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Questions tagged [serbia]

Questions related to the government or politics regarding the Republic of Serbia.

14 votes
5 answers

Have any Western analysts explained how the crimes for which the ICC recently indicted two Russian commanders, differ from the bombing of Serbia?

Personally I was a bit surprised that the ICC indicted two Russian commanders for the long-range missile attacks in Ukraine, rather than e.g. for the more clear war crimes in Bucha etc. On Tuesday, ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is the requirement of being aligned with the EU's foreign policy in order to join it written into law?

The threat Russia poses in the Western Balkans should not be exaggerated. Virulent nationalist rhetoric aside, Serbia is not beholden to the Kremlin but rather is hedging its bets, as it has done for ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Did Russia express any comment showing disapproval of Serbia potential entry into the EU?

Serbia applied to join the European Union (EU) in 2009 and has been a candidate for membership since 2012, along with nine other states. Serbia is the largest country in Southeast Europe seeking entry ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't Serbia admit 3rd party nationals who enter from Kosovo if their passport shows they have first entered Kosovo from outside of Serbia?

I read: The biggest problem is that Serbia does not admit 3rd party nationals who are entering from Kosovo if their passport bears evidence (stamps) of having first entered Kosovo from outside of ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

Has there been a judicial review of NATO's target selection in their bombing campaign against Serbia?

My question stems from the NATO campaign in Serbia in the 90s, a campaign that resulted in the bombing of marketplaces and hospitals, and in the destabilisation of the power grid. I could not find any ...
EarlGrey's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

The legality of bombing an embassy

During the bombing of Serbia, the Chinese embassy was bombed by US forces using five GPS-guided bombs. Although the US claimed that it was an accident, many believed that it was because the US aimed ...
Faito Dayo's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Apart from Serbia, have there been pro-Russia/pro-Putin demonstrations in other countries, since the war started? Up to 4,000 people have taken part in a pro-Russia demonstration in the Serbian capital. Friday's march was a show of support for Moscow after its ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
30 votes
6 answers

Serbia will not impose sanctions against Russia, why?

In Europe, there are not many countries that have not sanctioned Russia for attacking Ukraine. Serbia is one of the few that has not so far done so. What reasons have the country's leadership given ...
aca's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What level of control does Serbia maintain over Kosovo, if any?

Partially recognized states have wide varieties of levels of independence from the states that they declare themselves separate from, ranging from Taiwan having its own armed forces to Palestine not ...
Gramatik's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Why does Russia back Serbia?

On YouTube, I heard Can Kosovo survive as an independent state?, which states that Russia prevents Kosovo from joining the United Nations (UN) because Russia backs Serbia, and Serbia doesn't want ...
Raphael's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Why did the USA support Kosovo in the war against Serbia?

Wikipedia has quite an extensive article about the war in Kosovo, but it doesn't do a good job at explaining the rationale of the US/NATO joining the war. What was the official reason for escalating ...
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