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What non-WMD weapons were Saddam Hussein prohibited from buying?

The Wikipedia page of UNSCR 1441 (the last one before the invasion, reiterating what had been said in previous resolutions and giving a 'final chance') says this: Iraq's breaches related not only to ...
edelex's user avatar
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What are the consequences for Iraq if it chooses to not repay the amount of war reparation owed?

After the Gulf War, Iraq accepted United Nations Security Council Resolution 687, which declared Iraq's financial liability for damage caused in its invasion of Kuwait.[17] The United Nations ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Iran-Iraq War compensations claims

Recently an Iranian MP demanded the Iraqi government to pay Iran more than 1 trillion US dollars as damages for Iran-Iraq War. The MP based his claim on Article 6 of UN Resolution 598. I wonder if ...
Haider Atrah's user avatar