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Questions tagged [jump-diffusion]

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Simulating compound Poisson jump-diffusion process with time-changed jump frequency

I want to simulate a jump-diffusion process with compound Poisson jumps and a deterministic jump frequency function $\lambda(t)$. The function should follow the following stochastic differential ...
MrPefister's user avatar
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Levy process and random measure

I am wondering if random measures are used under a Levy process and how this connects to finance (particularly pricing). Any paper or books for suggestions is welcomed.
alexbougias's user avatar
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Hedging jump models with a infinite number of derivatives

First of all, I inform you that I am not a financial mathematician and have vague knowledge about an incomplete market. Stochastic volatility models are incomplete so derivatives cannot be ...
user155214's user avatar
4 votes
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Bond PDE under an Affine Jump Diffusion model

Under the Jump extended Vasicek model, the dynamics of the short rate are as follow : $$dr_t=\kappa(\theta-r_t)dt+\sigma\sqrt{r_t}\,dW_t+d\left(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N_t}\,J_i\right)$$ where $N_t$ ...
Younes S's user avatar
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Euler discretization with jumps

There is a process $B_t = B_0\prod_{i=1}^{N_t}(1-Z_n)$, where $Z_n=e^{-ξ_n}$ for i.i.d exponentially distributed random variables $(ξn)_{n≥1}$ with rate $ρ=20$. ${N_t}$ is a counting process ...
jhon's user avatar
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Crash cliquet price

Denote by $n$ the n-th trading day in a year and by $S_n$ the stock price on that day. An instrument expirying in 1 year pays $\max(0,1-\frac{S_n}{S_{n-1}})$ and early terminates if $\frac{S_n}{S_{n-1}...
locvol's user avatar
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Barrier Option under Jump Diffusion

I am trying to price a Barrier Option under a model with jumps. I am using a brownian bridge approach but struggle with the jumps around these bridges and don't know how to handle this. My main ...
Vanity's user avatar
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stochastic vol modelling not enough for smile

It seems in practice models that include Stochastic Volatility alone do not have enough power to produce actual observed implied vol surfaces. Is there recent empirical literature documenting this?
Vasileios's user avatar
5 votes
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Simulate double exponential process with correlated jumps?

So, I'm trying to simulate a correlated double exponential jump process for two assets, and I understand the pure exponential jump process ($\eta_1$ and $\eta_2$, the probability of an upward jump ...
Coolio2654's user avatar
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How to estimate lambda for Jump-Diffusion Process from Empirical data?

So, I have really no idea how to go about this, but how would I go about choosing sensible parameter values for a basic jump-diffusion simulation, namely $\lambda$ ? For example, getting the average ...
Coolio2654's user avatar
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exercise on multivariate Ito's lemma + jumps (Poisson)

Given the two jump-diffusions: \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} dX_{1,t} &= a_1 dt + b_1 dW_t + c_1 dN_t(\lambda) \\ dX_{2,t} &= a_2 dt + b_2 dW'_t + c_2 dN_t(\lambda) \\ corr(dW,dW') &= \...
Gabriele Pompa's user avatar
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Merton's jump diffusion

Can someone help me finding the expected value of the solution to Merton's jump diffusion model: \begin{align} S_t &= S_0 \exp \left( \left(r - \frac{\sigma^2}{2} - \lambda k \right) t + \sigma ...
Andri's user avatar
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Cadlag Property of Jump Proccesses

I've recently started studying Cont & Tankov's "financial modelling with jump processes". I'm curious as to why that this assumption of the cadlag property (also called RCLL "right continuous ...
Vladimir Nabokov's user avatar
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Trouble understanding jump part in Kou double exponential jump diffusion model

I am trying to work with Kou's double exponential Jump-diffusion model and simulate a price path in a programming language. So the dynamics of the asset price in Kou's model follow: \begin{equation} ...
Peter Lawrence's user avatar
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Black-Scholes formula for Poisson jumps

For underlying asset $$d S = r S dt + \sigma S d W + (J-1)Sd N$$ here $W$ is a Brownian motion, $N(t)$ is Poisson process with intensity $\lambda.$ Suppose $J$ is log-normal with standard deviation $\...
A.Oreo's user avatar
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