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Questions tagged [signal-detection]

For questions concerning the area of psychophysics that deals with discernment of information-bearing stimuli from background noise or other distractions.

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Combining Data from Multiple Participants for Statistical Analysis in a Facial Expression Memory Task

I am working on a project involving a memory task for facial expressions, consisting of two phases: Encoding Phase: There are 8 trials in which participants view 8 different virtual characters, each ...
StupefiedByYou's user avatar
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How do you model signal detection in an alternative non-forced-choice task?

This question is about signal detection theory for psychology research. Our study used a memory task where participants were given four options: A, B, C, and "I don't know". I have multiple ...
user9154908's user avatar
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Why is threshold at 76% correct when d-prime = 1?

In signal detection theory using a 2-alternative forced choice task, when d' = 1, threshold is found at the stimulus intensity which is perceived 76% of the time (
CaptainProg's user avatar
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Slope of psychometric function too steep?

I am in a project where we are preparing a visual decision making experiment which requires participants to detect vertical grating in a patch of dynamic noise (the noise pattern is updated on every ...
nat's user avatar
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How to determine an unbiased estimate of threshold in a single-stimulus forced choice experiment?

Objective I need to estimate the unbiased threshold of detectable speed difference in a car-following task. The details are as follows: Experiment Design This experiment was performed in a driving ...
umair durrani's user avatar
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Is it possible to calculate d prime if no catch trials were done?

I am new to Psychology, particularly the signal detection theory (SDT). Before understanding SDT, I performed an experiment to measure what speed difference between a subject's car and the front ...
umair durrani's user avatar
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how to correctly determine false alarm rate (in a specific experimental setup)

i have a specific experimental setup (at least i think so :) It's a replication and i don't know how to correctly determine the false alarm rate for the visual fields since in the article i replicate ...
Jakub Paszulewicz's user avatar
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conservative vs liberal: not related to rate of yes vs no

I am not a psychology major, so forgive me if I'm misusing terms. So on an exam, we had a question about signal detection, and it defined a conservative person as someone who always tend to reply ...
user534055's user avatar
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Independence of criterion and d-prime (psychophysics)

I am reading here, page 5 that d' (d-prime) does not vary with criterion (in contrast to hit rate for instance which does vary with criterion, and which can be a biased measure of a subject's ...
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Understanding the concept behind d-prime

I know that sensitivity (d') is typically calculated as follows: d' = z(Hit Rates) - z (False Alarm Rates) I understand this as the idea is to standardize both distributions, and to then calculate ...
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How to control subject's response bias in 2-interval force choice task

I am using a two-interval force choice (2IFC) task to estimate detection threshold and choose an appropriate signal level for my following experiment, by estimating sensitivity ($d'$) for each signal ...
Cloudy's user avatar
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Solving for HR and FAR, given ACC and C

Lets say I have an equal variance SDT framework with an equal number of target present and target absent trials: $d'=Z^{-1}(HR)-Z^{-1}(FAR)$ $C=\frac{Z^{-1}(HR)+Z^{-1}(FAR)}{-2}$ $ACC=\frac{HR+(1-...
adamk's user avatar
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Visual field testing: Choose between Yes/No, 2AFC, and 2IFC task?

As a newbie to psychophysics experiment, I have a small project to do visual field testing on healthy, adult, naive subjects. The experiment stimulus is a small sine grating (0.3 degree, 6 cycles/...
Cloudy's user avatar
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Fitting equal-variance signal detection model to ROC data

I posted this question in the programming forums but think I might get some answers if I post here as well... hope that's ok. I'm trying to follow the steps in this paper to reproduce the excel table ...
fffrost's user avatar
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Doing PCA and ICA analysis on EEG data with 24 channels

I am very new to this type of neuroscience research and I am trying to do some automatic artifact detection. I am having trouble understanding how I should work with my data. I have data recorded from ...
user110320's user avatar

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