drake Companion: It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on ...
ItsScottish's user avatar
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Does the Monster Slayer Ranger's Hunter's Sense feature reveal conditional resistances and those from traits?

The Monster Slayer Ranger's Hunter's Sense ability gives insight into immunities, resistances and vulnerabilities. The important bit saying this: "At 3rd level, you gain the ability to peer at ...
The Goblin's user avatar
11 votes
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How is the Precision edge shared?

A few ranger feats share the hunter's edge benefits, namely Animal Companion and Warden's Boon (and the feats that require it): Ranger: When you Hunt Prey, your animal companion gains the action's ...
Ruse's user avatar
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Multiattack defense vs legendary actions

I have a question about the DnD 5E Ranger Hunter Multiattack Defense feature. Should you or do you get Multiattack Defense against legendary actions? For example, when you get a bite and two claw ...
Somewhere_Nthemiddle 's user avatar
7 votes
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As a rogue, what are the most reliable ways to gain advantage on attacks?

I am making a very specific Ranger/Rogue multiclass that heavily relies on getting sneak attacks. What are some reliable ways to gain advantage on attacks in combat, especially at early levels?
This is a username's user avatar
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How do I deal with an Umbral Sight Ranger's enormous advantages in Curse of Strahd? [closed]

I'm playing the module Curse of Strahd. The Tabaxi Ranger with the Umbral Sight ability causes a lot of problems. Fights take place in dark rooms or at night. Almost all undead have darkvision, but ...
Rictavio's user avatar
5 votes
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Can you activate your Extra Attack from the Bonus Action Attack of your primal companion?

As stated in the title, I got curious about the interaction between the Attack action of my beast (which requires my Bonus Action) and the Extra Attack feature. Beginning at 5th level, you can attack ...
Duhl's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can my Beastmaster ranger use its animal companion as a mount?

My player's Beastmaster ranger has a panther companion that he would like to turn into a riding mount. Is there a way to permanently enlarge the panther to horse-size?
Rock Stone's user avatar
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Is this companion ability unbalanced?

I have created a bit of a homebrew companion for a Ranger (Beastmaster) PC, using the PHB companion rules. It's a raccoon, based on the Badger stats (with some minor tweaks; like a climb speed instead ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 vote
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Can the Hunter subclass use their Volley feature with a melee weapon?

The Ranger subclass in D&D 5e, Hunter, has an 11th-level feature called Multiattack which allows them to pick Volley or Whirlwind. Volley. You can use your action to make a ranged attack against ...
James's user avatar
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