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Questions tagged [property]

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Property tax exemption Iowa Harrison County United States [closed]

Home Burial is legal in the state of Iowa, as long as the laws of the state are met. What I need to know is, will I still have to pay property taxes? What needs to be done to ensure the right ...
Janelle Kurtzuba's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Are there countries where all homeowners associations are prohibited from exercising control over non-common property?

Many housing developments in the US and Canada have a homeowners association (these go by many forms, such as strata corporations in some jurisdictions) that helps manage the common property of the ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't the British government simply expropriate all royal property? [closed]

In order to get the incomes from royal domains and other properties owned by the nobility.
Maxim Baurov's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do any jurisdictions allow you to "buy out" your property tax?

Many jurisdictions around the world have a property tax that is paid yearly on real estate. Do any jurisdictions have a system where all future property taxes for a property can be bought out for a ...
Eric Johnson's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Why doesn't the UK government end "bona vacantia"?

It has recently been reported that King Charles benefits from the estates of those who pass away without leaving a will or next of kin. Apparently this takes place via ancient feudal laws known as &...
Ben Cohen's user avatar
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Is the Federal government (Bureau of Reclamation etc.) legally required to provide any compensation if it diverts a river [in Western US]?

Does the Federal government have to provide any legal compensation for proprietors downstream of a river whose waters are largely diverted? Any notable examples when such compensation was provided? E....
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote
7 answers

Can a private citizen host a military base of another country?

The question is just this: Can a private citizen of a given country host a military base of another country on his private property? This might be especially important if this property is close to ...
whoisit's user avatar
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Why can water not be transferred within California?

Water transfer requires government approval. And the government does not approve it. For example, in 2022, 337,564 AF1 was requested and 0 AF was granted. Given that politicians talk about reducing ...
personal_cloud's user avatar
5 votes
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Why are real estate records public?

The government is very restricted on what information it may disclose about you and under what circumstances. For example, I can't look up your car's license plate number to find out who you are. I ...
Wes Sayeed's user avatar
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Does the Hatch Act specifically address the use of government property for political campaign activities?

Earlier questions about the use of federal facilities (for example< the White House) did not generate answers that were specific to use of government property but were either closed without an ...
BobE's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How much looting has actually occurred during the recent protests in the US?

In recent weeks, the US was rocked by waves of massive protests, following the police killing of George Floyd, and later additional citizens (but of course fueled by and concerned with much more than ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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What is the logic behind charging tax _in the form of money_ for owning property when the property does not produce money?

I know that people living in comunities cooperate with each other when it comes to expenses to maintain the comunity. From what I understand, taxing property is a practice that started since before ...
Alex Doe's user avatar
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Does the US have a "Beauty Tax" on property?

Investopedia says that making your house look pretty is likely to cause an increase in taxes. ..more attractive homes often receive a higher assessed value than comparable houses that are less ...
Alex Doe's user avatar
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Why are property rights considered negative rights?

I am educating myself on the differences between positive and negative rights. This website describes positive rights as 'freedom to' something, and negative rights as 'freedom from' something. ...
Chris Fernandez's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Some of the people in my town pay no taxes, what can I do about it? [closed]

I recently moved to a new town and I found out that some of the residents through favoritism or being connected are paying no property taxes. For example, in one case there is a property worth about $...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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