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8 votes
1 answer

How would these buffs to underpowered prerequisite feats affect game balance?

Like many people who enjoy 3.5, I find that the issue of "feat tax" is incredibly pervasive - which is to say, there are a lot of feats that just feel like dead weight on a character sheet. ...
Phoenix Duck's user avatar
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3 votes
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Improved Metamagic feat (epic) clarification

I wonder if I am interpreting this feat wrongly or not. Reading the epic feat "Improved Metamagic" it seems to me that, if taken multiple times it considerably outshines the other epic feats ...
Digius's user avatar
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How can I allow my player to be a Doppelganger without excessive HD/LA?

A player character who is a Doppelganger has four levels of Monstrous Humanoid and LA +4: Racial Hit Dice: A doppelganger begins with four levels of monstrous humanoid, which provide 4d8 Hit Dice, a ...
From's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can a Doppelganger buy Changeling racial feats?

The Changeling race in D&D 3.5 has a history defined as They evolved through the union of doppelgangers and humans, eventually becoming a separate race distinct from either ancestral tree. In D&...
From's user avatar
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Child of the Warren, slightly tweaked version of Child of the Shadow

I want to use Child of the Shadow (Savage Tide Player's Guide, p.12), but the flavor doesn't work. Altering it to be based on a crowded hobgoblin warren instead, I came up with this: Child of the ...
fectin's user avatar
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What if the rules for corporeal creatures and incorporeal were symmetrical?

I previously asked this question in regards to the asymmetry between corporeals attacking incorporeals (having a miss chance of 50%) and incorporeals attacking corporeals (no miss chance) as per the ...
Digius's user avatar
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2 votes
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What is the cost of making a custom armor Celestial?

I'm trying to reverse engineer the Celestial part of the Celestial Armor in the Dungeon Master's Guide (page 220). Celestial Armor: This bright silver or gold +3 chainmail is so fine and light that ...
Kuro_Neko's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is adjusting damage type an appropriate power level for bestow curse?

A rather creative cleric in my game's party has presented with a new curse they want to use. The new curse is: All damage the target creature takes is treated as the damage type to which the creature ...
Wannabe Warlock's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Why is prepared casting considered to always be superior to spontaneous? [closed]

Many times, I've seen the case made for a specific prepared caster class being superior to its spontaneous equivalent (e.g. Wizard vs Sorcerer, Cleric vs Favored Soul, anything vs its Uneathered ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

As a DM, how do you adjust the difficulty to create challenging encounters when your party is well constructed (aka Power Players)

I am a newbie DM and started DMing because our current DM was not bringing a nice and engaging story. I am doing really good on the role playing and storytelling, but my encounters had been nothing ...
MightyMokujin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

implementation of a ranged grapple attack for an artifact weapon

I have created a new artifact as part of a campaign I am running, with properties that seem a perfect match for the campaign, the items history and our party in general. I expect our dim-witted ...
mtijn's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is this “Obsessive” trait balanced?

I've decided to homebrew a trait like Unearthed Arcana talks about but I'd like another opinion on whether it's balanced. The idea is someone who works themselves to the point of harm in order to gain ...
Sonkuragari's user avatar
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What's a reasonable temperature of a dungeon in the Underdark, maintaining balance with a character built to keep the environment cold?

I have a player who will be changing the temperature in a large radius and most of the campaign will be in a large underground dungeon. The player's build is built around him using magic & keeping ...
Zarus's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is this change to how XP works in D&D 3.5 unbalanced?

I have been concerned for a while about how to treat experience totals in D&D 3.5 when a character gains or loses Level Adjustments (LA). Gaining/losing LA in play is too punitive and is ...
fectin's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Animal companion: roll additional HDs or not?

When a druid reaches level 3, his animal companion earns two hit dice. Do I have to roll them to give him more hp or is it only a number to use, for example, for spell effects? The manual also says ...
Ntakwetet's user avatar
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Can a bone knight summon a skeleton version of a steed other than a warhorse or war pony?

Paladins becoming a Bone Knight lose the services of their paladin mount and gain a skeletal mount instead. The wording seems to restrict the type of mount, allowing only a skeletal warhorse or pony (...
mtijn's user avatar
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What is the consensus on which books should be banned due to either exploitability, lack of balance, or poor editing? [closed]

At first this may seem to be a largely opinion-based question, but the more that I read the more that there appears to be a consensus. For example, in something resembling decreasing order of the ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Before high levels, can Salient Divine Abilities be balanced for players? [closed]

I've become interested in Salient Divine Abilities. This answer details some of the ways in which they can become absurdly imbalanced (even in comparison to an Epic level party). However, when I look ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Is the 3.0 Druid a lower tier than the 3.5e Druid?

When looking at comparisons between 3.0 edition and 3.5, I've noticed something interesting. In some cases, for example here and here, I've seen it commented that the Druid was not playable in 3.0 and ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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3 votes
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How much benefit can an Evil Truenamer give to a low level party via lazy sacrificing?

The Truenamer Handbook gives the following interesting piece of advice under "Hear My Words, O Dark Master!": Pop open the Book of Vile Darkness and read the rules for sacrifices. Then remember ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Would giving dwarves specific racial proficiencies instead of Weapon Familiarity be unbalanced?

I have a player that wants to play a dwarven druid. He’s flavoring the class as a loner that wander the tunnels protecting his settlement from the monsters that lurk in caves. However he is slightly ...
Connor Clarke's user avatar
5 votes
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Will a spellthief break Pathfinder?

My Pathfinder PC died recently, and the GM is allowing me to pick also from D&D 3.5 classes for my next PC. I'm considering the class spellthief, and my DM has approved this pick, but I'm worried ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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3 answers

Will a level 10 pixie druid be unbalanced—either overpowered or underpowered—in a group of otherwise typical level 14 PCs?

A friend of mine wants to reenter the level 14 group in my campaign. She describes her ideal character thus: nature-loving, woodland home, spiritual, rather eccentric, small and nimble The other ...
Giorin's user avatar
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Is the wings of flurry spell broken, when compared to other strong 4th level spells?

Relevant parts of the spell. Evocation [Force] Level: Sorcerer 4, Range: 30 ft. Area: 30-ft.-radius burst Saving Throw: Reflex half Spell Resistance: Yes wings that strike at ...
Zarus's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

How can I prevent casters from stealing the spotlight from non-casters?

I have been running a game of D&D and the group is split with two non magic users (Fighter, Barbarian), one quarter-caster (Paladin), one half-caster (Bard), and two full casters (Cleric, Wizard). ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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0 votes
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What unbalancing system effects would a DPR by character level damage cap have?

My players have asked me to come up with a Damage Per Round cap for each level. They want me to help them set up a DPR by level limit so they can do optimal damage, but not be overpowered. In this ...
Zarus's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Was the old version of the maiming weapon enchantment unbalanced?

This question asks about the maiming weapon enchantment, which was updated in Magic Item Compendium: Miniatures Handbook: If the weapon normally has a ×2 critical multiplier, roll 1d4 each time ...
Dan B's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Why is the cleric class declared to be unpopular in a published game document? [closed]

In the Player's Handbook 2 it says: The divine spellcaster is the element most commonly missing from a party. Many players prefer to go for the spotlight with a fighter or wizard... This seems ...
MrHiTech's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Rebalancing Ice Claw as a 7th level spell [closed]

The Ice Claw spell from the Spell compendium is very weak for a 7th level spell. It does a grapple but the damage is very weak for its level how would you go about balancing the spell to be more in ...
user11211's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Is allowing Shot On The Run with a net to bag and drag a target in one turn overpowered?

So I am running a 9th-level 3.5e campaign for a mix of new and old players. Since not everyone has a handbook, I've been keeping generally to the SRD rule base, since all my players can look them up. ...
dudemanmcdm's user avatar
7 votes
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Is the Saint, from Book of Exalted Deeds, broken?

An answer to this question: Protecting NPC's from Emissary of Barachiel claims that the Saint, from Book of Exalted Deeds, is pretty broken. Curious, I went and websearched for it. It looks like ...
Dan B's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How does the Blind-Fight feat interact with the Murky Eyed flaw?

I am creating a character for a game where Feats and Flaws are permitted and when I finished my character background I came to the conclusion that both the Blind-Fight feat and the Murky Eyed flaw are ...
mtijn's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the challenge rating of an NPC?

The one-shot I am working on has the party primarily rolling against basic NPC's, however I have difficulty figuring out how tough a 3d4 amount of lvl 1 warriors would be for four lvl 3 PC's. Can ...
Derk Jan Hulsinga's user avatar
4 votes
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Can a spellcaster (learn to) cast while polymorphed into non-humanoid form capable of spellcasting?

Some non-humanoid creatures, for example the naga guardian, are capable of spellcasting (either innately or via class levels) despite not apparently being to provide the normal somatic component of ...
Jesse Cohoon's user avatar
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Would crafting magical items from a single scroll be balanced?

Disclaimer: prompted by Sorcerer with item crafting of a warlock?. In D&D, crafting a magical item generally requires a specific spell (or several), which must be cast every day the crafting ...
Matthieu M.'s user avatar
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Why are level adjustments necessary?

If in 3.5 a monster's CR is intended to be the level at which one PC has a 50% chance of winning the fight, why isn't a monster's CR used as the starting effective character level for a monstrous ...
Ryan's user avatar
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At which level adjustment would becoming a Lich be a good option for a Wizard? [closed]

I think the general consensus around here is that giving up four levels of Spellcasting (plus the XP an gold cost) to become a Lich wouldn't be a good choice for a Wizard (or Cleric for that matter). ...
0x539's user avatar
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3 answers

How opponents buffing affects encounter difficulty

My dear PCs have defeated an evil king without taking out his elite guards, so they're planning retribution. The guards will scry+teleport an elite squad, all buffed and stuffed for this fight. They ...
Bastien Durel's user avatar
-3 votes
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Jumble mini-flail: is this balanced?

The jumble mini-flail is a mix of materials that: All-together causes 1d2 lethal damage & 1d2 non-lethal damage (yes you read that right). For every 2 hours searching a warzone or battleground or ...
Abraham Ray's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Is this homebrewed Double Whip balanced?

The double whip is a 6-inch bar with a whip lash on each end of the bar. The damage is 1d4/1d4 slashing non-lethal, critical 18–20/×5, its range is 10 feet and it can't be used against a foe ...
Abraham Ray's user avatar
0 votes
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Is "Mass Aid" spell level balanced, especially when compared to other "Mass" spells? [closed]

Mass Aid is a level 3 spell (it can be found in Spell Compendium page 8) and the base (non-mass) spell Aid is a level 2 spell. This is just a +1 difference. All other Mass spells have about +4 levels ...
Simanos's user avatar
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4 answers

Are these stats balanced for a Pellet Bow?

The pellet bow is a real-world weapon. It's basically to the sling what the crossbow is to the bow and arrow & thusly should be a simple weapon. (Pull back the bow and release.) I believe the ...
Abraham Ray's user avatar
1 vote
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New weapon (cat o'nine flails) stats balanced? [closed]

A cat o'nine flails, a new weapon of my devising, is a 9 headed flail similar to an Ochsenherde. Note that this is not to be confused with a cat o'nine tails. Artist's impression - Original image ...
Abraham Ray's user avatar
6 votes
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Balance issues for gestalt melee (or other lower Tier) characters

An idea I had for balancing higher level play is to allow characters who are not tier 1 spellcasters to gestalt. The worries I have are What is the cutoff where a character becomes tier 1? generally ...
kleineg's user avatar
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how to balance a character with the half-ogre template (or the party)

I have a party of 6 or 7 players all currently level 2 and one of them has just created a new character: a half-ogre (Savage Species p218) barbarian. we just played one session and it feels as if this ...
mtijn's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

My character is more powerful than the others in the party

Background: DnD 3.5 Homebrew campaign. Level 5 party. Warblade (me). Bard. Warlock. Paladin. Rogue. The dilemma: my character completely outshines the others in almost every single combat ...
FrancisJohn's user avatar
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What "tier" are Thieves' World casters?

Having never been satisfied with the way the core magic system works, either for player fun, thematically, or even logically, I began looking for alternatives. What I have become enamoured with is the ...
user avatar
4 votes
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What LA should this custom template be?

Trying my hand at making a custom template. I wanted to make a vampire-ish character, but both the vampire and half-vampire templates were kind of sucky. After some googling I found the Dhampir (...
Joninean's user avatar
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2 votes
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Recommendations for Party Balancing? [closed]

We're running a low-powered campaign. We currently have five characters, with the indicated tiers (as outlined by the Tier System for Classes): Bard - Tier 3 Warblade - Tier 3 Rogue - Tier 4 Warlock -...
JoshuaD's user avatar
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Houserule: All cantrips/orisons on spell list cast spontaneously, limited per day. Broken?

I'm a new-ish 3.5/Pathfinder frankenstein-hybrid DM (CMB and CMD exist in my game, Death rules from Pathfinder, the rest is 3.5) and now I'm thinking about tweaking Level 0 spells. However I'm not ...
Punkgeon's user avatar
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