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Questions tagged [ranger]

For questions about the ranger, a class or archetype appearing in a number of different RPGs that has both martial prowess and skills in the wilderness. Rangers may have an animal companion, depending on the game system.

13 votes
1 answer

Is D&D Beyond correct in showing my ranger's attack bonus being higher than his Dex mod + bonus from Archery Fighting Style?

In a campaign I am joining, I am playing an Owlin Ranger. Since we're starting at level 3, my subclass is Gloom Stalker. Every time I create this character, D&D Beyond keeps saying I have an ...
Dan the man 007's user avatar
1 vote
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Is dual wielding as a ranger a good idea? Will it interfere with spells? [duplicate]

I'm making a ranger and I want him to be a dual wielder. But bc both my hands are occupied does that mean I can't cast any spells with m or s components without using an action to put away my sword ...
This is a username's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Does the ranger feature Land's Stride negate the movement debuff from the centaur's Equine Build trait?

The second part of the centaur's Equine Build racial trait says (MP:MotM, p. 9): In addition, any climb that requires hands and feet is especially difficult for you because of your equine legs. When ...
Westover's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Does a ranger with the Land's Stride feature ignore damage from the Spike Growth spell?

I was running a combat for a ranger character, and the player claimed Land's Stride allowed them to not take the 2d4 damage per 5 feet of movement from the Spike Growth spell. Is this accurate?
Morthanal's user avatar
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1 answer

In 5e If a Ranger takes "Constructs" as a favored enemy, does that include Warforged? [duplicate]

Simple questions for "Rules as Written" that came up in our newest Eberron campaign. If a Ranger takes "Constructs" as a favored enemy, does that include Warforged?
SteveED's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Can a Gloom Stalker ranger continuously use Dread Ambusher if they knock-out or eliminate enemy after enemy, as long as it happens in one turn?

In D&D 5e, if a gloom stalker (ranger) is infiltrating somewhere while in stealth. Would it be possible for them to attack one enemy, potentially eliminate them, re-enter stealth and proceed to do ...
Lucaden's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

If a level 7 Beast Master Ranger equips their Primal Companion with chainmail barding what is the new AC?

If a level 7 Beast Master Ranger were to give their Beast of the Land Primal Companion barding armor, what is the new Armor Class? For example let's use chainmail barding. It seems that the new AC ...
iScreamsalad's user avatar
18 votes
9 answers

How to encourage melee combat when ranged is a stronger option

I'm playing in a 5E campaign based on the Grim Hollow guide. My character is Level 3 Rogue Assassin multiclassed with Level 3 Ranger Gloom Stalker, with all future levels going into Rogue. I had ...
Daniel Iwasiw's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Need balancing advice and contructive criticism for Ranger Subclass 5e

Ranger: Pact Keeper Some rangers stand as a gateway between humanity and the chaotic presence of the feywild, and some fey stand with them. You’ve made a pact with an organization upholding safety for ...
Nick Nick's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Timing of Foe Slayer and Favored Foe (Tasha’s)

Favored Foe is used on hit, and works with Foe Slayer. Does the Ranger need to hit normally first, (without using Foe Slayer), and then on future attacks they can use Foe Slayer? Or, can the Ranger ...
Ira's user avatar
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Can Hunter's Horde Breaker be used for two attacks against the same (huge) target?

The Horde Breaker Ranger feature's descriptions clearly says: you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature that is in within 5 feet of the original target If you ...
questions are coming's user avatar
3 votes
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Redundancy in Tasha's Beast Master Conclave?

The optional rules in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything for the Beast Master Ranger's "Primal Companion" state: In combat, the beast acts during your turn. It can move and use its reaction on ...
nulliod's user avatar
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Beastmaster. Timing of the fight. Command, attack action of the beast and bonus action

I am generally wondering if the beastmaster can use his bonus action before his companion attacks but after the action command is given. (PHB p93) Why do I want to know this? There is the feat "...
Haakon's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Do Ranger Beast Master Primal Companions use Strength or Wisdom for Attacks?

The general rule of melee weapon attacks is, that you use STR unless otherwise specified. The Spell attack modifier of a Ranger is based on Wisdom. The Primal Companions from TCoE use the Ranger's ...
Apfeljunge666's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Does the Drakewarden's Drake have to increase in size at lv7 and lv15?

So, I'm playing a Drakewarden Ranger and at lv7, the drake grows in size. The rules state the following: In addition, while your drake is summoned, you and the drake gain the following benefits: ...
Der Pschorn's user avatar

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