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2 votes
1 answer

Why was Saudi Arabia not granted the status of "major non-NATO ally" of the US?

The present list of "major non-NATO ally" (MNNA) of the US: Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, New Zealand, Pakistan, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Which countries has the US publicly threatened to sanction if they expel US troops, say, in the past 25 years?

Back in 2020, When Iraq’s parliament voted to expel American troops from the country Sunday, it was an apparent bid by the government to extract the country from an escalating US-Iran proxy war. [...]...
1 vote
1 answer

Vital US interests: how are they defined and are they different between Republicans and Democrats?

In March 2022, the White House declared the ultimate goals of the DoD in their National Defense Strategy (NDS). I did not read it, because as far as I know it is still classified, but I found ...
2 votes
3 answers

Can defense acquisitions by countries be kept secret?

Or are they usually are? Take for example between US and its allies. In modern days, are there any safe guards for them to be kept classified. Or safeguards to be kept transparent? Take for example: ...
0 votes
2 answers

What are the societal and economic benefits of Britain's military spending?

The United Kingdom spends considerably more on defense as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) among countries with a similar need. According to Wikipedia, the United Kingdom spends 2.2% of ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is Jake Sullivan's position on defending Taiwan?

I'd like to know what National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan's position is regarding deploying troops to Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack/invasion. I've asked the related but different ...
4 votes
0 answers

What is Jake Sullivan's policy on arming and supplying Taiwan?

I'd like to know what the current US National Security Advisor (Jake Sullivan)'s position on arming and supplying Taiwan is. The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (APNSA), ...
26 votes
5 answers

Has Russia recognized land currently held by Ukraine as sovereign territory of the LPR/DPR?

In the context of the recognition of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic by Russia, I cannot seem to find whether the territories of said republics correspond only to what ...
0 votes
2 answers

What would a Green Party's position be when their country is under military invasion? [closed]

This question is referring to political parties that advocate green politics in general, rather than any specific party in a particular country. While I understand that pacifist and anti-war policies ...
19 votes
3 answers

Why does Trump want to increase military spending?

From what I understand, Trump is an isolationist / non-interventionist, at least more so than previous presidents. On the other hand, Trump wants to massively increase military spending: [Trump] ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to solve the problem of the U.S. military's dependence upon Chinese Rare Earth Materials? [closed]

Right now, our military is in the hands of China. They hold 97% of the world's rare earth supply and they control our military and economy with this supply. Rare earths are in every sort of ...