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Questions tagged [gurps-4e]

GURPS is the Generic Universal Role Playing System from Steve Jackson Games. GURPS 4E is a skill-based point-build RPG focusing on flexibility. You can easily play anything from a stone age caveman, an ogre mage, a US navy soldier, or even a Zenbuddhist psychokinetic killer robot from the future (who likes cats). Crossovers are easy to handle with those rules. This system uses six-sided dice and hexagonal map-grids.

22 votes
7 answers

How to make GURPS combat fast?

The GURPS combat system can be really painful, especially if you use some optional rules. Two-players-vs.-two-NPC combat can easily take more than half an hour. Are there some tips, rules to players, ...
boucekv's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

How are GURPS rules interpreted?

The interpretive framework of assumptions and meta-rules used for interpreting the rules of RPGs seems to vary quite a bit from game to game. The formal name for such frameworks is "hermeneutics." ...
John Dallman's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

What are the legal issues for making a fan RPG of a licensed property using GURPS?

There are a lot of great franchises which don't have tabletop RPGs for them and I've seen that GURPS can handle, or give a valiant attempt at least basically anything, and I've seen for example ...
George Bora's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How can I adapt GURPS 4e materials to D&D 5e?

I have a number of GURPS resource books (of varying editions) that are amazing, containing spells, items, advantages, disadvantages, etc., but GURPS can put players off. Is there a way to adapt ...
Elphin's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Can someone with Magery 0 use a missile spell enchantment on an item (e.g. Sunbolt)?

In GURPS Magic 4e, the "Item" description under Sunbolt (p. 114) says: Staff or wand; the bolt is fired from the tip of the item. Usable only by mages. "Usable only by mages" ...
mactyr's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

Differing Starting Points Levels

The GM of a GURPS game I'm playing in has set the game's point level at 150. However, he has also made the option available to take 250 or 75 points at the beginning, with the understanding that the ...
Schilcote's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How do I build a non-biomorphic AI?

I'm building an ally for one of my players in a GURPS game, but I'm having trouble figuring out the point cost of a non-biomorphic AI. Basically, this AI lives in a computer that the player wears on ...
DuckTapeAl's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

If two hostile players approach, why the fastest one gets to attack in second place?

In posting this question I'm thinking of GURPS, but it would be the same with any game in which: players get one action per turn players can either move OR attack OR (move only one hex AND attack) ...
Damián Gil's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to coordinate castings this way?

Follow-on to this question, is it possible to coordinate (synchronize) the castings of spells such that if Alice the Mage is casting a spell that needs more FP than she has available (from her own FP, ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Does the effective skill of a "casting item" give an energy discount as caster skill would?

I'm playing in a campaign that's (mostly) running under DFRPG (4th Ed. rules exist as legacy, since as a play-by-post it's been running for many years and predates much of DF and all of DFRPG). I've ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can energy from Lend Energy be banked like that from paut?

At the simplest, Lend Energy (Healing college) and paut (as defined in Dungeon Fantasy/DFRPG and from GURPS: Thaumatology) are both intended to replace Fatigue Points spent in casting magic (faster ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can alchemy be performed with magical items in a no-mana world?

I am currently reading through all the rules used for the Alchemy skill. It says (I quote from GURPS Magic, p. 210): It is a mechanical process, using the mana inherent in certain things. [...] ...
tschoppi's user avatar
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1 answer

Does an item-cast, but user-powered spell count as a "spell on" for effective casting skill calculation?

Say I'm playing a mage (in DFRPG or Magic 4e systems) and I have a "casting item" -- that is, an enchanted item that lets the user cast a particular spell but requires the user to provide ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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