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What language do undead speak?

I really need help with creating my ranger. For my "favored enemy," I chose undead, but I don't know what language they speak (if they speak one at all). Do I just look for a single undead (...
LoJaTa50963's user avatar
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Best DPR using the Horizon Walker's teleporting feature?

I am hoping to play a 15th level character in my new campaign. We are starting from that level and progressing from there. What is the best combination of my levels, ASI, feats, magic items, etc, ...
ArtickokeAndAnchovyPizzaMonica's user avatar
9 votes
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How can a ranger have the Snare Crafting feat at level 1?

The Snare Crafting skill feat is required to create snares. The only requirement is that the character be trained in Crafting. How can I build a level 1 ranger with Snare Crafting? Typically initial ...
indigochild's user avatar
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6 votes
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What is the best favored enemy type for a revised ranger in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage adventure?

I’m working with a DM’s approval to help a player choose a favored enemy for a UA revised ranger without spoiling the player on Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. In this agreement, I’m doing to ...
Louis-David Dionne's user avatar
5 votes
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What favored terrain would be the most optimal for Storm King's Thunder (NW Faerun)?

I've gone taken a gander at some maps of NW Faerun and I am not sure exactly which terrain would be useful. My players and I are doing session zero in a couple days and my ranger player has asked me ...
Boldemort's user avatar
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First levels of a Wildshape Mystic Ranger/Master of Many Forms

I'm looking for advice on how to play the first levels of a character I'm building. The character is a Wild Shape Mystic Ranger/Master of Many Forms, so in particular I need tips on what to do the ...
skd's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Simple and Martial Weapons - is that melee only, or both melee and ranged?

In DnD 5e the Ranger get simple and martial weapon proficiencies. Do these include RANGED weapons of those types, or only melee? I had assumed only melee, but then there's no way they can be ...
Willem Manderly's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Can the ranger choose powers from the scout or hunter list?

I would like to create a ranger with some Scout or Hunter powers, but I don't know if it's possible. Furthermore, when reading the Scout description, at first level I find a column with the class ...
carl's user avatar
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