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Questions tagged [taxes]

Taxation consists of mandatory payments from taxpayers to the state.

-1 votes
0 answers

Property tax exemption Iowa Harrison County United States [closed]

Home Burial is legal in the state of Iowa, as long as the laws of the state are met. What I need to know is, will I still have to pay property taxes? What needs to be done to ensure the right ...
Janelle Kurtzuba's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't the US consider nationalization as an alternative to raising taxes? [closed]

In the US, the mere discussion of raising taxes by politicians is considered political suicide. Yet, nationalizing infrastructure and industries as an alternative is rarely, if ever, discussed as an ...
ATL_DEV's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why exempt gold bullion coins from capital gains tax?

Some countries (such as the UK) do not charge capital gains tax on profits earned from buying and selling gold bullion coins. Out of every taxed profit earning commodity, why exempt gold in the shape ...
HanMah's user avatar
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What's the point of preventing high-earning taxpayers from using CalFile (tax preparation program/service of the California Franchise Tax Board)?

I read that CalFile (tax preparation program/service of the California Franchise Tax Board) does not accept taxpayers with an income above some threshold. Why banning them from using CalFile?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why don't Conservatives in Washington state try to bar payroll taxes?

I read on SEATTLE (AP) — Three conservative-backed initiatives that would [do x, ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-8 votes
3 answers

Why is it considered okay for income level to affect tax rate but not the right to have children?

Some rights declared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are routinely limited by law: Right to liberty, access to public service, rest and leisure, to freely participate in the cultural ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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What happens if a bill passes the House with a provision that sunsets before the Senate hears it?

The House passed HR 7024 today (Jan. 31st) which has a provision that expires a tax credit today - on the 31st. Since the Senate has not received the Bill, what happens to the date that has now passed?...
Craig Pisaris-Henderson's user avatar
2 votes
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Do any jurisdictions allow you to "buy out" your property tax?

Many jurisdictions around the world have a property tax that is paid yearly on real estate. Do any jurisdictions have a system where all future property taxes for a property can be bought out for a ...
Eric Johnson's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why there seem to be no strict rules related to non-profit organization "overhead" in the US?

According to Investopedia, an organization can benefit from the non-profit tax status if it satisfies several conditions: have a purpose within a designated list an annual exemption form must be ...
Alexei's user avatar
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0 votes
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UK budget and the financial services industry

A few days ago the BBC reported on the disastrous mini budget of the Kwarteng/Truss era, and included this: Economically, the UK has long enjoyed a ...
Mark Morgan Lloyd's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

Why does no one stand up to protest the strike of Canadian federal officers who are earning about 45% more than average Canadian workers? [closed]

Considering the economic down-trend, most highly educated individuals struggle to find a job. The Canadian federal officiers have the above-average pay, above-average benefits, above average stability,...
dodo's user avatar
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23 votes
11 answers

Why do governments provide a tax discount for married couples who don't have children?

It's perfectly clear to me why the government would provide tax discounts for having children: today's kids are future taxpayers and society wants to incentivize having more of them when birth rates ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Why doesn't South Korea have a tax treaty with the United States? The United States has tax treaties with a number of foreign countries. Under these treaties, residents ...
Sayaman's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Total tax burden on the average American and how has it changed over the years

It is easy to find information on the average amount Americans pay in Federal taxes. It is little more difficult to find out state and local taxes. But we also have a plethora of other taxes, property ...
Jim's user avatar
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How can citizens have a vote when it comes to the deficit spending and paying it back since it is our money? [closed]

How can citizens vote on deficit spending and paying back when it comes to government programs? Including who pays more taxes and where that money goes.
americancitizen's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

Why is there dog tax but no cat tax in Germany?

I believe the most two popular pets one can have are either a dog or a cat. In Germany, one must pay for tax when owning a dog (Hundesteuer). However a similar tax doesn't exist for cats, why?
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
7 votes
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If the IRS has the info needed to accept/reject tax returns, why do Americans have to file?

A friend of mine had her tax return rejected because one of the numbers she entered didn't match the data the IRS had. This made me wonder, if the IRS has all the data it needs to determine if you ...
Drake P's user avatar
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Why not print more money rather than taxes? [duplicate]

To my understanding, printing money devalues the currency because there is now more money in circulation. Now, the purpose of taxes is to absorb money back into the government directly. However, this ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a name for a policy where taxpayers decide who gets their money [duplicate]

I was thinking about what the implications would be if everyone still has to pay the same amount of taxes as they do now. But for a portion of their taxes they can decide to give it to specific ...
Cowboy_Patrick's user avatar
18 votes
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If only people with at least $1,000,000 annual income were taxed, what would their tax rate have to be to avoid a drop in income tax revenue?

If personal income taxes were eliminated entirely for anyone with less than $1,000,000 income, there is one flat tax rate for those who are taxed, and corporate income taxes and all other taxes staued ...
Someone's user avatar
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Did classic liberals believe in inheritance taxation and in welfare?

A friend of mine was talking to me about economics and he said that he's a right-wing and believes in a system of welfare, where people must have basic conditions (health, education and security) to ...
Bernardo Benini Fantin's user avatar
13 votes
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Why were there no objections to the public release of the former US president's tax records at the House Ways and Means Committee meeting?

In the PBS NewsHour's December 20, 2022 video WATCH LIVE: House committee votes on release of Trump's tax returns it appears, if I understand correctly, that there were no objections heard to making ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Why does Australia spend $8 billion a year on fossil fuel tax credits?

The Australia Institute recently released a report finding that "Australian fossil fuel subsidies surge to $11.6 billion in 2021-22." Although there are many direct subsidies to the ...
sjy's user avatar
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Which Trump-appointed judge allegedly "sat on the lawsuit for two and a half years" related to Trump's tax returns, and did they really sit on it?

After 00:33 In the CNN video Lawmaker explains what Democrats are planning to do with Trump's tax documents "Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), who sits on the House Ways and Means committee, explains ...
uhoh's user avatar
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401k tax breaks - what is the gain?

There are many countries that do not tax money put away for retirement - such as into a 401K. Why does this make sense? It is smart to save for retirement, but what does the govornment gain?
Burt's user avatar
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What is the purpose of an inheritance tax when inheritance could be taxed like other income?

Many countries have special laws regarding inheritance taxes. Why would this be treated separately when it could just be taxed equally to all other income? Suppose Eve normally earns €50,000 per year. ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Could a government make so much money from investments they can stop charging taxes?

(Not sure if this should rather be on the Economics SE) Inspired by the following paragraph from this article. Singapore — one of only 11 countries in the world with the coveted AAA sovereign rating —...
Allure's user avatar
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5 answers

Why do government employees pay income taxes?

Government employees' salaries are paid for by taxes levied by the government on the labour income of employees among other. Why do governments not simply pay their own employees tax-free salaries? I ...
sba222's user avatar
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Why is Russia still allowed to be in United Nations? [closed]

I've seen UN Sustainable Development Goals. They are all worthy of doing and lofty. Countries often impose those goals on the population by introducing regulation. Meanwhile Russia seems to be against ...
very big cat's user avatar
-5 votes
4 answers

Why are non-voters taxed?

One of the major criticisms of the British government that led to the American War for Independence was "taxation without representation." Why are people who are not eligible to vote taxed? ...
Someone's user avatar
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8 votes
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How does diplomatic immunity work in the case of a diplomat being a dual citizen of both the host and guest nations?

How would the legal precedence work, and have there ever been any such cases? For example, let's say that someone was born in the USA (and has citizenship by birthright), but their family moved to ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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How is lowering taxes "socialist"?

In the current leadership contest for the position of leader of the UK's Conservative party, one of the differences between the two candidates is that Liz Truss is promising to lower taxes while Rishi ...
terdon's user avatar
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Has any government ever implemented a break-even tax policy?

I was reading Strong Towns by Charles L. Marohn Jr. In it, he describes how cities must have revenues that exceed expenses in order to survive. However, in his experience, most people react to the ...
elile's user avatar
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Does the trust fund have the funds needed to cover the shortfall from a gas tax holiday?

In 1956, the federal motor fuel tax was established, along with a dedicated pool of money for the construction of an interstate highway system. Those gas tax funds go into the "Highway Trust ...
Burt_Harris's user avatar
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14 answers

How is printing money different from taxing people?

From what I understand, printing money gives the government more money while, in time, decreasing the value of the rest of the money in circulation (or reducing how much the value of the currency ...
David Hobs's user avatar
-6 votes
4 answers

Why do property taxes fund schools when only a subset of residents actually use said schools?

I send my children to private school and my elderly neighbors have no children in school. When we look at our property tax bills, we notice that 50% of the money we pay goes to the local county ...
blud's user avatar
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Can taxes diminish Europe's dependency on Russian oil?

Can (higher) excise taxes, as well as taxes on cars with poor fuel economy, diminish the dependency of Russian oil? What are their advantages and disadvantages? PS: some believe that natural gas is ...
user31264's user avatar
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Has an income ceiling policy been tried in a free market economy?

Some countries have implemented some very high tax rates, but did any country, in recent history, implement a ceiling on all earnings (wages and capital gains) in an, otherwise, self-regulated market? ...
BenjaminC's user avatar
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Do the USA and France offer tax havens?

'Stolen assets of developing countries must be returned,' PM Imran tells UN panel Prime Minister Imran Khan called upon the international community to take steps to counter illicit flows of money, ...
user366312's user avatar
6 votes
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Was UK National Insurance meant to cover all welfare payments from an earmarked fund?

In the UK, National Insurance was introduced as a means of paying for health, welfare and pensions. The original 1911 act created a fund that was paid into by workers, employers and the Treasury and ...
Dave Gremlin's user avatar
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How does Dubai get its money?

I have seen many claims that Dubai has no income tax. Yet, since the Government of Dubai clearly does spend lots of money, how does money flow to the Government of Dubai?
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
18 votes
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What is the rationale of banning proof-of-work instead of highly taxing it?

According to CoinDesk, the vice-chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) suggested that cryptocurrency mining based on proof-of-work should be banned: Proof-of-work crypto mining ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Prior to COVID-19, had any country fiscally targeted unvaccinated individuals?

Upon reading that Quebec may impose a health tax on unvaccinated Canadians, I wondered the following: Prior to COVID-19, had any country fiscally targeted unvaccinated individuals?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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How could Distributed Ledger Technology help the government in tax collection and passport issuance?

From this link, I saw that Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) can bring the secure functioning for a decentralized database because it is governed by the rule of networks as well as avoiding cyber-...
Phil Nguyen's user avatar
4 votes
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Why are new mothers apparently excluded from receiving the 2021 monthly "Advance Child Tax Credit Payments" if they filed taxes last year?

According to this Stack Exchange post, it appears that one cannot get the 2021 monthly "Advance Child Tax Credit Payments" for a child born or adopted in 2021 if they also filed taxes last ...
user4574's user avatar
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How can the way the council tax amount is calculated be changed?

I read recently, but forgot where, that someone is saying that the current system of how council tax is calculated isn't fair, and it should be a percentage of the property value. I was wondering how ...
Mocas's user avatar
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Why are German local authorities taxing DoD employees, despite the protests of the US and of the German federal government?

There's a pretty long Stars and Stripes article on the matter of taxes on some DoD employees in Germany: The U.S. contends the situation amounts to a treaty violation, but so far American officials ...
time takes its toll's user avatar
2 votes
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How do businesses operating in multiple countries in the EU account for different tax rates in different countries?

How do all the different European Union countries maintain their different laws while being a part of the Schengen zone? How much freedom is given to European countries to determine their own tax ...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
9 votes
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How much freedom is given to European countries to determine their own tax rates? According to this link, different European Union countries have different tax rates. But don't EU laws and the EU government in ...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
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US Crypto Infrastructure Bill: Bad for privacy, but is it meant to generate revenue?

Per my understanding, the main consequence of bill for crypto is that it imposes a tax requirement on proof-of-stake validators, protocol devs etc, to report taxes on people who transact with the ...
NZ_21's user avatar
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