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32 votes
4 answers

Can my players abuse this homebrew Blade of the Thirst magic item?

I am designing a homebrew magic item. I think I have it balanced but need to know if there are any loopholes I have not seen. Blade of the thirst, magical longsword, requires attunement, versatile, ...
Skeith's user avatar
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23 votes
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What is the rarity of my homebrew Glass Sword?

I was writing up some magical weapons and had a fond remembrance of the "Glass Sword" from Ultima VII (apparently V/VI/IX as well). While I didn't want to preserve the "save or die&...
Cireo's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

How much would a +7 AC magic item be worth?

For context: A DM in this multi-DM run D&D 5e campaign I'm in said she would be doing very difficult sessions with very high level loot if we succeed in said sessions. Well, disregarding the fact ...
pestival's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Balance review for a homebrew magic item - Illithid Tadpole

My (currently level 9) Divination Wizard has been implanted with an Illithid Tadpole. Through various events the Ceremorphosis was ended, and I was left with the live tadpole within me. I could have ...
SeriousBri's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Is this homebrew sword of wind control based on "Grasscutter" overpowered?

I'm not the best when it comes to homebrewing magical weapons but I really want this to be in 5e. There is a sword from japanese mythology called Ame-no-urakumo-no-Tsurugi (天叢雲剣, "Sword of Gathering ...
Youjay's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How gamebreaking is this magic item that can reduce casting times?

I've been considering the following homebrew magic item to give to my campaign's BBEG. The flavour/intent is that the villain is manipulating the way time works across the multiverse, and I designed ...
caird coinheringaahing's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

What Should Be The Rarity Rating Of This Homebrew Item?

I've homebrewed a rather cool item (in my opinion). The idea behind it is it can substitute for a shield and weapon, allowing the character two free hands while still being considered armed. It has ...
user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

What should the rarity rating be for this homebrew Healing Brick?

I read about this item on reddit (with a different name) a while ago and planned to implement this in my campaign, but I'm unsure what its rarity should be. Healing Brick As an action, make ...
Vylix's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Is this homebrew "Faerie Fire Grenade" unbalanced?

I am playing a druid in my friend's Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign. He is allowing me to do some things with exotic plants that I found in the wilds. One of those plants was one that shed a yellow ...
Makrau's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Is this Cloak of Unearthly Grace pricing fair?

In an upcoming mythic campaign one of my players asked whether he can craft/purchase a Cloak of Unearthly Grace, as the Nymph's supernatural ability: Unearthly Grace (Su) A nymph adds her Charisma ...
Ligwin's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Is this Bracers of Stored Health homebrew magic item balanced?

I was thinking about the similarities between a character I was making and one from the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, when the idea to make a magic item that replicated the effects of one of ...
Diamcreep Productions's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Is this weapon suitable for a 2nd tier Barbarian?

I created a new weapon for the barbarian of the party I am DMing. They are in the 2nd tier of playing, they are all at level 7, in a couple of session they will level up. I would like to give the ...
Eddymage's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Homebrew Hammer of Wild Magic

I am picturing a special magic item for one of my PCs, something to build up until they find it a few sessions from now. The item's relevance is mostly its lore, but because I would like it to be used,...
DunBaloo's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can I improve this homebrew magic item so that it remains balanced across a wide range of levels?

I am considering the following homebrew magic item for my campaign: Ring, rare (requires attunement) While attuned to this ring, when you cast a cantrip that targets a single creature (but does not ...
Avilyn's user avatar
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3 answers

Is this "Elven Thrower" magic dagger balanced?

Based on the Dwarven Thrower, this homebrew magic weapon is essentially an elven dagger with the similar returning feature. The exact specifics: Elven Thrower Weapon (dagger), rare (requires ...
Youjay's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Are these magic items too strong for level 3-4 characters?

I'm running my first ever campaign. The party of 4 are trying to unite a valley community (a kobold tribe, a human village, and a dwarven expedition) together against the incoming orc invasion. If ...
Matteo Devi's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Is this homebrew magic item that lets you add your Wisdom modifier to your AC (while attuned) balanced as a rare magic item?

I recently had an idea for a new item in 5e. This item is a cloak that lets you add your Wisdom modifier to your AC (requires attunement). I was thinking of making it a rare magic item, and I was ...
Tortilladog's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Is this Onyx Spear homebrew magic weapon overpowered for a low-level (3-5) character?

I'm building a unique weapon that can be looted off a boss creature in a very early portion of my campaign (expected for characters level 3-5), and I want to ensure that I can fairly hand it out to ...
Xirema's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is this homebrew entropic spear balanced?

I have created a magical entropic spear that I plan to give to the party when they reach roughly 10th level. Is this balanced? Entropic Spear Weapon (spear), rare This is a +2 magical weapon. On a ...
Jamie Brace's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is this proposed Brutal Destroyer magic weapon balanced against the Holy Avenger?

In a game I'm involved in, we've been offered the opportunity to request certain magic items that we'd like to encounter, including custom items. Taking the offer, I'm interested in something along ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Is this homebrew Artifact ready to finalize?

I've spent some time working on npcs and bosses but I have significantly less experience and therefore confidence in creating magic items. I've already fallen into traps of making things too weak as ...
GuidingOlive's user avatar
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9 votes
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Which rarity level is appropriate for this nerfed Scimitar of Speed with no bonus to attack and damage rolls?

The original Scimitar of Speed is among the Magic Weapons listed in the DMG: Scimitar of Speed requires attunement, very rare You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic ...
Mars Plastic's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is this "Bead of Final Countdown" homebrew magic item (for one final act of defiance in death) balanced?

I'm playing a fighter in a pretty standard D&D 5th edition game. My character is currently 7th level. I'm wanting to ask my DM for a magic item that would be something like the following: Bead of ...
fledder's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is an uncommon magic item that grants +2 to all dexterity checks broken?

I'm really trying to help my friend learn how to balance homebrew magic items and he seems to think that there's absolutely nothing wrong with this. I am doing this to our party's own detriment since ...
Wtfimmortal's user avatar
8 votes
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What rarity would a 15ft reach glaive magic item be?

I'm thinking of making a homebrew magic glaive with a 15ft reach rather than 10ft. What rarity should this be? Also, would making this attunement or non attunement change its rarity? For example, you ...
Convergent's user avatar
8 votes
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Is the rarity of this homebrew item appropriate?

For an upcoming home game, I came up with the following item and am wondering if the rarity is right. Time-Forgotten Sands Wondrous item, very rare A pinch of these dull-grey sands ...
JP Chapleau's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is this homebrew Mage Bane poison's rarity correct at uncommon?

We encountered a homebrew poison, which can coat weapons or piercing ammunition, that is called Mage Bane. Its properties1 are as follows: Mage Bane Potion, uncommon A concentrated, dark green liquid ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What is the rarity of a magic item which permanently increases an ability score up to at most 13?

In the DMG there are items like the Tome of Leadership and Influence that gives a permanent +2 to charisma and charisma maximum (and other similar Tomes and Manuals for other abilities), but they all ...
Jay Lemmon's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Would someone help with understanding my DM's homebrewed magic item? [closed]

As the title states, my DM made the whole party custom magic items according to our character's class, history, and other details, which is crazy awesome. My character is a Bard that plays a drum for ...
J Thompson's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is this homebrew Druid's Staff of Thorns appropriate for a level 3 Druid?

I'm new to D&D and have been running the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure for my wife. She is playing a Druid and I'm playing a DMPC Barbarian. I wanted to make a staff for her so she can keep a ...
Freerk92's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is this homebrew shortbow unique item balanced?

Background One of my players would like a magical bow, but I want something more than simply giving flat bonuses or extra damage/effects. Ideally it should be something that I can tie into her story/...
STT LCU's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is my Elephant Shield item balanced?

I created an item which is, conceptually, a hybrid of the Arrow-Catching Shield and the Ring of the Ram. Both of these are rare, however my item has some more restrictions, so I’d class it as uncommon....
Anagkai's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What is the rarity of my homebrew shortbow?

I want to create a custom magic item - a shortbow in particular. I want it to have a illusion theme but also a psychic damage theme, so here's what I've come up with. It will require attunement; it ...
NathanS's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is this custom Sniper Crossbow magic item correctly priced?

I have created this custom Sniper Crossbow, but I'm very bad at judging how it should be priced, so I'm asking for some feedback. Is this overpowered/underpriced? Sniper's Crossbow This +1 ...
0x539's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is this homebrew item, Necklace of Nine Lives, balanced?

I originally got part of this idea from the chat from user GcL then fleshed it out a bit and created it as a magic item. I'm not sure if it's balanced though against other Legendary items as it could ...
Himitsu_no_Yami's user avatar
7 votes
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Is this Sentient Vine Cloak magic item balanced?

I've got a level 8 halfling Circle of the Moon Druid who really enjoys using quirky Wild Shapes at every opportunity she can get. I want to encourage the creative beast choices during combat, and give ...
THadron's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How balanced is this Emblem of the Everlasting Plague cursed item?

Someone in our party wants to have a magical item that slowly turns him evil, taking control over him and that will make him a possible BBEG down the line, with the chance of being saved by the party. ...
Laurens Wolf's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Is this homebrew partial transformation balanced/abusable and useable for its intended purpose?

In the setting that I've created, the party will be spending time around a world tree. The tree is extremely large and has a large number of town sized bird cages (flowers of the tree that never ...
Cassie's user avatar
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Are these homebrew magic items balanced at low levels?

I was thinking about throwing in two "home made" magic/special items for when my players go up to level two this weekend, but I'm not sure if it would be at risk of being unbalanced because I was ...
Ginger's user avatar
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What is the rarity of this homebrew magic staff, "Blackthorn"?

I’m working on a magic staff based on lore of the Hawthorn Tree. The staff has 3 properties which the users controls through the staff’s thorny hand. Effectively, the user can use charges to: ...
Unaligned Ooze's user avatar
6 votes
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Is this homebrew magical Cape of Defense balanced?

This is basically a dialed down version of the Bracers of Defense: Cape of Defense Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) While wearing this cape, you gain a +1 bonus to AC if you are wearing ...
Jorge Córdoba's user avatar
6 votes
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Is this homebrew paralysing dagger balanced?

I have created a magical dagger that can paralyse people, that I plan to give to the party when they reach roughly 10th level. Is it balanced? Dagger of Paralysis Weapon (dagger), rare ...
Jamie Brace's user avatar
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2 answers

How Balanced Would a Magic Item that Changes Size by One Be?

Let's say for example the magic items are as follows: Torvald's Insecurity. Your size is increased by one for as long as you are attuned to this amulet and it is on your person. Smeek's Sleuthing ...
J Thompson's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How much should this homebrew ioun stone cost?

I want one of my NPCs to have a custom Ioun stone: Ioun stone, dark galena Aura moderate evocation; CL 12th Slot none; Weight —. With a command word, the user may activate or de-activate the fast-...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is this Monk’s Robe magic item conversion balanced in 5e?

In Pathfinder, there is a magic item called the Monk’s Robe. I like the idea, and have tried to convert it to D&D 5e, but I don’t know if my conversion is balanced. My conversion of the item is ...
Luke Sommers's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Would Thunder Crystal be ok for a Rare rating?

I'll be DMing for a party in an adventure where a lot of enemies will have resistance or immunity to the most common damage types, like Fire, Cold or Poison. In the previous adventure my Sorcerer ...
Mołot's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Are the following anti-magical items balanced?

All the following items are part of one big ritual that disrupts magic for an entire world. I want each of the items by themselves to be a item of less power, but fitting to the theme of anti-magical, ...
findusl's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does this homebrew way of delivering poisons have unforeseen consequences?

I am running a homebrew tier 3 adventure in which the players will eventually encounter vampires. I'd like to introduce an item that will be particularly effective against vampires and vampire spawn, ...
1600hp's user avatar
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Is a magic item that treats spells of one school of magic as if upcast one level higher overpowered?

I'm toying with the idea of giving a player a magic rod. This rod would allow him to treat all Necromancy spells as if upcast one level higher than the spell slot expended while the rod is held, if ...
Behacad's user avatar
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Are these new Instruments of the Bards balanced?

I've decided to homebrew some more Instruments of the Bards, representing a few instruments that are not currently included. The only main thing that's different between each one are the unique spells,...
NathanS's user avatar
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