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Questions tagged [automated-theorem-proving]

For questions regarding ATP's (Automatic Theorem Provers), which attempt to prove a theorem without any assistance. If you are using a Proof Assistant or an interactive theorem prover and are providing help to the prover, then do not use this tag.

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0 answers

Integrating SAT solvers supporting only a finite set of variables into proof assistants

We're currently looking at how to integrate neural network solvers into general proof assistants. One of the issues we're running into is that, unlike general SAT/SMT solvers like Z3, queries for ...
4 votes
2 answers

Ltac - run tactic for each hypothesis of given pattern

Especially in the context of lia, which can sometimes fail to prove a theorem in the form of forall x, x <> 0 -> P x ...
4 votes
1 answer

Using proof assistants to analyze probabilistic models (identifiability in particular)

I recently had an idea that proof assistants/theorem provers might be useful for static analysis of probabilistic models. My familiarity with proof assistants/theorem provers is shallow (some intro in ...
4 votes
3 answers

How does Z3 "exhaustively search" real numbers?

I was looking at this tutorial: . It says "Proof = ...
24 votes
2 answers

Successes of machine learning in formal theorem proving

Attempts to apply machine-learning (as opposed to hand-crafted automation) to formal theorem proving are still in their infancy. Still, there have been some successes. GPT-f found some proofs that ...
3 votes
0 answers

How do proof assistants/ automated theorem provers compare with other symbollic tools like mathematica, maple or magma in terms of practicality [duplicate]

TLDR What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a proof assistant when compared to using tools like Mathematica in terms of practicality and usability/ease of use ? ChatGPT summary of the ...
12 votes
1 answer

auto-generating the proof of infinitude of primes

The chess computer which beat the human world champion in 1997 had a huge database of openings inbuilt into it. However my understanding of Deep Mind's alpha zero is that it is capable of generating ...
2 votes
1 answer

Eliminating "Exists Unique" in Lean 3

In Lean 3, similar to this question, I want to exhibit a witness of $x$ of $P(x)$, given that $\exists x,P(x)$. The difference is that I can also prove $\exists! x,P(x)$, so there is exactly 1 element ...
3 votes
1 answer

Do implementations of a PA and of ATP have overlap?

I'm wondering how much overlap (read: code-reusage) there is between a PA and an ATP system. Are they based upon the same type system at least? I'm wondering, because right now I'm working on ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Could we speed up ATP or ATD using a directed graph that appears to work like a gigantic brain?

So I'm not sure how things are done in Lean4 or Coq, but I'm interested in their search features. For example, "Search for all theorems that get satisfied given a user-defined list of ...
12 votes
0 answers

Do any automated theorem provers have the ability to stop, save state, reboot computer, restore state, continue?

With automated theorem provers knowing ahead of time how long the search will take or even if it will find a solution is unknown. Often for long running searches one eventually just has to halt the ...
7 votes
0 answers

Is any theorem prover able to prove quadratization relations without knowing the proof strategy that humans used?

Motivation In discrete optimization, our goal is often to optimize a function of binary variables, such as: $$\tag{1} {\scriptsize 5 - 3b_1 - b_2 - b_3 + 2b_1b_3 - 3b_2b_3 + 2b_1b_2b_3 - 3b_4 + ...
7 votes
1 answer

Understanding "saturating" theorem provers

The documentation for the E Theorem Prover explains this as the first step in its process: A clausification algorithm translates first-order input into clause normal form, such that the resulting ...
15 votes
1 answer

Are there automated theorem provers for constructive logics? What strategy do they use?

I know of a handful of automated theorem provers for classical first-order logic such as Vampire (source code). Internally, I think most of these provers work by translating premises and the negated ...
8 votes
1 answer

What are some automated theorem generators? What background logic do they use and what heuristics do they use for theorem-goodness?

This paper describes a theorem generator called MetaGen. MetaGen's purpose is to make larger training sets to train provers, by producing theorems similar to ones a human might select for inclusion in ...

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