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Questions tagged [statistics]

For questions about statistical methods that might be appropriate for certain paradigms within psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience, or cognitive science.

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Combining Data from Multiple Participants for Statistical Analysis in a Facial Expression Memory Task

I am working on a project involving a memory task for facial expressions, consisting of two phases: Encoding Phase: There are 8 trials in which participants view 8 different virtual characters, each ...
StupefiedByYou's user avatar
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Why did studies find a within-person correlation between IQ and agreeableness but not between-person?

Bartels, 2012 found a correlation of 0.21 in what I understand to be within-person correlations (when one trait increased throughout life, the other did as well), however the between-person ...
Probably's user avatar
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Formulation of explorative research questions checking possible moderators

I conducted an experiment, where all participants were tested for verbosity under a low and under a moderate stress situation. My primary hypothesis was "Low stress situations, compared to ...
Malea Dondé's user avatar
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Am I interpreting the odd ratio incorrectly, or is the graph wrong?

I'm running an independent factoral regression analysis with a cateogrical outcome variable (in R). It's a 2x2 design with two potential outcomes - essentially 'yes' or 'no'. I also have a continuous ...
Harry Lewis's user avatar
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3x2 Mixed ANOVA, but 3 DVs, one of which is a yes/no - what statistical test?

I have a research design where I have a 3x2 mixed ANOVA, focussing on attitudes towards a drug. The between participants part has 3 levels, with 2 different methods of communicating about risks of ...
anon's user avatar
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How valid are comparisons of prevalence without control group, using different studies?

Let's say we have a subgroup S of the population (e.g. inmates), and we do a prevalence study for a certain condition D (e.g. major depression) in S for which we try to diagnose D somehow. But we don'...
viuser's user avatar
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How to get a psychology research assistant position?

I am a recent postgraduate student of social psychology and I have been trying to look for RA positions without much luck. My applications are getting rejected without any feedback and I am a little ...
Dhvani Shah's user avatar
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Methods for comparing extracellular neural response structure to auditory stimulus structure

I have two arrays, one representing an auditory stimulus and the other representing neural activity from auditory cortex. The auditory stimulus has known temporal and spectral structure. The neural ...
user90664's user avatar
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Equating between short form and long form of the same instrument

I have encountered several instruments in psychology and related fields where we have multiple versions of the same instrument, specifically a short form and a long form. For instance, the patient ...
Eric Boorman's user avatar
3 votes
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Best practice for comparing data between completers and non-completers?

I conducted a study which collected data on a brief one-time intervention at 3 timepoints (pre, post, and one-week follow-up). There were some participants who dropped out between these 3 timepoints. ...
catll0's user avatar
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Are BDSM sexual practices correlated with or related to social-dominance orientation?

When I think about BDSM sexual practices and sexual sadism disorder, I tend to think that it sounds like something that some people with a social dominance orientation would be interested in. This ...
Jude Zambarakji's user avatar
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Preregistration questions sample/outliers

HI I'm extremely new to research and my professor asked me to complete a preregistration for a project he wants to co author. However, I am stuck because the preregistration he asked me to complete ...
user33578's user avatar
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Which statistical analysis test to perform to find the difference in connectivity between regions of Default Mode Network?

I have three groups each with 30 participants. I have 30 binary adjacency/connectivity matrix for each group which represents the connectivity between regions of Default Mode Network . I want to find ...
Haya's user avatar
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Choice of statistical analysis for correlational study

Good morning, I am writing a dissertation for my master's degree in psychology. I have to do statistical studies on data that I have collected. I want to proceed with a correlational analysis. ...
lau.'s user avatar
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Other approach to factorisation

I am not sure if this is the ideal forum to ask so if someone can point me to another place that would be good. In a lot of psychology research traditional explanatory factory analysis always seems ...
MaskofIllusion's user avatar
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How do you model signal detection in an alternative non-forced-choice task?

This question is about signal detection theory for psychology research. Our study used a memory task where participants were given four options: A, B, C, and "I don't know". I have multiple ...
user9154908's user avatar
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What kind of statistical analysis is suitable for this simple but unresearched data?

The data is regarding the perceived roundedness of given word stimuli (n=36). Each participant (n=44) rates each stimuli on two scales, roundedness & familiarity (both from 1-7 not round (sharp)/...
WiccanKarnak's user avatar
3 votes
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Using Exploratory Factor Analysis for Items That Belong to Different Scales

I have a quick question about factor analysis from different scales. Is it advisable to use, conjunctly, items from various measures? For example, say that I want to evaluate factors that most ...
JerBear's user avatar
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Are self-reported depression scores from inpatient facilities used to measure the efficacy of different pharmaceuticals?

In the United States, patients with clinical depression are somtimes hospitalized for sucidal ideation or attempted suicide. It is common practice to prevent patients from discharging themselves from ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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Self-report measures always correlate? Research legends or the truest truth

Once upon a time a couple years B.C. (BC stands for before coronavirus), when I was a student, I asked my advisor about using two questionnaires in my research. One was some emotional intelligence ...
Lil'Lobster's user avatar
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Alternative metrics to assess test validity/reliability

I have two versions of calculating a score for a test (which assesses how well they perform a task). One takes into account the difficulty of the items, the other does not. These tests are ...
user2855666's user avatar
4 votes
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How do scientists/psychologists deal with conflicting experiment results?

I'm currently writing a paper and one of the points is about how overprotective parenting can cause anxiety in children. The results seem pretty clear cut in favour of the assertion (1). https://www....
Jim stoke's user avatar
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What work has been done studying methodological reforms in psychology after the replication crisis?

Can anyone point me to academic work that systematically studies how standards and methods have changed in psychology as a response to the replication crisis? Thanks.
information_parasite's user avatar
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How to determine the sample size for a Confirmatory Factor Analysis CFA

I'm in the process of developing a scale. Overall, my question is how do I determine how many participants to include in my sample for the first Confirmatory Factor Analysis procedure? More ...
stephan_phd's user avatar
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Types of Research for comparing two Groups [closed]

i am planning to do an empirical research for my Thesis, which is about the influence of exercise on the psychological and subjective well-being of individuals (60-90 years of age). hypothesis: ...
Faith S.'s user avatar
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On performing threshold-free-cluster-enhancement permutation tests--in combination with SPM--and then displaying the results on an MNI template

I'm trying out numerous comparison correction methods on my fMRI dataset and I've encountered multiple papers which used threshold free cluster enhancement, which I'd like to incorporate, but I'm ...
Parry's user avatar
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Do different ethnic groups have the same standard deviation of the IQ distribution?

There is a lot of research suggesting that different ethnic groups either within US or worldwide if all plotted together would have distributions of IQ with different averages. The reasons for that ...
chugeth's user avatar
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Using multilevel modeling to assess gender differences in intervention effects of an RCT, and how to look at mechanisms of change

I'm looking for some help here - so I'm a grad student and stats newbie (but trying to move on from newbie status!) and attempting to figure out how to conduct the analyses I'm interested in but I'm ...
Katie's user avatar
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what's the point of range restriction correction in IQ studies?

Specifically, it seems to me that correcting for range restriction of IQ in things like college is like asking "how well would people who don't go to college do in college?"
gndz's user avatar
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Method and sample size to test validity and reliability of a scale/ survey

I am working on a project where I need to use a scale to measure certain psychological and political positions. I have a questionnaire that is used in the US, and whose validity was tested there quite ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
6 votes
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Is most of Kahneman's 'Thinking fast and slow' not supported by evidence/non replicable?

'So, replicability [of all studies in this book] is somewhere between 12% and 46%. Even if half of the results are replicable, we do not know which results are replicable and which one’s are not.' '...
user2628084's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Are IQ scores above 200 statistically meaningful?

IQ scores are supposedly put on a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 15. The population of the world is about 7,674,000,000. So, if I know my statistics and made no numerical errors, the ...
onigame's user avatar
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Any statistics on the likelihood of, consumption frequencies and dosages required for serotonin syndrome to occur with LSD?

This may be too obscure of a question to have sufficient, if any, statistics on it. If that's the case, any relevant information is appreciated. From what I've gathered, very high doses and/or very ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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Is Cronbach's alpha used outside of psychology?

Tau-equivalent reliability ($\rho$$T$), also known as Cronbach's alpha is a widely used measure of reliability in psychological testing. I've not encountered Cronbach's alpha in other sectors. Does ...
Tony Mobbs's user avatar
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What is the Reason Behind This Individuals Variability in Raven's 2 Clinical Edition Scores? [duplicate]

The Raven's 2 Clinical Edition developed by Pearson features an item bank comprised of questions numbering in the hundreds. Because of this each test differs from the other with possible combinations ...
amsdecember's user avatar
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How Really Effective are the Measures of Psychological Tests in Jobs Interviews and Worker Performance After Inside the Workplace

Hello I work doing smalls gig with datasets and also sometimes I create for myself some infographics and data-visualizations of interesting topics for me. for example football, cryptos, virus, etc. I ...
rubengavidia0x's user avatar
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Can you prove a psychological theory on a one-person research design?

Famous psychologists have proven their theories on a few subjects (really small sample sizes, like n = 3). Yet, now, we are taught that to prove any psychological theory right, we need to gather data ...
Lil'Lobster's user avatar
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Need to conduct Exploratory Factor Analysis when using already established questionnaire for Big 5

I am working on a study where I plan to conduct Structural Equation Modeling with the Big 5 factors affecting another variable. For Big 5 I am using a questionnaire that has earlier been used by ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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Square root transformation of Poisson process. How Var[P(sqrt(lambda))] ~ 1/4?

I am working on Kaggle Neural data challenge. A number of spikes given a stimulus are Poisson distributed as $$Y_i \sim P(\lambda_i)$$ The mean and variance of any Poisson process is given as $$E[P(\...
Saranraj Nambusubramaniyan's user avatar
3 votes
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What's the most appropriate statistical analysis to run for a correlational study?

I am designing a correlational study experiment to test children on their performance on a task at $t_1$ and then at $t_2$ a year later, specifically using the balance-scale paradigm (Siegler, 1981). ...
Max Moser's user avatar
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What is the study design for 2 samples measured at different times that can be considered independent? [closed]

I am trying to figure out the name for a design study in the following scenario. Imagine a hospital where patients with a certain condition (say bacteria infection) are treated with a certain ...
adejames2000's user avatar
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Cortical Statistics

I just began reading Dayan & Abbott's Theoretical Neuroscience. I'm barely even through the second page, and I'm already stuck on this paragraph: Axons from single neurons can traverse large ...
shinvu's user avatar
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How to build a personal behavioural chart? [closed]

The question is realistically in two parts: how could a personal behavioural survey be constructed? are there any existing personal behavioural survey tools available? The behavioural survey may ...
Lime's user avatar
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How to run a multiple hierarchical regression with both categorical and scale predictors in SPSS?

I'm currently carrying out research for my masters dissertation and i've run into a critical issue while trying to analyse my data. I'm a psychology student looking into predictors of male rape myth ...
Ellie's user avatar
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How do you interpret the MSe and partial eta squared reported with an F-statistic?

In my area of psychology we report the results of a repeated measures ANOVA with 1 within subjects independent variable as follows: F(2,60) = 120.29, MSe = 173.09, p<0.05, ηp2 = 0.78 I understand ...
PsychStudent88's user avatar
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How do I complete and report a Generalised Linear Mixed model from SPSS into APA?

I'm trying to learn how to do GLMM for my phd in psychology. I was intending to do a mixed model ANOVA, but the GLMM allows me to consider more variables simultaneously and so I have decided to go ...
Claire Howlin's user avatar
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Is there an analog to the five factor model for emotion?

To the best of my understanding, the five factor model of personality comes from a factor analysis on a large list of adjectives that can be used to describe an individual's personality. It is ...
user37344's user avatar
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What statistical tests should be performed to test effect of trials on response times where each subject has different number of data points?

I am running a behavioral experiment where a number of subjects (=20 in my case) perform a simple cognitive task. The experiment consists of a fixed number of trials (say, 40 in my case). During each ...
zoozoo's user avatar
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Calculating Significantly Above Chance for 3-AFC Test

I am trying to figure out which participants who took a 18-item multiple choice test scored significantly above chance. Each item has 3 choices, so the probability of getting each question correct is ...
bernice.anders's user avatar
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Do I report all anatomical regions in a large significant cluster identified in functional connectivity seed-to-voxel analysis?

I am conducting a resting-state functional connectivity seed-to-voxel analysis on the 25 participants from the NYC test-retest dataset using the CONN toolbox with the Posterior Cingulate Cortex of the ...
Tsvetoslav Ivanov's user avatar

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