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Questions tagged [balance]

For questions about balance or perceived inequities between characters, classes, subclasses, spells, etc. that should be of roughly equivalent capability with one another.

4 votes
3 answers

Is the overwhelming soul archetype balanced with regard to a normal kineticist and other kineticist archetypes?

I was looking at archetypes for the kineticists and found Overwhelming Soul it doesn't seem like it gives much of a benefit. You gain a couple of good skills, get the ability to lower burn by one ...
18 votes
3 answers

How can I avoid accidentally deadly encounters from monsters that are more deadly than their challenge rating suggests?

Monster Deadliness: In the DMG (p.82) there is guidance about the calculating encounter deadliness. This is entirely based on the XP of the monsters encountered, and each challenge rating (CR) has a ...
16 votes
4 answers

How do I manage the Deck of Many Things?

I'm considering adding a Deck of Many Things to my campaign. How would I balance this? Is there a way to stop it from upending my entire campaign? How do I keep the story on track? How do I manage the ...
25 votes
4 answers

Is my Ranger doing more damage than they should?

My character is a level 5 ranger and can do on average 50 or so damage per round. I have the Venomous Bow and and some basic bane toxin. The bow has the following relevant traits: Poison Generation. ...
14 votes
2 answers

Will chaos (or other problems) result from letting my players use instead of the WOTC collection of books?

I'm DM of a group that just completed a one-year long campaign, and we are about to start anew. But my players have asked if instead of using the ever-growing list of official published WOTC books, ...
29 votes
6 answers

Would allowing barbarians to maintain rage as an action be unbalanced or permit shenanigans?

A barbarian's Rage ends early if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. Players of barbarians, including those in my own play ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is this homebrew Bard College of Comedy v3.0 balanced, compared to officially published subclasses?

Based on the comments/answers from version 1.0, 2.0, and 2.5, I have updated features, dropped some, and moved others around. I'm including the (slightly edited) original intro, and have adjusted the ...
6 votes
4 answers

Will making changes to verbal component rules break game balance?

The goal of verbal components is to prevent casters from rashly casting spells like Charm Person (as the NPCs would immediately notice it) and let prison guards debilitate a caster by gagging them. ...
11 votes
2 answers

Is the moons' influence on spellcasting balanced for a Dragonlance campaign?

I am about to DM Shadow of the Dragon Queen and I have almost finished reading the manual, to get the general idea of the adventure. To be honest, I feel that the setting depicted here does not feel ...
6 votes
1 answer

Hammer of Runic Focus

In The Book of Many Things, there is a Hammer of Runic Focus. The illustration is awesome and its general theme and function seem interesting. However, it seems in every way to be significantly ...
9 votes
5 answers

How to calibrate combat encounters for high level play?

The DMG contains recommendations for the XP values of encounters that are supposed to help you create engaging but survivable combat encounters (page 82). They work pretty well for low- and mid-level ...
13 votes
3 answers

Is making all Opportunity Attacks have disadvantage game breaking in any way?

To try and promote more movement in my game I'm considering a ruling where all Opportunity Attacks have disadvantage. Are there any ways this would significantly change the game? Party consists of two ...
9 votes
1 answer

What level would a weaponised version of Vortex Warp be?

In a campaign I recently misread the wording in the Vortex Warp spell, and was fighting a mounted knight. I used the spell to whip the horse out from under him and have it appear 90ft in the air above ...
21 votes
2 answers

What is the distribution of Saving Throws associated with each attribute that are required by spells?

I read somewhere that in D&D 5e, the Saving Throw distribution for spells was biased towards DEX, CON and WIS. In other words, if you had proficiency in those attributes, you would benefit a lot ...
25 votes
6 answers

What magic items would a commoner need to go head to head with a party of 4 (Lvl 15) adventurers?

I run a mostly open-world-ish campaign set in the spelljammer setting. My adventurer's overarching goal is to further a religion based around some camel they found (awesome, right?), so what better to ...

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