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Questions tagged [reparations]

Repayments in the form of money or other aid as a means to make amends for the wrongs committed

2 votes
2 answers

In what context did Larry Summers say sending Russian foreign exchange and/or central bank reserves to Ukraine would 'not be setting a bad precedent'?

After about 23:15 in Scott Galloway's new Conversation with Fareed Zakaria — The Conflict in Israel and the State of Foreign Affairs addresses a possible western solution to "Western fatigue"...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 answers

Has Poland also ever tried to demand reparations from Slovakia?

Poland is demanding reparations from Germany and it even would like to demand reparations from Russia. Both countries have invaded Poland in 1939, but Germany and Russia (USSR) were not the only ...
convert's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

Why is Poland demanding $1.3 trillion in reparations from Germany, but not $x trillions from Russia?

It's a safe assumption that Russia won't pay a dime. However, comparing 5+ years of German vs 's 50-ish years of Russian occupation, couldn't Poland make a point about the colonial damaged caused by ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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Was now really the right moment for Poland to demand concrete reparations from Germany? [duplicate]

According to this Reuters article, Poland is demanding approximately $1.3 trillion in reparations from Germany. If it wasn't Reuters, I would think this is just what many here call "Russian ...
convert's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

What are the pros and cons of demanding 1.3 trillion in reparation from Germany for the Polish government? What are the pros and cons of demanding 1.3 trillion in reparation from Germany?...
Sayaman's user avatar
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6 answers

What would it take to require Russia to pay war reparations to Ukraine?

According to this about $1 trillion dollars of Russian assets have been frozen by the international community This money is currently 'frozen', not 'taken' i.e. there's an expectation that it will at ...
ConanTheGerbil's user avatar
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What are the consequences for Iraq if it chooses to not repay the amount of war reparation owed?

After the Gulf War, Iraq accepted United Nations Security Council Resolution 687, which declared Iraq's financial liability for damage caused in its invasion of Kuwait.[17] The United Nations ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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42 votes
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Did Poland ever apologize for its alliance with Germany before 1939?

It is not widely known now, but, before 1939, Poland and Nazi Germany were neighbours with very good relations: Czechoslovakia was occupied by both Nazi Germany and Poland. Poland was the first ...
user2501323's user avatar
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What are reasons for a country to apologise long after the fact?

Background In comments under the question about the UK's refusal to apologise for the Amritsar massacre there has been some discussion in the comments about whether there is any point in apologising ...
JJJ's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Would slavery reparations be considered Bills of Attainder and hence Illegal in the US?

Recently, a few aspiring 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates (specifically Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren) have spoken out in favor of "reparations" to black people for American Slavery, which ...
user23920's user avatar
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What are the primary source records which document the reasons for President Andrew Johnson's voiding of Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15?

William T. Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15 Order by the Commander of the Military Division of the Mississippi IN THE FIELD, SAVANNAH, GA., January 16th, 1865. SPECIAL FIELD ORDERS, No. ...
guest271314's user avatar
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How do the proponents of reparations to the descendants of US slaves plan to identify the correct recipients?

I have heard arguments that reparations should be given to the descendants of US slaves, usually monetary compensation. For instance, the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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Do any treaties include punitive damages from a nuclear attack?

So far there have been two nuclear strikes against populous areas world wide, those being Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Since then, while tests and threats have been somewhat common, there has never been a ...
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