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Questions tagged [gestalt]

For questions about the "gestalt" character system, a Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition variant in which characters take the full class features from two separate classes, including best saves, BAB, spells, skills and abilities.

4 votes
1 answer

Gestalt caster balance: what price should allow multiple casting classes to share a spellbook?

I'm planning on running a P6 (tl,dr: stop leveling at 6, keep getting feats every 5k XP) campaign wherein the PCs are all gestalt characters, one "side" of which needs to be a full caster. ...
minnmass's user avatar
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Could both sides of a multi-caster gestalt use Cleric Spell Access from the Rainbow Servant PrC?

The capstone ability of the Rainbow Servant prestige class states: Cleric Spell Access: A 10th-level rainbow servant can learn and cast spells from the cleric list, even if they don't appear on the ...
From's user avatar
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How do class features interact in Gestalt?

Under the Gestalt rules, how does class features of one "side" affect the class features of the other? To illustrate the question, and in my specific case, let us look at a Wizard 2//...
From's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Gestalt rules clarification

I am playing in a D&D 3.5 game. We are level 5 gestalt with 2 free LA (as in if you have a race or template with LA, you can get up to 2 total of them for free. Any Racial HD are paid as normal). ...
Trevor Ritzke's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What are the benefits of multi-classing over gestalting?

I am trying to get my head around understanding the benefit of multi-classing over gestalting. When multi-classing, each class is leveled up separately which hurts the overall progression of your ...
UniQuadrion's user avatar
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0 votes
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What are some ways warlock could benefit from level 3 paladin?

Our DM allowed us to start our Underdark campaign as a gestalt at level 3. Even though my main is going to be a warlock (eventually go for hellfire warlock prestige class) I picked rogue as gestalt: ...
UniQuadrion's user avatar
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2 answers

Easiest wizard/sorcerer spell access for an undead swordsage?

We're playing 3.5 gestalt, and I have an undead unarmed swordsage (with a drop of totemist). Now he wants access to some spells, most notably Greater Mighty Wallop. Is there any way to leverage a ...
ThanosMaravel's user avatar
3 votes
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Bloodline Mutation Swapping Point

So, I have a wonderfully overpowered campaign I am taking part in, in which we have a level 20 gestalt pathfinder character. I am making a bloodrager/sorcerer, both crossblooded abyssal and verdant ...
Pethrax's user avatar
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Do Kensai's and Inspired Blade's capstones stack?

This will never occur in normal gameplay, but a situation has come up in a Level 20 Gestalt game I'm playing in that may also apply to Level 40 Epic games (should such a thing happen). A player has ...
Brandon Olson's user avatar
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What archetypes can be good for an Paladin/Oracle gestalt under E6 rules, or "Weird E6"? [closed]

I am planning a gestalt Pathfinder character to be used under E6 gestalt rules, or, probably, under the "Weird E6" rules. I think about the Paladin/Oracle combo, as I have recently discovered a very ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Gestalt druid/monk, can you use feral combat training to make flurry with slam attacks?

I am building a gestalt character using druid and monk. I saw in another post about using feral combat training and natural attacks. The linked question gave me the following idea. My character will ...
Fering's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Are there Gestalt or Hybrid rules for 5e?

Are there Gestalt or Hybrid rules for D&D 5e?
Jhyarelle Silver's user avatar
10 votes
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Does sneak attack from both sides of a gestalt character stack?

If both sides of a gestalt character were classes that grant +5d6 sneak attack by 9th, would I have +10d6 sneak attack at 9th? (For reference, the classes I am considering for this are both homebrew, ...
Dimitri Nightwind's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Balance issues for gestalt melee (or other lower Tier) characters

An idea I had for balancing higher level play is to allow characters who are not tier 1 spellcasters to gestalt. The worries I have are What is the cutoff where a character becomes tier 1? generally ...
kleineg's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to use Gestalt in 5th edition? [closed]

The Gestalt is a pretty nice feature from 3.5 edition, allowing to pick 2 classes for every character level. I couldn't find any information about it in Player's Handbook and neither in Game Master's ...
Momonga-sama's user avatar
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