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Questions tagged [nationalization]

Questions relating to the transfer of assets/companies from the private sector to the public sector (state ownership/control).

-4 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't the US consider nationalization as an alternative to raising taxes? [closed]

In the US, the mere discussion of raising taxes by politicians is considered political suicide. Yet, nationalizing infrastructure and industries as an alternative is rarely, if ever, discussed as an ...
ATL_DEV's user avatar
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Is there any data to inform a view of the US Nationalization of O&G?

I was wondering if there was any polling or data historic or otherwise to support a position on the US perspective of nationalizing oil and gas. The majority of the world's reserves are controlled by ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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3 answers

Germany putting industries or facilities "under state management" if they don't cooperate; provisions for it in the constitution? Precedent?

Fox News' April 28, 2022 Germany drops opposition to Russia oil embargo: report includes the following: The reversal from Germany – which had been one of the main opponents of the EU severing its oil ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 answers

What is "common ownership", beside nationalization?

In a recent interview of Sir Keir Starmer, Andrew Marr asked whether he'd nationalize the UK's major energy companies if he became Prime Minister. When Starmer answered in the negative, Marr quoted ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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Why hasn't the UK government nationalised the rail service in England?

Four months after Wales nationalised their rail services, Scotland has announced that it will nationalise it's railways, obviously this has been an outcome of the slump in passenger numbers due to the ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
4 votes
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Are all the companies in communism ideology nationalized?

Is it true that in the ideology of communism, the government owns all the companies and the exploitable resources? Also, what about the socialist countries and socialism as an ideology and are there ...
Taher's user avatar
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3 answers

Did the Nazi regime resort to any nationalizations?

I'm aware that the "national socialist" (Nazi) party was by most accounts only socialist in name, e.g.: Unfortunately for [Otto Strasser], he had taken seriously not only the word “socialist” but ...
time takes its toll's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Why aren't nationalizations in Russia described as socialist?

I read in a 2015 PIIE brief titled "Russia’s Economy under Putin: From Crony Capitalism to State Capitalism" that: After nationalizing Yukos, the Russian government started taking control of ...
time takes its toll's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How did Poland and Hungary manage to take over (nationalize) mandatory private pensions without breaking private property right?

Mandatory private pensions are still in focus in Romania after the Government thought about suspending contributions to them: The Government may suspend the contributions to mandatory private ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Are there any political parties floating the idea of nationalization of telecommunications monopolies?

What I mean by nationalization - Government aquires the physical infrastructure through eminent domain (especially the last mile, which is where these monopolies form), and either rents access back to ...
Jack Of All Trades 234's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why would a Government choose to nationalize private pensions funds?

In April 2017, Romania’s financial regulator slaps heavy sanctions on NN for spreading rumors about pension fund nationalization. So, the simple fact of spreading such information led to a severe ...
Alexei's user avatar
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What are the long term benefits of renationalising the trains in the UK?

Jeremy Corbyn has campaigned and said labour will renationalise the trains "line by line" as they expire. And has repeated this mandate time and time again. "Public ownership of our railways is ...
Bradley Wilson's user avatar