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Questions tagged [sovereignty]

The authority of a state to govern itself or another state. Most often used to refer to other states attempting to limit the actions of another state.

3 votes
0 answers

What happens to the national debt if a country breaks apart? [duplicate]

How does the debt get split up when a country breaks up? If, for example, Quebec were to separate from Canada, Quebec would probaly argue that it has no obligation to repay the debts to the Canadian ...
Hal's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Why is there so much division in recognizing Kosovo as a sovereign state?

I find the phenomenon curious, that all other countries that don't have recognition as sovereign states by other countries fall into two categories: Only recognized by a small number of countries (or ...
user2638180's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Does using the word "state" imply questioning the status of the region as a country?

Inspired by the question asking for the difference between these two words. I used to write "the Baltic States", simply using the words I have previously seen somewhere and was usually ...
Stančikas's user avatar
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1 vote
7 answers

Can a private citizen host a military base of another country?

The question is just this: Can a private citizen of a given country host a military base of another country on his private property? This might be especially important if this property is close to ...
whoisit's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any theory regarding a colony's natural evolution into independence?

From a layman's perspective, it seems that the fate of most colonies is to evolve into an independent nation. At least those colonies that are, at a particular point in human technological evolution, ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Does a country in a, nominal or actual, civil war lose credibility when it's unable to control its territorial waters? e.g. Taiwan, Gibraltar possibly [closed]

In every historical case since the establishment of the UN, when warships freely sail within the territorial waters of a country without prior approval, it was seen as a challenge to the authority and ...
M. Y. Zuo's user avatar
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Can a country sell part of its land to become a new country?

Let's say someone (an individual or corporation) had enough money, could they buy an area of land and establish it as their own country? Assuming the original country was willing to surrender this ...
Nathan Arnold's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Can a country block its airspace to international civil flights without any reason?

Suppose, a country 'X''s civil airline wants to fly to another country 'Z'. There are three routes. However, the shortest route is 1000km which is through country 'Y'. Can the country 'Y' block its ...
user366312's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why did the EU and USA really impose sanctions on Zimbabwe?

The EU and USA first imposed economic sanctions against Zimbabwe in 2002. After that these sanctions have been renewed on a regular basis. What was the root cause of these sanctions? What is the ...
ksinkar's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Has Russia recognized land currently held by Ukraine as sovereign territory of the LPR/DPR?

In the context of the recognition of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic by Russia, I cannot seem to find whether the territories of said republics correspond only to what ...
m  e's user avatar
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In which areas has national autonomy become weaker, and to what extent and in which areas has national autonomy become stronger? (Sovereign States)

For more than a decade some academics and political actors have been declaring that the sovereign state is just about dead. The reality is that the states are still here and it doesn’t seem that they ...
David Ger's user avatar
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Which countries apply one-tiered system or two-tiered system in implementing CBDC?

Central Bank Digital Currrency (CBDC) has been proliferated since 2014. Since then, some countries have implemented the one-tiered system or two-tiered system in management. One-tiered system is that ...
Phil Nguyen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What governed regions (e.g., bailiwicks) exist that are not officially part of any country?

A recent question on the Channel Islands made me aware that while they are under the governance of two bailiwicks (Guernsey and Jersey) and are (British) Crown Dependencies, they are not part of the ...
Ben Hocking's user avatar
41 votes
3 answers

Does the Japanese government not have the authority to cancel the Olympics?

An article talks about how Japan recently declared a third state of emergency due to the pandemic, most people in Japan don't want the 2020 Olympics to take place, and how their health care system is ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

What's the difference between declaring sovereignty and declaring independence?

What's the difference between declaring sovereignty and declaring independence? Aren't those the same thing? Please help me make sense of the following sentence (but keep in mind that my question is ...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

Can a country be only de jure sovereign ? (Such as Andorra)

The Principality of Andorra is de jure “a parliamentary co-principality with the president of France and the Catholic bishop of Urgell (Catalonia, Spain) as co-princes.” (From Wikipedia) A visiting ...
M. Y. Zuo's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

In Brexit, what does "not compromise sovereignty" mean?

In the Brexit negotiations there have been various pledges and demands that the final agreement will "not compromise [UK] sovereignty". E.g: Brexit fishing fury: Boris warned fishing ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Shared Sovereignty vs Indivisible Sovereignty

I came across these two words, "Shared Sovereignty" and "Indivisible Sovereignty" in the book I was reading: From Plassey to Partition and After A History of Modern India. I will ...
Kartik Chhajed's user avatar
40 votes
15 answers

Has any person or company ever become a sovereign state?

How did they do it? And are there any people or companies today who could become a sovereign state if they wanted to? Could Jeff Bezos start his own country and become a sovereign state? How would ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can the United Kingdom Legislature legislate anything it wants?

This question arises from an answer to a question here regarding Parliamentary Sovereignty. If the UK Parliament was to legislate for something, assuming it didn't violate international treaties etc., ...
PandaPops's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible for the UK Parliament to create a legally binding referendum?

Throughout the Brexit saga, one thing I’ve heard repeatedly is that due to the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, referendums are not legally binding: Parliamentary sovereignty is a principle ...
divibisan's user avatar
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Why wasn't the supremacy of EU law codified?

Robert Schütze. European Union Law 2 ed. 2018. p. 121.       When the Union was born, the European Treaties did not expressly state the supremacy of European law.8 8The 2004 ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Trade Agreements Approval Process EU vs UK

According to The Trade Justice Movement, the UK's current trade negotiation legislation (which hasn't been relevant for some time) means that only government approval (that is the executive) is ...
Jontia's user avatar
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4 answers

Facing land grabbing issues, can we say China is a colonialist power or an imperialist one?

As far as China is doing Foreign Direct Investment to secure some resources, for instance in France with the Château Grand Moueys bought by the alcohol manufacturer Jin Chang Zang where 90% of the ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do free trade agreements involve the pooling of sovereignty?

A bilateral trade deal. Tariffs on goods are mostly eliminated and mutual recognition agreements are agreed for most goods. Has sovereignty been transferred or pooled?
52d6c6af's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

What are the objective minimum prerequisites for people of African descent in the Americas to form of an independent modern sovereign nation-state? [duplicate]

There are several questions and answers at Politics SE which address parts of the premise of this question, including What are the steps to become an independent country once independence has been ...
guest271314's user avatar
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2 answers

What level of control does Serbia maintain over Kosovo, if any?

Partially recognized states have wide varieties of levels of independence from the states that they declare themselves separate from, ranging from Taiwan having its own armed forces to Palestine not ...
Gramatik's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Can a Western democracy prevent private groups from using the country’s name/purporting to represent that country e.g. at the World Cup?

In this question about countries boycotting the World Cup, it was pointed out in several answers, quite correctly, that the national football leagues in question aren’t government agencies and the ...
KRyan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can a living being claim themselves as a sovereign nation? [duplicate]

This question is inspired by this question on Worldbuilding.SE. Please take it with the imaginative grain of salt that is WB.SE. To summarize, the question introduces landmass sized sentient nonhuman ...
Jakob Lovern's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Why do monarchs claiming titles not related to their countries not cause political tensions?

This question is a partial migration from a History SE question, where I asked how come the Spanish King claims titles that are obviously not within his grasp (the original example, King of Hungary ...
fbence's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Has the USA explicitly recognized Israeli sovereignty in West Jerusalem?

This is a question about the period of 1948-2017 - up until, but not including, the presidency of Donald Trump. During this period, had the USA ever officially, explicitly, recognized West Jeruslaem ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How deep below ground does sovereignty extend?

It is generally agreed that countries have sovereignty over their airspace but not over whatever part of outer space is above their territory. There are also international agreements about the range ...
gerrit's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Independence referendum Vs Country sovereignty

I was wondering under what conditions an independence referendum can be a valid referendum. It seems to me that no matter the outcome no sovereign nation would accept part of the country seceding. ...
Kenny Steegmans's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

At what point can a micronation establish its own laws?

If I were to buy a plot of land here in Britain and managed to bring in enough citizens to start our micronation, and we then built enough buildings, and had a supply of food and water, would we able ...
Charlie's user avatar
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17 votes
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What politically can be done to compel global compliance by Google?

It's becoming obvious that Google is rapidly being boxed in by various countries. Several years ago, the EU courts created a Right to be Forgotten, in which people in EU countries could complain to ...
Machavity's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is a cyber attack a violation of sovereignty?

Following debate on this answer about what constitutes a violation of sovereignty. I'm asking this as an independent question. Under current international law, does a cyber attack constitute as a ...
SleepingGod's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

Why is Somaliland not recognized by any country?

Somaliland is an unrecognized state in Northern Somalia. While Somalia is plagued with violence and terrorism, Somaliland has remained peaceful and separated from the war. Somaliland has its own ...
KevinZ's user avatar
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4 answers

is this definition of the State complete?

The State is an organization intended/designed/created and maintained by a People in order to make known, apply and defend People's Will. The State ensures the progress in fulfilling the People's ...
Laurence Dwin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

UN's decision to publicly endorse a political candidate

So based on the charter of the United Nations, Article 2, the organisation is based on the sovereign of every member and they will not take actions for domestic affairs (in this context, it is in a ...
sven tan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Has Syria protested the violation of its airspace by US and European military aircraft?

Often when one country violates the sovereignty of another, by military jet flyover, for example, the country protests at the United Nations since the Charter of the United Nations forbids its members ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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3 answers

What are implementation details of Taiwan independence?

"Taiwan independence" means different things to different people. In a China mindset , it is used in the sense similar to that of "Tibetan independence movement", with the premise that Taiwan is ...
user1234's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can Iraqi Kurdistan become a sovereign state?

Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani wants to hold a referendum in October 2016 in an attempt to gain independence for Iraqi Kurdistan. Will this referendum make Iraqi Kurdistan a sovereign state? If ...
KevinZ's user avatar
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When is a country recognized as a sovereign state?

In past years we have heard a lot about statehood of Palestine, and that got me wondering when a state actually becomes recognized. If you look at the Wikipedia entry for the State of Palestine it ...
pajevic's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Are ships in international waters considered the flag states territory?

Are ships flagged under state (A) considered the territory or under the sovereignty of (A)? Is boarding such a ship by a state (B) which is not the same as (A) when (B) has an illegal blockade in ...
Centril's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Are European union member states sovereign?

Because the member states have to obey some rules, such as : Placing the EU flag on the left all licence plates Have to grant freedom of movement Have to be member of the ESE and grant free trade ...
Bregalad's user avatar
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What is required for the formation of a separate state/UT in India?

Does the Govt. of India has any restriction in formation of new union territories? If yes, what are the options left for those regions with strong justifications for a separate status from the ...
Shamsu haque Barbhuiya's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is there separation of religion and state in Canada?

The reigning sovereign of Canada is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. Granted, the Monarch's role in the Government and the Church is largely ceremonial, but the truth remains that ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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What reasons does Argentina have to participate in US court proceedings against it in the debt crisis?

Argentina defaulted and restructured its sovereign debt in 2005 and again in 2010. Roughly 93% of bondholders accepted repayments of around 30% of the face value of the bonds. Some of the hold-outs ...
Sami Liedes's user avatar
3 votes
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What are the current non-Westphalian states?

One non-Westphalian state is Monaco. But what are other non-Westphalian states in the world?
Anixx's user avatar
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Which US laws apply on a Native American/ Indian Reservation?

An acquaintance was employed at a casino operated by an Indian tribe. He was fired for what would be a discriminatory reason if he were employed by a non-reservation employer. My question is, which ...
piquet's user avatar
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